Title: Livable Philadelphia
1Livable Philadelphia
- Megan Findley
- Amanda Taylor
- Laurie Klotz
- Margaret Bass
- 5th largest city in US (by population)
- Population 1,517,550
- 45 white
- 43 African American
- 4.5 Asian
- 8.5 Latino
- 2000 Census
3Scanning Philadelphias Policy Issues
- Economic Revitalization
- Decentralization/Sprawl
- City/Suburban Tax Gap
- Public Transportation
- Open Land Preservation
- Industrial Pollution
- Education
- Housing Supply
- Crime
- Historic Preservation
4Issues in Focus
- Economic Revitalization
- Industrial Pollution
- Historic Preservation
- Education
5Economic Revitalization
- Characterized by decentralization
- 30 of workers employed in central city
- 18 of the Citys residents have higher education
- Median household income 30,746
- 22.9 live below poverty level
6Economic Revitalization Philadelphias
- More than half of the countrys universities are
located in central cities - Houses more the 80 colleges and universities
- Provides a spending impact that exceeds 6.4
billion annually - Provides unique resources and a mechanism to
partner with surrounding businesses and
7Economic Revitalization The Knowledge Industry
A coalition of civic, business, government, and
higher education officials collaborating to
improve the role of universities in the area.
- Goals
- Attracting talent to the region
- Creating an educated, skilled worker pool
- 3. Stimulating innovative and entrepreneurial
8Economic Revitalization A Partnership between
the University of Pennsylvania and West Philly
Goals 1. Promote Safe and Clean Neighborhoods 2.
Improve Single and Multi-Family Housing
Choices 3. Create a Penn-Assisted K to 8 Public
9Industrial Pollution
- PA ranks among top 10 worst power plant emissions
- PA 3rd worst power plant mercury emissions
- Philadelphia Co. has highest risks in state for
exposure to air toxics - Levels of air toxics are 279 times EPAs safe
levels of carcinogens
Sources http//www.nrdc.org/air/pollution/cep/cph
10Industrial PollutionKey Policy Issues
- Equity
- Minority Populations are at highest risk
- Public Health
- 35,405 asthma attacks
- 3,329 non-fatal heart attacks
- 1,825 premature deaths
- Philadelphia 4 in deaths per capita among metro
regions nationwide
- Clean Water
- Ranks 5 with 53,962 miles of river under
statewide mercury advisories - Advisories extend to Great Lakes and connecting
waterways - Among Top 20 states for expenditures on
recreational fishing
11Industrial Pollution Federal Legislation
- New Source Review
- Industrial base excused from modern air pollution
- Clear Skies Legislation
- Changes safeguards for downwind states
- Some of worst pollution comes from OH and other
mid-western states
12Historic Preservation Benefits
- Benefits
- Protect historical cultural resources
- Promote community pride
- Encourage neighborhood revitalization
- Improve quality of life
- Limitations
- Restrictions of what homeowners can do to their
13Historic Preservation Neighborhood Districts
- Philadelphia Historical Commission (PHC)
- 10,000 historically designated sites, buildings,
objects structures, districts - 8 Historic Districts with at least 3 pending
Districts - Benefits outweigh restrictions
- Threats
- Poll data
- Funding
- No Child Left Behind
- Annual Yearly Assessments
15Education Key Policy Issues
- Volunteer projects childrens education
- Home depot book bins
- Reading stars
- Kids around town
- Discovery
- Funding Redistribution
- Declaration for Education
- School Reform Commission
- Charter Schools
16A Livable Philadelphia
Economic Revitalization
Industrial Pollution
Historic Preservation