Title: Rick Homans
1The 2005 El Paso Economic Summit
Economic Impact of Transportation Infrastructure
August 17, 2005 El Paso, Texas
Rick Homans Secretary of Economic Development
Department State of New Mexico
2Paso del Norte Rail Relocation
The importance of Three States, Two Nations
working together for the Region
3Paso del Norte Rail Relocation A project of
National or Regional Significance
- 13 of U.S. freight rail traffic moves through
this region - UPRR now limited to 45 trains/day needs capacity
for 70 trains/day - Homeland/Border Security concerns with two
downtown international rail bridges for hazmat
crossings - Project would reduce pollution and congestion and
improve in both El Paso and Cd. Juarez - Project is of national and regional
significance - An international project improving international
trade between the U.S. and Mexico
4Current Status
- TEA Funding Authorization A Project of National
and Regional Significance - 14 million authorization for planning, studies,
and engineering - A joint request by Senators Domenici, Hutchison,
Cornyn and Bingaman - Supported by NM Congressional delegation and
Cong. Reyes - A commitment by New Mexico and Texas to jointly
pursue the project - TXDOT and Texas statutory capabilities for
bi-state and bi-national project funding - New Mexico commitment of 500,000 for planning
studies and preliminary engineering
5Project Goals
- Improve the efficiency of goods movement and
mobility - Decrease or eliminate cross-border train movement
through congested, urban El Paso/Juarez area - Provide opportunity for block swapping and
intermodal interchange west of Tucumcari junction - Provide better location for fueling stops and
crew changes - Mitigate environmental impacts associated with
increased demand for goods movement - Stimulate trade-related economic activities and
create jobs - Stimulate land development
- Enhance the quality of life throughout the region
- Improve safety and security
6 The Project provides significant benefits
7Three States committed to work together for a
better future in our Region