Title: Knowledge Discovery in the Semantic Web
1Knowledge Discovery in the Semantic Web
NSF award ITR-IIS-0325464 U. Georgia Sheth
(PI), Arpinar (CO-PI), Kochut, Miller NSF award
ITR-IIS-0325172 UMBC Joshi (PI), Yesha (CO-PI),
The Web Of Belief (WOB) Approach
Objectives Design, prototype and evaluate a
system supporting the discovery, indexing,
querying, and ranking of complex sem-antic
relationships on the Semantic Web. The system
maintains and utilizes provenance, trust, and
rank information to enhance relationship
discovery in a distributed environment.
Improve knowledge associability
The WOB ontology captures associations
Improve knowledge connectivity
Find social paths across multiple networks
Improve knowledge credibility
Provenance and trust aware justification
Improve knowledge availability
Select/integrate knowledge from multiple sources
Integrate multiple social networks Find trust
path and propagate trust across social networks
from multiple sources
- The Web of Belief Ontology
- Entities Agent, Statement, Document
- Associations Justification, Belief, Trust
Select/Integrate knowledge from multiple
sources Our demo shows a fused personal profile
with provenance information, which helps us
address knowledge credibility.