Title: the load reflection coefficient behavior is given
1Notes on the reflection coefficient on lossless
- the load reflection coefficient behavior is given
- as r and x vary, what exactly does GL do?
- lets plot G in the complex plane
- for any non-negative value of Re(Z) (i.e., r 0)
and any value of Im(Z), G falls on or within the
unit circle in the complex G plane
- pick a value of x, then vary r
- pick a value of r, then vary x
2Relationships between G and Z
- note relation between G and the normalized
- consider G in complex plane
- so the relationship between the normalized
impedance and the real and imaginary parts of G is
3Relationships between G and Z
4Plot of reflection coefficient in complex plane
- plot G as a function of r
- these are circles!
curves of constant r Re(Z)
5Plot of reflection coefficient
- plot G as a function of x
- x
curves of constant x Im(Z)
6Plot of reflection coefficient in complex plane
- the Smith Chart is a plot of the reflection
coefficient in the complex plane, with contours
of constant load resistance and load reactance
7Plot of reflection coefficient in complex plane
- lets plot in the complex plane
- example
- ZLn 0.5 j0.5
- you go all the way around the circle when l is
such that 2bl 2p - recall b 2p/l, so you go all the way around
when l l/2 !
8Plot of reflection coefficient in complex plane
- recall the input impedance is
- tangent is periodic with period p, so you repeat
every time bl mp - recall b 2p/l, so you get back to the same
impedance when l ml/2 ! - you can find Z(l) directly from the Smith chart!
- applet
9The Smith Chart
- the Smith chart also has a phase angle scale
measured using distance in units of wavelengths - link to high res smith chart
- why? because the angle of G is
- direction of increasing l, or equivalently
- away from load
- towards generator
10Example 1
- recall the input impedance is
- example
- ZLn 0.5 j0.5
- mark on Smith chart
- angle of GL is 0.088l
- what is the input impedance if l l/4?
- angle of G at this distance is (0.088 0.25)l
0.338l - read the Smith chart
- Z( l l/4) 1 j 0.9
- applet
11Example 2
- recall the input impedance is
- example
- ZLn 2 j(-1.2)
- mark on Smith chart
- angle of GL is 0.288l
- what is the input impedance if l 0.232l?
- angle of G at this distance is (0.288 0.232)l
(0.52)l (0.50.02)l - read the Smith chart
- Z( l 0.232l) 0.4 j 0.1
- applet
x -1.2
12Transmission line applets
- various
- http//www.eecg.toronto.edu/bradel/projects/trans
missionline/ - http//fermi.la.asu.edu/w9cf/tran/
- matching (single stub) http//home3.netcarrier.com
/chan/EM/PROGRAMS/STUBMATCH/ - Smith chart
- pointer on chart gives gamma and impedance
- http//www.ntu.edu.sg/eee/eee5/el/smithchart/
- http//www.ee.ust.hk/eee/course/elec241/java/Smith
Chart.html - local link
- how tos
- http//www.web-ee.com/primers/files/SmithCharts/sm
ith_charts.htm - http//cnx.rice.edu/content/m1060/latest/
13L-C transmission line summary
- lossless L-C transmission line