Title: Pairing and twonucleon correlations
1Pairing and two-nucleon correlations
- Herbert Müther
- Universität Tübingen
- with T. Frick, A. Rios, W.H. Dickhoff, A. Polls
- and A. Sedrakian
- Pairing of dressed nucleons
- Self-consistent Greens functions (dressed
nucleons) - SCGF plus BCS
- Pairing of fermions with different abundancies
- Blocking effect
- Pairing and symmetry breaking (LOFF, DFS)
2Mean field BCS in Infinite Nuclear Matter
1S0 neutron-neutron pairing in nuclear matter at
half saturation density
- momentum depend. D(k)
- diff. NN interaction
- diff. Single-particle spectra
- very similar to pairing gaps in finite nuclei.
3Proton Neutron Pairing in symmetric nuclear
matter at saturation density
pn pairing gap much larger than nn Obvious
pn interaction more attractive But
finite nuclei?
4 Greens function and T-matrix approach
- Single-particle Greens function
- Dyson equation
- Self-energy , T-matrix
g(w) g0(w) g0(w) S(w) g(w)
- Pairing instability
- Finite temperature
5Self-energy and spectral function
- Strength above and below the Fermi energy as in
BCS - gapless superfluidity ?
- Real and imaginary part of the retarded
self-energy - kF 1.35 fm-1 ,T 5 MeV, k 1.14 fm-1
6 BCS in the framework of SCGF
- Generalized Greens function Extend
Generalized Dyson equation Gorkov equation
Leads to e.g.
gpair g - g D f
7Pairing Self-energy D, generalized Gap equation
- F(w) Fermi function
- If we replace S(k,w) by HF approx. and Spair(k,w)
by BCS Usual Gap equation - If we take Spair(k,w) S(k,w) Corresponds to
the homgenous solution of T-matrix eq.
8Proton neutron pairing in nuclear matter
Using CDBonn Dashed lines quasiparticle
poles Solid lines dressed nucleons No pairing
at saturation density
9Pairing and spectral function
Spectral functions S(k,w) dashed Spair(k,w)
solid r 0.08 fm-3 T 0.5 MeV k 193 MeV/c
0.9 kF
10Pairing in neutron matter
Dressing effects weaker, but non-negligible
11Blocking Effect in asymmetric matter
- the DFS phase is favored as compared to LOFF.
Pairing suppressed
Loophole Pair with finite momenta
LOFF Larkin, Ovchinnikov, Fulde, Ferell
12Pairing Gap in the LOFF phase
- For small asymmetries
- Maximal gap at P0
- For large asymmetries
- Maximal gap at finite P
- There is a region of
- asymmetries, in which
- pairing at finite P only
13Deformed Fermi Surfaces
- Blocking effects in
- asymmetric nuclear matter
Alternative Loophole Deformed Fermi Surfaces (we
consider quadrupole deformation only)
- Gain in Energy Pairing
- Loss in Energy kinetic energy
14Gap parameter in DFS
Prolate neutron and oblate proton Fermi surface
DFS yields breaking of rotational symmetry
only Neutrons with highest momenta along one
axes Protons with highest momenta in a
plane perpendicular to axes
15DFS versus LOFF
- General case where finite momentum and
deformations are allowed - Starting from the DFS phase ground state and
adding finite momentum always increases the
energy! DFS is the minimum - Starting from the LOFF phase small perturbations
reduce the energy LOFF phase is unstable!
Free energy of the combined LOFF DFS phases at
fixed asymmetry
r0.17 fm-3, a0.35, T3 MeV
- Consistent treatment of short-range and pairing
correlations - Short-range correlations quench pairing
significantly - No proton-neutron pairing at normal density
- Correlation effects are weaker in neutron matter
- Pairing correlations lead to breaking of
symmetries - The DFS phase is favored as compared to LOFF
(Nuclear Matter, Atom Gas, Quark Matter)