Title: Local Area Agreement for Herts:
1 Local Area Agreement for Herts Raising the
profile of VCS deliveryAchieving the
volunteering target
2- LAA key messages for the VCS
- LAA is a big jigsaw puzzle - Linking a possible
10,000 VCS organisations - It creates new relationships focus on working
better together - Better delivery not just more delivery renewed
focus on rewards and outcomes - Its about the day job need to match outcomes
and targets to existing services - VCS has a clear and key role to play
leadership, service delivery and building social
3- Importance of voluntary sector representatives
- Role on District LSPs and countywide partnerships
- Strategic leaders and opinion formers
- Local knowledge powerhouses
- Can do partners
4- Targets and the Voluntary and Community Sector
- The percentage of people (aged 16 and over) who
affirm they have undertaken formal volunteering
in groups, clubs or organisations for at least an
average of two hours a week or more over a 12
month period (as measure through countywide
survey). - The percentage of people (aged 16 and over) from
'hard to reach' groups who undertake formal
volunteering for at least an average of two hours
a week or more over a 12 month period (as
measured through countywide survey). - Reduce the percentage of people surveyed who
consider teenagers hanging around on the streets
to be a big or fairly big problem in their local
area by 4 by 2009. - To increase the percentage of adults aged 45
participating in at least 30 minutes moderate
intensity sport and active recreation (including
recreational walking and recreational cycling) on
3 or more days a week by 4 (2009).
5LAA Block Health and Older People HAPAS Are
you concerned about your drinking?
LAA Block Economic Development and
Enterprise Bite Size Herts Intro to computers
LAA Block Children and Young People Grandparents
Association Mentoring Scheme
LAA block Safer Stronger Communities Neighbourh
ood Watch Volunteer or befriending schemes
6LAA Block Health and Older People Volunteers
LAA Block Economic Development and
Enterprise Offers mentoring to new social
LAA Block Children and Young People Part of
Developing Counselling in Schools team
LAA block Safer Stronger Communities Volunteers
with Age Concern
7Headlines for Stevenage
- 302 volunteers registered with Volunteer Centre
in 2006 13 increase on 2005 - Increase in the number of volunteers aged lt 25 to
one in 3 - 9 registered or self classified disabled
- 22 from BME communities
- Increase in the number of unemployed from 15 to
8- The Challenges Ahead
- Inspiring and Engaging through a Volunteering
brand identity - Maximising existing initiatives and building new
partnerships - Accessing additional funding
- Strengthening Volunteer Centre network
- Championing volunteering by enlisting influential
partners as ambassadors across all sectors