Title: by the Theme Team, presented by Vladimir Ryabinin, WCRP
1(by the Theme Team, presented by Vladimir
Ryabinin, WCRP)
Why a talk on the IGOS-Cryo at a GIIPSY meeting?
GIIPSY is one of the IGOS Cryo
recommendations Support to GIIPSY may be
generated under the umbrella of IPY but
successful follow-up after IPY requires agreement
of main observing systems, their coordinators,
sponsors and research groups - IGOS-Cryo is there
to build the legacy
2opens the door to the
Main Earth observation coordination consortia
- Integrated Global Observing Strategy-Partnership
(IGOS-P), 13 international and UN organizations - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
(CEOS), 45 space agencies and Earth observation
data users operating more than 100 satellites - Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the Global
Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS)
3Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS)
UN Organisations
Committee on Earth Observing Satellites
International science support and coordination
Global Observing Systems
4What is an IGOS Theme ?
- Idea to prepare a report approved by IGOSP
- Report
- Its review by the community
- Approved Report (by CEOS SIT and IGOS
Partnership) - Implementation
IGOS Themes
5- Cryosphere
- is undergoing dramatic changes, mostly as a
consequence of climate change, and provides best
indicators for it - is one of the most under-sampled elements within
the climate system - is important (water, climate, transport, etc.)
Approved by IGOSP-11, Rome, Italy, 27 May 2004
- User-requirement product driven
- Has a 10 year time frame
- Goal 1 resources for observations
- Goal 2 stronger commitment by observing system
operators to sustain the observing system - Goal 3 better coordination
Team Jeff Key (Chair) and 50 contributors from
14 countries
6developmentwebsite (designed and run by J.
7Draft Report 1st release
Preface Foreword Executive Summary 1. The
Cryosphere Theme 2. Applications of Cryospheric
Data 3. Terrestrial Snow 4. Sea Ice 5. Lake
and River Ice 6. Ice Sheets 7. Glaciers and Ice
Caps 8. Surface Temperature and Albedo of Snow
and Ice 9. Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen
Ground 10. Solid Precipitation 11. An Integrated
and Coordinated Observing System 12.
Implementation App. A. References App. B.
Observational Capabilities and Requirements App.
C. Satellite Missions in Support of the
Cryosphere Theme App. D. Acronyms App. E.
Contributors App. F. Web Sites for Further
8Way forward
Phases 1 2007-2009, IPY 2 2010-2015 3 After
Open review deadline 15 January 2007 please
contribute reflecting GIIPSY needs and proposals
giving comments! (preferably using forum on
the website) Incorporation of results second
half of January 2007 Submission to CEOS and IGOS
March, April 2007 Approval expected at the end
of May 2007 Printing June 2007 Implementation
elements are already starting
Thank you !