Title: McIntyre CROI 2005
1Phase IIB HIV Vaccine Trials viral load
endpoints looking for efficacy Glenda
Gray Perinatal HIV Research UnitUniversity of
the WitwatersrandChris Hani Baragwanath
HospitalJohannesburg, South Africa
2Scope Rational for a phase IIB TOC vaccine trial
vs Phase III HIV vaccine trial Viral load
endpoints in a phase IIB TOC HVTN 503 phase IIB
3- A preventive vaccine should
- Mimic the effects of natural exposure to microbes
- Provide long lasting protection against infection
- Serve as a free standing prevention method
- Presently
- There is a lack of knowledge of the quality and
quantity of immune responses required for
protection against HIV or the development of
4Features of a Phase IIB Test of Concept HIV
Vaccine Trial
- Provide a rapid preliminary assessment of whether
a vaccine concept is sufficiently promising to
warrant advancement to a pivotal phase III trial
(intended to inform the stop-go decisions) - Be a randomised double blind placebo controlled
trial in an at risk population - Directly evaluate efficacy using selected
endpoints that augment immunogenicity - Virological and Immunological follow up
participants that become infected on the trial
will provide valuable information on the effect
of vaccine on disease progression
5Potential Differences between a phase IIB-TOC and
phase III pivotal trial design
WHO/UNAIDS/IAVI International Expert Group, AIDS,
6Phase IIB-TOC and Phase III pivotal trials
WHO/UNAIDS/IAVI International Expert Group, AIDS,
7Phase II Screening Test of Concept Trials (STOC)
- Novel approach to gather preliminary efficacy
data in a short period of time in fewer trial
participants - STOC 30 incident HIV infections to detect a 1
log reduction of viral load which would require a
4 HIV incidence and 500 subjects with 18 months
post-vaccination follow up
Wayne Koff, IAVI 2007
8HIV-1 Virologic and Immunologic Progression and
Initiation of ART among HIV-1 infected subjects
in a trial of the efficacy of rgp120 Vaccine
Gilbert PB, JID, 2005
9CTL-based vaccines
10- Role of CTL/CMI based HIV vaccines
- A vaccine that may induce a strong T-cell
mediated immune response in the absence of
broadly neutralizing antibodies that may prove
beneficial even if infection is not completely
prevented - Vaccine-induced T-cell responses may blunt
initial viraemia and prevent the early and
massive destruction of memory CD4T cells that
help control infection and prolong disease-free
survival - Such a vaccine may impact on secondary
transmission of HIV if the vaccine helps control
viral replication
11- Evaluating CTL-based vaccines
- Vaccine efficacy-susceptibility (VEs) reduction
in risk of acquiring HIV infection - Vaccine efficacy-disease progression (VEp) Need
to demonstrate that the initial reduction in
viral load set-point results in a clinical
benefit - Vaccine efficacy-disease progression (VEp) Need
to demonstrate the durability of T-cell mediated
control of infection - Vaccine efficacy-infectiousness (VEi) Need to
demonstrate that vaccination reduced the spread
of HIV in the community
12Johnston M, Fauci A. N Engl J Med
- Vaccine efficacy-disease progression (VEp)
- Reduce peak viremia
- VL set-point
- CD4 count
- Durability of VL reduction
- Time to initiate ART
13Course of HIV Infection in Unvaccinated Persons
and the Hypothetical Course of Infection in
Vaccinated Persons
Johnston M, Fauci A. N Engl J Med
14- Viral Load as a measure of efficacy may be
affected by - Gender
- Age
- Sub-type
- Region
- HLA (HLAB5701 allele)
- Route of infection
15Impact of Early HIV RNA and T-lymphocyte Dynamics
during Primary HIV-1 infection and the Subsequent
Course of HIV-1 RNA levels and CD4T-Lymphocytes
in the first year of HIV-1 infection Kaufmann GR,
JAIDS, 1999
16Review of early natural history of HIV infection
by region, sub-type, gender in cohort studies
17Disease Progression in Sero-Convertors
predictors of undetectable viremia without ART
(France). Madec Y, Clin Infect Dis, 2005
NOTE. Data are median (range), unless
otherwise indicated. a In multivariate
logistic regression, adjusted for the 6
variables. b 26 years (33rd
percentile) vs. gt26 years. c For each 100
cells/mm3. d 3.76 log10 copies/mL
(33rd percentile) vs. gt3.76 log10
copies/mL. e Data available for 31 subjects
with undetectable viremia and 343 subjects with
detectable viremia. f 2.61 log10
copies/mL (33rd percentile) vs. gt2.61 log10
copies/mL. g Data available for 35 subjects
with undetectable viremia and 369 subjects with
detectable viremia during follow-up.
Median duration of undetectable viremia was 11,2
19Viral Load and CD4 Count following HIV-1
sero-conversion (sub-type B) impact of gender
and region
20Viral Load and CD4 post sero-conversion in Asia
Impact of Region
Cascade Median Age to AIDS was 11 years Lancet
21Disease Progression in Sero-Convertors in Africa
Sterling TR, NEJM, 2001
23Gender, Age and Route of Infection
Touloumi G, AIDS, 2004 Cascade Collaboration
24Age and Sex
Touloumi G, AIDS, 2004 Cascade Collaboration
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27HVTN 503 Primary Hypotheses
- Primary Safety
- The MRKAd5 HIV-1 gag/pol/nef vaccine will be safe
and well tolerated in 18 to 35-year old HIV-1
seronegative adults. - Co-Primary Efficacy
- Infection endpoint
- Subjects who receive the vaccine will have a
lower likelihood of acquiring HIV-1 infection
than those who receive placebo - AND/OR
- Viral load endpoint
- Among subjects who become HIV-1 infected, those
who receive the vaccine will have a smaller
average viral load set-point at 3 months post
seroconversion than those who receive placebo - Ensure sufficient power for efficacy analysis in
subgroup with baseline Ad5 titers lt 200
28 Key questions addressed by the HVTN 503
phase IIB TOC trial
- Will CMI responses elicited by the vaccine
- Prevent persistent HIV infection and/or
- Control HIV viral replication if infection does
occur - What is the impact of pre-existing Ad5 titer on
immunogenicity - What is the role of clade in vaccine protection?
- That is, will a clade B-based vaccine designed to
elicit cellular immunity demonstrate efficacy in
non- Clade B regions? - It is likely not feasible to develop a different
vaccine targeted against each HIV-1 clade. - Our ability as a scientific community to provide
tailor-made vaccine for specific regions and
ensure specificity is not realistic.
29 HVTN 503 phase IIB TOC
- A Test-of-Concept South African Study
- Address efficacy Merck Ad 5 trivalent vaccine in
a - Subtype C region
- Predominantly heterosexual populations
- The key question addressed by the RSA Study
- Will the efficacy of the vaccine be influenced by
HIV-1 subtype - South Africa has studied non-Clade C vaccines
(IAVI, HVTN) - Other questions addressed by the RSA Study
- Markedly enhance the information on efficacy in
women - Refine the assessment of the impact of
pre-existing Ad5 titers - More than double the number of endpoints to
enhance the evaluation of correlates of
- Results from properly designed phase IIb TOC
trials will help with the decision to move ahead
with a pivotal trial or go back to the drawing
board - Phase IIB TOC will provide further data on viral
dynamics in early infection. - Phase IIB TOC trials will further elucidate the
interaction between virus and the immune system
that will inform vaccine design and development
31Acknowledgments HVTN Core Larry Corey Ann
Duerr Niles Eaton HVTN 503 Investigators Jim
Kublin Linda Gail Bekker Gavin Churchyard Koleka
Mlisani Mophashane Nchabeleng
NIAID Peggy Johnston Jorge Flores Alan
Fix PHRU Guy de Bruyn James McIntyre Eftyhia