CS 3210 Fall 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 3210 Fall 2006


mask Entry. Let's say a file is owning group readable but also writable by joe ... A new mask entry is added that defines the upper bound of group class permissions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 3210 Fall 2006

CS 3210Fall 2006
  • Access Control
  • Lists (ACLs)

  • ACLs provide fine-grain control over access
  • Augment existing owner, group, other (rwx)
  • Other bits setuid, setgid, sticky bit
  • Based on a POSIX non-standard ?
  • Available in the 2.6 kernel and most other vendor
    UNIXes but some incompatibilities
  • User-level utilities getfacl, setfacl
  • Implemented using Extended Attributes (EA)

Basic Ideas
  • A per-file set (list) of ACL entries
  • Each entry provides permissions for
  • Named user userpwhrw-
  • Named group groupfacr-x
  • Traditional mode bits grouprwx, other---
  • Important for ACLs to work seamlessly with
    existing permission model
  • Apps that are not ACL-aware should still work

Minimal and Extended ACLs
  • A file with no special ACLs added is said to have
    minimal ACLs
  • One entry for owner, group, other
  • All files always have three minimal entries
  • (at least conceptually)
  • Files with more than three entries is said to
    have extended ACLs
  • Extended ACLs include a special mask entry
  • Mask entry helps models work together properly

Combined Model
  • The group entry in the conventional model defines
    permission for the owning group
  • Recall that users may be in more than one group
    but not files (under the conventional model)
  • Under the combined model all user and group
    entries are said to define the group class
    (which contains the owning group entry)

mask Entry
  • Lets say a file is owning group readable but
    also writable by joe
  • The group class permissions no longer correspond
    to the owning group permissions
  • A new mask entry is added that defines the upper
    bound of group class permissions
  • Things that ANY group or user can do
  • The UNION

Effective Permissions
  • chmod operates on group class (mask)
  • Group class can disable (mask) other permissions
  • Effective permission computed by ANDing bits
  • Example
  • Named user userjoer-x (101)
  • mask maskrw- (110)
  • Effective permission r-- (100)
  • getfacl prints effective permission (comment)
  • getfacl file ? userjoerw effective r-x

Default ACLs
  • Two flavors
  • Access ACLs (what we just talked about)
  • Default ACLs
  • Permissions associated with directories
  • Directories can have both access and default
  • New files inherit default ACLs of parent
    directory as their access ACLs
  • Subdirectories inherit both
  • Permissions further modified by creat() mode
  • umask has no effect when default ACLs are present

Examples (1)
  • getfacl dir
  • file dir
  • owner agruen
  • group suse
  • userrwx
  • groupr-x
  • other---
  • setfacl m userjoerwx dir (modify)

Examples (2)
  • getfacl omit-header dir
  • userrwx
  • userjoerwx
  • groupr-x
  • maskrwx
  • other---
  • ls l dir
  • drwrwx--- agruen suse dir

Examples (3)
  • chmod g-w dir
  • ls dl dir
  • drwxr-x---
  • getfacl omit-header dir
  • userrwx
  • userjoerwx effectiver-x
  • groupr-x
  • maskr-x
  • other---

Examples (4)
  • chmod gw dir
  • ls dl dir
  • drwxrwx---
  • getfacl omit-header dir
  • userrwx
  • userjoerwx
  • groupr-x
  • maskrwx
  • other---

Default ACL Examples
  • See paper

Access Check Algorithm
  • Complex but well-detailed algorithm
  • Find closest matching ACL entry
  • Look in order owner, named user, group, others
  • Any matching group entry (with permission) is
  • A single entry needed to determine access

Access Check Algorithm (2)
  • Step 1
  • if owner, use owner entry
  • else if named entry, use named entry
  • else if in owning group, use owning group entry
  • else if in named group with permission, use that
  • else if permission denied by named group or user,
  • else user other entry
  • Step 2
  • grant if matching entry provides access and is
  • owner or other OR
  • named user/group, owning group AND mask gives

Extended Attributes (1)
  • ACLs represent additional file meta-data
  • Problem no space in inode!
  • Instead of ad-hoc solution, Linux added a general
    mechanism for meta-data
  • Extended Attributes (EA)
  • man 5 attr
  • arbitrary key-value pairs
  • setfattr n key v value foo
  • getfattr n key foo

Extended Attributes (2)
  • EA has per-filesystem implementation
  • Ext2/3 implementation
  • Per-file EA block (i_facl_block field in inode)
  • Fixed-size (all EAs must fit in one block)
  • Complex sharing optimization (between files)
  • Caching, LRU lists for efficient access
  • Key/value treated as un-interpreted binary data
  • Note ACLs slow access
  • Disk access to get ACLs on open
  • Regular permissions are stored in inode

ACL Implementation
  • Per-filesystem implementations
  • libacl, user-level utilities, kernel support
  • No getfacl(), setfacl() system calls
  • Uses getfattr(), setfattr() system calls instead

  • See paper for performance studies
  • Significant cost for file create, open
  • Amortized over file access
  • Most significant for small, short-lived files
  • Which are very common, actually
  • Implementations not highly optimized

  • ACLs provide useful capabilities
  • Some extra work for users, sysadmins
  • Cognitive complexity to understand model
  • Not implemented for all filesystems
  • Subtle differences between vendors
  • Applications must be ACL-aware to benefit
  • No kernel file copy
  • Apps open one file, create another, copy bits
  • New file must preserve ACLs
  • Only possible if copy application is ACL-aware
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