Title: NASTER Workshop July 10 Introduction
1NASTER Workshop July 10Introduction
Time Title Who Organization
100-130 Objective of 2nd Generation NAST Steve Mango IPO
130-145 NAST-I Status John Battcher NASA LaRC
145-200 NAST-I Lessons Learned Michael Gazarik NASA LaRC
200-215 S-HIS Lessons Learned Fred Best UW SSEC
215-245 NASTER Strawman Requirements Bill Smith NASA LaRC
245-300 Break
2NASTER Workshop July 10Major Subsystems
Time Area Discussion Lead Organization
300-330 Detectors Dan Mooney MIT LL
330-400 Cooling Ron Huppi UT SRL
400-430 Optics Francois Chateauneuf ABB
430-500 FTIR Francois Chateauneuf ABB
500-530 Calibration Fred Best Hank Revercomb UW SSEC
530-545 Electronics Michael Gazarik NASA LaRC
3NASTER Workshop July 11Consolidation
Time Topic Discussion Lead Organization
900-1000 Technology/Cost/Schedule Trades Dan Mooney MIT LL
1000-1100 Draft System Requirements Michael Gazarik NASA LaRC
1100-1145 Potential Leverage with other FTIR Programs All
1145-1200 Wrap and Summary Michael Gazarik NASA LaRC