Title: Key Decision Log Lesson Objectives
1Key Decision Log Lesson Objectives
- Describe the KDL
- purpose,
- information requested,
- timing, and
- uses of the data
- Identify where and how to access it
Maximize organizational performance
and facilitate real-time and post-incident
learning by capturing key decisions,
activities, and outcomes, and attributes of the
environment within which these occur using an
on-line database
3Task Responsibility
- Begin KDL as soon as practicable after
recognition that a fire has a high probability of
becoming a large event host unit - Enter key decisions that have a significant
impact upon or implement incident objectives
(WFDSS, Delegation) IMO, host unit (s) - Entries depends upon frequency of key decisions
and when it is practicable to enter that
- By understanding how and why decision makers
select a specific course of action, the
complexity of an incident can be - better understood
- transparently communicated
- By centrally locating KDLS, we can identify
- best practices
- decision-traps
5What? - KDL builds a story
- I/we have made a Decision, Take an action, or
Raise an issue in order to move towards meeting
an objective.
- We need to do this now because of some pressing
or emerging issues or conditions.
- We expect this to impact key aspects of the
incident, e.g. safety, ecology, costs.
- We expect this to affect our incident, incidents
in the area, the region, the national/
international situation.
6Where to find KDL?
- FAMWEB kdl.nwcg.gov (5/1)
- Basic Users Write, edit, delete records they
enter view records created by others - Administrative Users
- Stewards Edit, delete any records
- Administrators Digital Visions, FAMWEB IT
programmers - Help
- On-line assistance
- Help Desk (FAMWEB 5 days/week)
- Email assistance
7How can this information be usedby team and/or
- Build the story fire narrative
- Sharpen recollection During and After
Action learning
AA- IC check-ins Planning meetings Close-outs Afte
r Action Reviews Case studies
8How can this information be used organizationally?
Multiple teams Multiple incidents
- What are the patterns of attention/ decision
traps? - frequency of types of objectives
- frequency of drivers of action
- Frames and mental models
- connect to WFDSS to consider how strategies,
tactics and rationale flow from LMP to fire
9How does the KDL fit in?
Audience Value Tools
Real-time monitoring
Corporate system of documentation Transparency in
Adaptive management Incident documentation
Delegation of Authority
Key Decision Log
Outcomes Measures
Footprint analysis
Corporate balanced Scorecard
Case studies
- Feedback?
- Comments?
- Please document your decision in the KDL so we
can - Maximize organizational performance
- Facilitate real-time and post-incident learning
- Improve the KDL process