Using GeoWeed in the Field - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using GeoWeed in the Field


Link to 1-3 Occurrences (will be relinked to Assessments on import) ... For Chemical: records Herbicide, Adjuvant, and Method; also see Herb2 tab. Treatment Types ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 64
Provided by: geow6
Tags: geoweed | field | using


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using GeoWeed in the Field

Using GeoWeed in the Field
Step 3 Field Data Collection
ArcPad Workflow (different!)
  • O Create Occurrence (if new)
  • A Create Assessment (link to O)
  • T Create Treatment (link to O)
  • Link to 1-3 Occurrences
  • (will be relinked to Assessments on import)
  • S Create Surveys at any time

ArcPad Work Flowexample
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O

ArcPad Work Flowexample
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • O 1 Occurrences for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O

ArcPad Work Flowexample
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • O 1 Occurrences for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • T 1 Treatment (has 2 treated Assessments)
    Links to 2 Os

ArcPad Work Flowexample
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • O 1 Occurrences for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • T 1 Treatment (has 2 treated Assessments)
    Links to 2 Os
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • T 1 Treatment (has 1 treated Assessment)
    Links to O

ArcPad Work Flowexample
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • O 1 Occurrences for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • T 1 Treatment (has 2 treated Assessments)
    Links to 2 Os
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (treated) Assessments Links to O
  • T 1 Treatment (has 1 treated Assessment)
    Links to O
  • O 1 Occurrence for next A only if new this
  • A 1 (untreated Assessment) link to O only

Workflow Desktop FieldWhy different?
  • Desktop T-O-A
  • ArcPad O-A-T
  • ArcPad can use Treatment polygon as visual
    Lasso to select Occurrences (and from them,
    latest Assessments of same).
  • Desktop does not have that option, but does allow
    many Assessments to be linked to a Treatment

In the field...
  • Looking at the
  • Occurrence,
  • Assessment, and
  • Treatment forms in ArcPad
  • (Skipping Surveys for now)

Where we begin this tale
You Just Completed GIS Export to Handheld Unit
Open ArcPad
  • Notice
  • GeoWeed Toolbar appears
  • Gweed Icons are greyed out

Open ArcPad
  • Notice
  • GeoWeed Toolbar appears
  • Gweed Icons are greyed out
  • Next Step
  • Tap Add Layer button

Add Layers
  • Navigate to the GeoWeed folder
  • Check the 4 boxes forGeoWeed shapefiles
  • AreaSurveys.shp
  • Weedassessments.shp
  • Weedoccurrences.shp
  • Weedtreatments.shp

Add Layers(ArcPad 7)
  • Navigate to the GeoWeed folder
  • Check the 4 boxes for GeoWeed shapefiles
  • Optionally add Background layers
  • Click OK when done

Add Layers
  • Navigate to the GeoWeed folder
  • Check the 4 boxes for GeoWeed shapefiles
  • Optionally add Background layers
  • BE PATIENT takes a few minutes to load!
  • (during which nothing changes)

Add Layers
  • Navigate to the GeoWeed folder
  • Check the 4 boxes for GeoWeed shapefiles
  • Optionally add Background layers
  • BE PATIENT takes a few minutes to load!
  • (during which nothing changes)

Add Layers
  • Navigate to the GeoWeed folder
  • Check the 4 boxes for GeoWeed shapefiles
  • Optionally add Background layers
  • BE PATIENT takes a few minutes to load!
  • (during which nothing changes)
  • It seems Really Long, but ArcPad is chewing

Add Layers
  • Navigate to the GeoWeed folder
  • Check the 4 boxes for GeoWeed shapefiles
  • Optionally add Background layers
  • BE PATIENT takes a few minutes to load!
  • (during which nothing changes)
  • Tapping more things now will NOT make you
    happy later!

After Layers finish loading
  • Looks like blank screen but scale has changed
  • GW layers are empty (first time)
  • You will usually have to Zoom before data appears

Zoom to See Aerials / Maps
  • Zoom in or Out
  • Zoom to full extent
  • Or Zoom to a layer

Activate GeoWeed
  • Zoom to the area you will be working in
  • Click the Key to activate GeoWeed toolbar
  • GeoWeed Icons will light up in color

Activate GeoWeed
  • Zoom in to the area you will be working in
  • Click the Key to activate GeoWeed toolbar
  • GeoWeed Icons will light up in color

Activate GPS
  • Pull down GPS menu
  • Click GPS Active
  • (Use same icon to DeActivate)
  • Cursor will change
  • It will take a while (seconds to minutes) to get
    a GPS Fix

Creating Occurrences O-A-T
  • Click O button to create or edit an Occurrence
  • The button stays depressed
  • A third toolbar will be inserted above GWeed
  • Has point tools

Creating Occurrences O-A-T
  • Create point using GPS, or
  • Create point using stylus

Creating Occurrences O-A-T
  • Using the stylus to indicate location
  • Click Point tool to enable point entry
  • Tap at Occurrence location on map
  • Occurrence form will pop up to be filled out

Creating Occurrences O-A-T
  • Using the GPS to indicate location
  • Stand in the location to mark as Occurrence
  • Use GPS Point tool to record current location
  • Occurrence form will pop up to be filled out

Occurrence Attributes
One Primary Region is required
Creating Assessments O-A-T
  • Click A button to create or edit an Assessment
  • The button stays depressed
  • Third Toolbar inserted above GWeed
  • Has polygon tools

Creating Assessments O-A-T
  • Create polygon using GPS, or
  • Create polygon using stylus
  • Use either Polygon or Freehand Polygon button

Assessment Attributes - Basic
  • Occurrence (select)
  • Plant (autofill)
  • Notes
  • Data recorder
  • Session date (autofill)

Assessment Attributes - Time
  • Start (no colons)
  • End (17005pm etc)
  • Autocalc
  • This will let the GIS Import calculate labor
    hours from start and end times
  • OR
  • You can enter hours manually by leaving autocalc

Assessment Attributes - Size
  • From polygon (preferred if your polygon is good)
  • LxW Dimensions(if you think that will be more
  • Direct entry in square units

Assessment Attributes - Stats
  • Cover class
  • Phenology
  • Distribution
  • Vegetation
  • Dist. From water
  • Accuracy
  • (Requirements depend on your field Protocol)

Assessment Attributes - Misc
  • Can record plants assessed or treated (if
    appropriate for the species and your protocol)
  • Treatment-related fields used only if the
    assessment is treated
  • Bags of material removed from here
  • Can indicate it is a ReTreatment

Assessment Attributes - Dens
  • Plant density (a number)
  • Of (what part of plant is counted)
  • Per (areal unit)
  • (often optional, depends on your field Protocol)

Assessment Attributes - Photo
  • Photo taken?
  • Azimuth (camera facing direction, in compass
    degrees, clockwise from North)
  • Description (hint include camera photo name / )
  • Photographer (contact)

When record complete..
  • You can return to earlier tabs to view or correct
  • When done, click OK
  • (or cancel)

Assessment Complete
  • Polygon turns color (no longer selected)

Creating Treatments O-A-T
  • Click T button to create or edit a Treatment
  • The button stays depressed

Creating Treatments O-A-T
  • Create polygon using stylus
  • Use Polygon to enclose Occurrences being Treated
    (polygon as lasso)
  • (used to populate picklists as shown later)

Treatment Attributes - Basic
  • Treatment type
  • Notes
  • Date (automatic)
  • Data Recorder (Contact)
  • (Chosen type affects which other tabs are enabled)

Treatment Attributes - Time
  • Start time
  • End time
  • (Same notes as other time tabs)

Treatment Attributes - Weather
  • Needed for Chemical
  • Wind speed/dir
  • Temp
  • Time
  • R/h
  • Cloud cover
  • Precip

Treatment Attributes Which patches
  • Choose 1 to 3 Occurrences being treated
  • These picklists populated from occurrences which
    were inside or near the lasso polygon
  • (remember it?)

Treatment Attributes Which patches
  • MAKE SURE that you create a new Assessment for
    each treated Occurrence
  • (Could be done before or after recording
  • These will be linked to the Treatment during GIS
  • (ie Treated Assessments)

Treatment Attributes Which patches
  • If you have more than 3 patches being treated,
    use another Treatment
  • Or fix on desktop (You can have as many
    Assessments as you want within the same Treatment
    in the desktop database)

Treatment Attributes Herb1 (Chemical)
  • Different tab(s) to fill out for each treatment
  • For Chemical records Herbicide, Adjuvant, and
    Method also see Herb2 tab

Treatment Types
In this example of a chemical Treatment, only the
Herb1 Herb2 tabs are enabled, other pages are
Fill out the tabs needed
Then tap OK to save (or Cancel..)
Treatment Complete
  • Polygon no longer selected (highlighted)

Editing Existing Records - Why
  • Can edit later to enter ending time
  • Can give extra information about treated
    Assessments after completing treatment (eg
  • General review and correction

Editing Existing Records - How
  • Depress the O,A,T, or S button for the record
    type you wish to edit

Editing Existing Records - How
  • Depress the O,A,T, or S button for the record
    type you wish to edit
  • Enable the Selection tool (shown later)

Editing Existing Records - How
  • Depress the O,A,T, or S button for the record
    type you wish to edit
  • Enable the Selection tool
  • Tap on a point or polygon of that type to select
    it (dashed box will show selected)

Editing Existing Records - How
  • Depress the O,A,T, or S button for the record
    type you wish to edit
  • Enable the Selection tool (see next slide)
  • Tap on a point or polygon of that type to select
    it (dashed box will show selected)
  • Tap the properties button (see next slide) to
    open selected record for editing
  • The same form used for adding new records of that
    type, will pop up for editing selected record

Edit Example
  • A for Assessment button depressed
  • Selection tool chosen
  • (This toolbar doesnt show up until an OATS
    button is depressed)

Edit Example
  • A for Assessment button depressed
  • Selection tool chosen
  • Select Assessment (tap polygon edge)
  • Dashed line around polygon show which is selected
  • Click Properties button to edit

Editing AssessmentExample
  • Open as described above
  • Select Misc tab (in this example)
  • Edit some treatment-related fields
  • Click OK to save edited Assessment data

Suspend Handheld
  • Click physical 1/0 button
  • Screen powers off
  • Same button to retart / power on
  • MUST RESTART GPS after power cycle, in most
  • De-Activate GPS
  • Activate GPS again

(Location varies)
De-Activate GeoWeed
  • Tap key button
  • OATS buttons are now grayed out

Exiting Arcpad (and thus GeoWeed)
  • Use pulldown
  • Select bottom item Exit
  • Using the (X) at the corner only switches
    programs, does not exit ArcPad
  • Must exit before GIS import or export

Exit ArcPad
  • Use the Exit menu item from top left menu to
    really exit ArcPad
  • Clicking on the X just suspends ArcPad, good for
    field use in some case
  • Be sure you really exit before doing GIS Import
    or GIS Export connected to desktop, as ArcPad
    locks some files

To Exit ArcPad
  • Use the pulldown menu in upper left (Top ArcPad
  • Then tap Exit in Menu(Bottom of pulldown menu)
  • Do NOT use the (X) in corner, that just switches
    to other programs without exiting ArcPad
  • You must Exit ArcPad before doing GIS import
    or GIS export

(It locks the files otherwise!)
To Exit ArcPad
  • Use the pulldown menu in upper left (Top ArcPad
  • Then tap Exit in Menu(Bottom of pulldown menu)
  • Do NOT use the (X) in corner, that just switches
    to other programs without exiting ArcPad
  • You must Exit ArcPad before doing GIS import
    or GIS export

(It locks the files otherwise!)
To Exit ArcPad
  • Use the pulldown menu in upper left (Top ArcPad
  • Then tap Exit in Menu(Bottom of pulldown menu)
  • Do NOT use the (X) in corner, that just switches
    to other programs without exiting ArcPad
  • You must Exit ArcPad before doing GIS import
    or GIS export

(It locks the files otherwise!)
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