Title: OSSEs and testbeds
1OSSEs and testbeds Why were going there
2New technology must be validated across the globe
Wave Height
3New technology must be validated across the globe
Wave Height
4Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- Ensure development advances from TRL 5
(validation in a realistic research environment)
to TRL 8 (validation in an operational
evironment) - Ensure computational and personnel resources will
be available - Chaired by Commander Naval Meteorology and
Oceanography Command (CNMOC) - Members from ONR, NRL, NAVO, FNMOC, N84, SPAWAR
5Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- A clearly defined process is necessary but not
sufficient - Rigor develops over time
- Initial delivery is easy
- Replacing components is difficult
6Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- Example of a small transition
- Predicting position of tidally generated internal
waves in the South China Sea - Uses mostly operationally accepted model, data,
7Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
Density Measurement by Shipboard CTD
NRL LZS ONFS IW Prediction
Satellite SAR Image
Dongshan Ko, 6.1 NLIWI
8Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
Chao, S.Y., D.S. Ko, R.C. Lien, and P.T. Shaw,
Assessing the west ridge of Luzon Strait as an
internal wave mediator, J. of Oceanog., 63,
897-991, 2007.
Dongshan Ko, 6.1 NLIWI
9Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
- Validate Nested System in South China Sea to
Examine Skill in Prediction of Internal Waves
Position and Amplitude - Set up Nested system for SCS and perform
validation tests - Input data files have been assembled and checked
- Validation test period will be April-May 2005
- Upgrade internal waves prediction capability and
document differences from standard Nested system
10Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
- Implement Internal Waves Alarm Capability
- Develop operational metrics for significant
internal waves - Implement metrics to produce alarm capability
- Test user interaction functionality with
NAVOCEANO personnel - Test and verify alarm capability at NAVOCEANO
11Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
ONR NLIWI Project 1. Demonstrate internal waves
prediction using research model
2. Validate and upgrade RELO internal waves
prediction capability for SCS
3. Establish Internal Waves Validation Panel
Note S -Start, D -Demonstration, R -Report, MS
-Milestone, T -Transition, C -Complete.
12Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
5. Transition internal waves alarm capability
applying upgraded RELO
Note S -Start, D -Demonstration, R -Report, MS
-Milestone, T -Transition, C -Complete.
13Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
Deliverable Capabilities
- Capability to predict non-linear internal waves
in SCS using RELO - Alert operators when internal waves exceed
predefined levels - Improved internal waves prediction capability
incorporated into RELO model at NAVOCEANO
14Example of Planning Necessary
Non-linear internal waves forecasting Tasks
Implement an internal waves alarm capability at
- Projected Transition Dates for MS1 MS2
- Transition Deliverables Status
- Prior to Milestone 1
- Source Code Source Code 65 complete
- Transition Plan Complete on 31 December 2008
- Validation Test Report Complete on 31 March 2009
- Preliminary DOD-STD Documentation Complete on 31
March 2009 - Prior to Milestone 2
- Final DOD-STD Documentation Complete 30 May 2009
- OPTEST Report 30 August 2009
15Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- Validation Test Panel decides if system
performance is satisfactory - Technically sound capability
- Validated for specific purposes
- Test report is satisfactory
- Composed of developers, operation center,
external independent experts - Must pass the smell test and the Washington Post
test - Necessary but not sufficient
- Does everyone always make it work correctly?
16Global Navy Coastal Ocean Model Timeline for
development and transition of operational system
6-23-2008 GOMS V2.6 declared operational
includes NCODA assimilation of in situ data into
a first guess of MLD-modified synthetics, code
version 4.0, coupled CICE model. VTR in progress.
Hurricane Katrina 8-29-2005 Older
operational models never restarted.
July 2002 Formed Validation Test Panel. Begin
model improvements, transition, experiments for
Aug 17 2000 Began running 0.25 global NCOM in
real time for NAVOCEANO to use in Barents Sea for
Kursk response. NCOM code v1.5
2-19-2006 AMOP declares global ocean modeling
system (GOMS) V2.0 operational
12-11-2003. Last meeting of GNCOM validation test
panel. Model, all supporting documentation, and
Navy VTR submitted to NAVO. Recommend begin
Paul Martin et al. published NRL report comparing
several coastal ocean models. This led to
developing NCOM.
3-6-2006 GOMS V2.5 declared operational (NCOM
upgrades 1/32 NLOM)
Barron, et al. 2004. (GNCOM SSH)
2004-2005 Model running in real time on NAVO
operational accounts but not declared
operational. NRL evaluating new capabilities
(versions 2i-2l).
NRL river climatology added
November 2001 Began running 0.125 global NCOM
in real time on NRL account. NCOM code v1.9.
GNCOM v glb8_1g.
Barron, et al. 2007. (Evaluation of modified
October 2003 Global NCOM version glb8_2f began
running in real time in nowcast/forecast mode
under operational account at NAVO. Used code
version 2.3.
Barron, et al. 2006. (Model formulation) Kara et
al., 2006. (Model validation)
June 1999 John Harding letter to Eric Hartwig
proposing development of a global model based on
NCOM. Based on Bob Rhodes idea 2 years earlier.
Feb 2002 Used data from glb8_1g for support of
Strong Resolve 2002.
Barron, 6.4 LargeScale / ODA
17Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- How rigorous demonstration / validation is
sufficient - What statistical confidence level is required
- Is sufficient data available to state with
required confidence that system performance meets
18Ocean Data Assimilation (end FY08)
MLD is treated as a proxy for sonic layer depth.
Errors in MLD and SLD are proxies for surface
duct transmission loss errors (Helber et al., JGR
Oceans, in press).
If the SLD is deep enough, acoustic energy is
trapped in a surface duct.
If the SLD is too shallow, acoustic energy
spreads spherically, giving short transmission
Barron, Helber, 6.2 ISOP
19Ocean Data Assimilation (end FY08)
hydrographic proxies indicate expected acoustic
Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) Kara et al. (2000)
density threshold equivalent to ?T0.8C
Sonic Layer Depth (SLD) Helber et al.
(submitted) near surface sound speed maximum
appropriate for frequency range
Below-Layer Gradient (BLG)
More details in paper in press Helber, Barron,
Carnes and Zingarelli Evaluating the sonic layer
depth relative to the mixed layer depth, J.
Geophys. Res.
Barron, Helber, 6.2 ISOP
20Large Scale Prediction
Temperature vs. depth error analysis
Locations of 8400 unassimilated profiles used
in the error analysis spanning June-July 2007
Metzger, 6.4 LargeScale
21Ocean Data Assimilation NCOM assimilating
MLD-modified synthetic vs. synthetic
For MLD, where is MLD-modified GNCOM better than
a standard synthetic (MODAS)?
- 11 m GNCOM median improvement
- GNCOM better in 80 of the regions. (shown in
red and yellow)
Statistics based on 43,474 T,S profiles from 2006.
Barron, Helber, 6.4 ODA
22Ocean Data Assimilation Global
Median statistics relative to 43,474 T,S profiles
over the global ocean.
Statistics based on 43,474 T,S profiles from
2006. Profiles are compared with nearest
climatology, synthetic, and GNCOM nowcasts. None
of the products here assimilate profiles.
Barron, Helber, 6.4 ODA
23Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- It only gets harder
24Large Scale Prediction
SSH and independent IR frontal analysis 10 March
Frontal analysis lt 4 days old white, analysis
4 days old black
Gulf Stream
Hurlburt, Metzger, 6.2 NOPP GODAE
25Large Scale Prediction
V3.0 Phase 1 validation tasks
- HYCOM/NCODA (V3.0) is performing equal to or
better than - GNCOM-02f (V2.5) with regard to
- Large scale circulation features
- Determine correct placement of large scale
features - Eddy kinetic energy / sea surface height
variability - determine if the system has a realistic level and
distribution of energy at depths - Sea surface temperature
- evaluate whether the models are producing
acceptable nowcasts and forecasts of sea surface
temperature - Coastal sea level
- assess the models ability to represent observed
sea surface heights
26Temperature vs. depth error analysis
V3.0 best experiment using CH (black) vs. V3.0
using MODAS synthetics vs. V2.6 NCOM-03a (blue)
Mean error (C)
Based on 8400 unassimilated profiles over global
ocean for the period Jun-Jul 2007 Black curve
uses NCODA modifications 1-5 Red curve uses NCODA
modifications 2, 3 6 (only at altimeter pts of
large SSH change) Blue curve uses MODAS
synthetics at ALL model gridpoints
Metzger, 6.4 LargeScale
27Large Scale Prediction
MLD/SLD/DSC/BLG error analysis
MODAS synthetics HYCOM versus NCOM
Metzger, 6.4 LargeScale
28Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- It only gets harder
- For nested models, there is not sufficient data
to reach statistically sound conclusions - Data necessary to constrain dynamics is not
available - Level of performance is not certain
29RELO NCOM - Regional forecasting
Globally relocatable, 1- to 3-km resolution,
regional 3D temperature, salinity and currents
Surface temperature (?C) and currents (m/s) on a
6km grid.
- Globally relocatable
- 72h forecasts
- 1-6 km horizontal resolution
- Forecast component
- Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM)
- Assimilation component
- NRL Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (NCODA)
- Altimetry, satellite SST, in situ surface and
profile observations - Forcing
- Surface fields from NOGAPS, COAMPS
- Lateral boundary from Global NCOM
- Tides using Oregon State databases
- River fluxes using the NRL global river database
Latitude (?N)
Longitude (?E)
Rowley, 6.4 SmallScale
30LBSFI CTD Fusion Integration
- Focusable systems for tactical Navy applications
- Testbed construction
- Sensor QC of data to correct vehicle motion
effects, bio-fouling - OcnQC of threaded data
- Super-observations from high horizontal
resolution threaded data - Construction of representativeness errors (how
much sub-gridscale variability is in the data)
Spence, 6.4 LBSFI
31Expected Error Levels
No winds No Assim NOGAPS winds NOGAPS,
Assim NOGAPS, Assim 2 A1/A2
Hogan, 6.1 SEED
32Expected Error Levels
Temperature 0m
Temperature 200m
Ensemble RMS T 0m
Ensemble RMS T 200m
Rowley, Coelho, Fabre 6.2/6.4 Adaptive Sampling
33Acoustic evaluation of ensemble represenation
Does ensemble SSP provide acoustic propagation
encompassing observed?
Fabre 6.2/6.4 Adaptive Sampling
34Acoustic evaluation of ensemble represenation
Fabre 6.2/6.4 Adaptive Sampling
35Targeting Observations for Forecast Optimization
Rowley, Coelho, Fabre 6.2/6.4 Adaptive Sampling
36Observation System Control
Asset Allocation
Nature Ocean
Sampling Strategy
Glider Navigation
Model Ocean
Performance Assessment
Mission Requirements
System Evaluation
- Does the model ocean meet mission requirements
given the present asset allocation and sampling
strategy? If not, - increase asset allocation and try again
- modify sampling strategy and try again
- reduce mission area, duration, or performance
Barron, 6.2 GOST
37Operational Validation and Verification
- Administrative Modeling Oversight Panel (AMOP)
- Plans to implement new capabilities into
operations (2-5 year plans) - 3DVar
- 4DVar
- Glider sensor QC
- Glider specific OcnQC
- Glider data thinning / super-obs
- Representativeness errors
- BCs
- To reach statistical significance, test over more
events and areas TEST BEDS
38System Assessment Test Beds
Building historical data sets, test beds, case
- AOSN_II_2003/ - Autonomous Ocean Sampling Network
II,2003, Monterey Bay, California - Input data
for 01 July - 30 September 2003 - TASWEX_2004/ , 2004, East China Sea - Input data
for 01 September - 15 November 2004 - SCS_2005/ - South China Sea, ONR Nonlinear
internal wave initiative, 2005 - ASAP_2006/ - Adaptive Sampling and Prediction,
2006, Monterey Bay, California - Input data for
01 July - 30 September 2006 - RIMPAC_2006/ - Rim of the Pacific, 2006 Hawaii
region Input data for 01 July 30 July 2006 - ShallowWater_2006/ - Shallow Water, 2006, New
Jersey Shelf, USA - Input data for 01 May - 31
August 2006 - RADAR_2007/ - Ocean-Acoustics Trial, 2007,
Setubal Canyon, Portugal - Input data for 01 June
- 31 July 2007 - BP-LASSIE_2007/ - REA, Acoustics and Air-Sea
interaction, 2007, Italy - Input data for 01
March - 30 June 2007 - ValiantShield_2007/ - Valiant Shield, 2007,
Micronesia (Guam area) - Input data for 01 July -
31 August 2007 - Okinawa Trough_2007 / - Navy survey Sep-Nov 2007
Spence, Coelho, 6.4 LBSFI
39Example LBSFI Data Structure (AOSN-II)?
Atm Forcing
Obs Data
Spence, Coelho, 6.4 LBSFI
40LBSFI CTD Fusion Integration
- Focusable systems for tactical Navy applications
- Testbed construction
- Sensor QC of data to correct vehicle motion
effects, bio-fouling - OcnQC of threaded data
- Super-observations from high horizontal
resolution threaded data - Construction of representativeness errors (how
much sub-gridscale variability is in the data)
Spence, 6.4 LBSFI