Domain of planning theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Domain of planning theory


Aims to provide some overall or general understanding of the nature of planning ... Anti/pro urban aestheticism in tension. highly ordered view of urban structure ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Domain of planning theory

Domain of planning theory
  • Deals with ideas and arguments related to the
    conduct of planning
  • Aims to provide some overall or general
    understanding of the nature of planning
  • What sort of activity is planning?
  • What should it aim to do?
  • What are its effects on social life?
  • What are its effects on urban morphology and
  • What are the components of good quality urban
  • Under what conditions are these qualities most
    likely to be realised?
  • What part can planning play in creating
    better/liveable cities?

Baseline - modernism
  • form
  • purpose
  • design
  • hierarchy
  • mastery/the word/logos
  • totalization/synthesis
  • centring
  • meta/grand narratives
  • determinacy
  • transcendence
  • metaphysics

Utopian comprehensiveness
  • planning as a physical and technical act, an
    extension of architecture and civil engineering
  • master plans (e.g. UK Town and Country Planning
    Act 1947 Tasmanian Town and Country Planning
    Act, 1945
  • key concern with aesthetics (set of principles of
    good taste and appreciation of beauty)

  • the art and science of ordering the use of land
    and the character and siting of buildings and
    communicative routes Planning deals primarily
    with land, and is not economic social or
    political planning, though it may greatly assist
    in the realisation of the aims of these other
    kinds of planning (Keeble 1952, 1).

  • Sir Patrick Geddes (1854-1932)
  • Garden City advocate in Scotland
  • Cities in Evolution, 1915
  • called for the completion of a complex city
    survey of local and regional conditions
    (including physical, social, cultural and
    historical) that should precede any planning
    efforts by local government boards (Le Gates and
    Stout 1996, 360)

  • In short, passable Town Planning Schemes may be
    obtained without this preliminary Survey and
    Exhibition which we desire to see in each town
    and city but the best possible cannot be
    expected. From the confused growth of the recent
    industrial past, we tend to be as yet easily
    contented with any improvements this, however,
    will not long satisfy us, and still less our
    successors. This Act seeks to open a new and
    better era, and to render possible cities which
    may again be beautiful it proceeds from Housing
    to Town (Extension) Planning, and it thus raises
    inevitably before each municipality the question
    of town planning at its best - in fact of city
    development and city design (Geddes 1915, in Le
    Gates and Stout 1996, 363).

Physical planning
  • Reflected certain values underpinned by
  • utopian comprehensiveness
  • Anti/pro urban aestheticism in tension
  • highly ordered view of urban structure
  • assumed consensus over the aims of planning as
    technical exercise

Physical planning
  • Later criticised for
  • Hubris
  • Poor quality
  • Social blindness
  • Physical determinism
  • Lack of empirical grounding
  • Naivete

Rational systems
  • Late 1960s - new systems approach
  • Planning - systems analysis and control
  • Environment - interconnected system of parts
  • Capable of being organized
  • Capable of being optimized
  • Indebted to cybernetics (science of systems of
    control and communications in animals and
  • McLoughlin 1969, Urban and Regional Planning - a
    systems approach
  • Chadwick 1971, A Systems View of Planning
  • Faludi 1973, Planning Theory
  • Bruton 1974, Spirit and Purpose of Planning

Rational systems
  • Parts-whole-connections-interdependence
  • Location theory
  • Dynamism and change not master plans and
  • Indebted to
  • First principles based on pure reason
  • Clean sweep redevelopment, especially housing,
    industry, roads
  • Kuhns ideas about paradigm shifts
  • Changes in land use and transport activities
  • Globalization and the rise in power of the
  • Demography
  • Ecology
  • Quantitative revolution

Rational systems
  • Systematic planning was substantive planning
    (environmental change)
  • Rational planning was procedural planning
    (processes of going about planning)
  • Both indebted to scientific method (after Karl

Rational systems
  • Means not ends - thus instrumental not a model
    of substantive moral reasoning (Taylor 1998, 71)
  • Corrupted - based as much on persuasion as
  • Alternative view/critique - Lindblom - disjointed
    incrementalism only possible approach
  • in most situations, planning has to be
    piecemeal, incremental, opportunistic and
    pragmatic, and planners who did not or could
    not operate in these ways were generally
    ineffective (Taylor 1998, 71).

  • The best plan is not always the best plan
  • Failure of modernism - gt urban protests - gt
    challenge to utilitarian prescriptions (Benthams
    felicific calculus) and lack of distributive
  • Ideology behind science
  • Realisation/Admission of the politics inherent in

  • The question is not whether planning will
    reflect politics but whose politics it will
    reflect. What values and whose values will
    planners seek to implement? In the broadest
    sense plans represent political philosophies,
    ways of implementing differing conceptions of the
    good life. No longer can the planner take refuge
    in the neutrality of the objectivity of the
    personally uninvolved scientist (N. Long 1959,

Planning, choice and advocacy
  • Reaction to rational and systems planning
  • Choice theory of planning (Paul Davidoff and
    Thomas Reiner)
  • Plannings ends are goals for the future
  • These goals are determined via the identification
    of alternative futures
  • These ideal futures are narrowed down to
    plausible and possible futures
  • This narrowing is inherently political
  • Planners should be involved only in the technical
    elements of this work

Planning, choice and advocacy
  • Davidoffs recant - Advocacy model of planning
    (democracy as pluralism)
  • Civil society depends on an informed public
  • Informed public derives from public consultation
  • Public consultation galvanises social movements
  • Levels of advocacy
  • Community forums/public meetings/focus groups
  • Planners as translators
  • Levels of participation
  • Sherry Arnsteins ladder of citizen participation

Rapprochement or resentment
  • Political claims accommodated procedurally via
  • if the planning powers involved in plan
    preparation and plan implementation are
    essentially powers to prevent then the actual
    development which does take place depends on the
    developers (Pickvance 1977, 70)
  • Still criticized (eg Hall, Friedmann) for
  • Tokenism
  • Paternalism
  • Incomplete analysis

Radical alternatives
  • Marxist/leftist views of the political economy
    and planning
  • Historical materialism
  • Modes of production (private ownership of means
    of production and exchange)
  • Social relations of production
  • Social rules and laws (informal institutional
  • Systems of power and politics (formal
    institutional rules)
  • Power as hegemonic (Gramsci, Foucault)
  • Radical planning theorists viewed capitalism as
    an (imperfectly) integrated economic and social
    system, in which the state and planning were part
    and parcel (Taylor 1998, 105).

Radical alternatives
  • Planning is necessary to the ruling class in
    order to facilitate capital accumulation and
    maintain social control in the face of class
    conflict. The modes by which urban planners
    assist accumulation include the development of
    physical infrastructure, land aggregation and
    development, containment of negative
    environmental externalities, and the maintenance
    of land values Urban planners specialize in
    managing the contradictions of capitalism
    manifested in urban form and spatial development
    (Fainstein and Fainstein 1979, 148-9).

Equity planning
  • those who consciously seek to redistribute
    power, resources, or participation away from
    local elites and toward poor and working class
    city residents (Krumholz in Sandercock 1998, 93)
  • With John Forester, Making Equity Planning Work
  • State and capital reconstituted as capable of
    capture by those interested in distributive
    justice - negotiated settlements

Communicative action - or what happened to
  • Plannings limited success - the implementation
  • Misconstrual
  • Planning comes before action
  • Planning is not action
  • (A weakness of the policy cycle more generally)
  • Friedmanns theories of communicative action
  • The problem of action
  • The problem of the quality of action
  • Rational action?

Communicative action - or what happened to
  • Public policy implementation
  • Ability to identify actors needed
  • Capacity to establish contacts and networks
  • Capacity to negotiate given multiple and often
    tacit agenda
  • Policy resides within action
  • Communicative action as multiple flows rather
    than linear stages of consultation

Communicative action and then...
  • Habermas - theory of communicative action
  • Effective communication
  • Comprehensible/intelligible
  • Truth/veracity
  • Sincere
  • Legitimate
  • Normative ideal for participatory processes in
  • Note basic agreement among all the foregoing
    about social democracy and then ...

New right - No plan
  • Decentralization
  • Privatization
  • Market
  • Minimal government
  • No society only individuals
  • No planning - the common law, private covenants
    and notional land-use zoning (e.g. UK Enterprise
  • Regime and regulation theories
  • Micro- and macro- economic reform
  • Efficiencies, competitive neutrality

(Post)modern refrains?
  • Move from grand narratives to problem centred
  • Inner city decline - urban regeneration
  • Economic boom - social inequalities
  • Ecological crisis - sustainable development
  • Urban ugliness - urban design
  • State control - public participation
  • Two major shifts
  • Design - science
  • Planners as technicians - planners as (social)
  • Were these paradigmatic shifts, however?
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