Title: Inertial Range Dynamics and Mixing
1Inertial Range Dynamics and Mixing
Kinetic Theory Representation for Turbulence
Modeling and Computation
Collaborators S. Orszag, S. Succi, I.
Staroselsky, V. Yakhot
- Brief introduction and motivation
- Some basics in kinetic theory
- Brief review connection to Navier-Stokes
- New observations and insights in extended
regimes - Attempt on turbulence modeling
- Phenomenological argument
- Expanded analogy
- Discussions
3Brief introduction
Navier-Stokes (incompressible)
Averaged (or filtered) fluid equation
Reynolds stress
fluctuating velocity field
averaged velocity field
The averaged fluid equation is not closed
4Brief introduction
The central task has been to form a closure for
stress tensor
expressed in mean flow quantities
Boussinesq assumption
Eddy viscosity
rate of strain tensor of averaged flow
- Assume fluctuating eddies interacting like
molecules - Similar models also in wave-number
representations - Commonly used in turbulence RANS and LES
- By redefining viscosity, the Navier-Stokes form
retained for mean velocity - Questions arise due to lack of scale separation
in turbulence - Higher order extensions based in Navier-Stokes
have other issues
5Basics of Kinetic Theory
Boltzmann Equation
single particle pdf at velocity value at
- The description is not only applicable to
rarified gases - W links to higher pdfs
- Collisions drives the system towards equilibrium
- Collisions conserve mass, momentum and energy
- The Naver-Stokes is one of its limiting
6Basics of Kinetic Theory
Boltzmann Equation
- Collisions obey conservation laws (vanishing 1st
three moments)
mass, momentum, energy
hydrodynamic variables correspond to continuity
Mass density
7Basics of Kinetic Theory
mass continuity
Fluid velocity
momentum continuity
- P is fully determined as soon as f (or P) is
solved - In macroscopic description, closure model is
required for P
8Basics of Kinetic Theory
Collisions drives the system to an equilibrium
with a characteristic relexation time
- t is determined by micro-properties, can be
different for hydro-moments - Equilibrium distribution is Maxwell-Boltzmann
(a Gaussian form)
- Closeness to equilibrium is an interplay
between (large scale) fluid shear - and (small scale) interactions
- It is estimated by a Weissenberg number Wi
t S, ratio between - hydrodynamic and collision times (related to
Kn, ratio between spatial scales)
9Basics of Kinetic Theory
If separation of scales exists
Hierarchical relations via Chapman-Enskog
Distribution of n-th order is approximated
by a lower (n-1)-th order distribution
, so that all expressible via
Higher order non-equilibrium distributions and
moments are expressible as time and spatial
derivatives of the equilibrium (Gaussian)
10Basics of Kinetic Theory
Stress tensor calculable via a series of
Gausssian moments
n-th order
Leading orders (for conventional fluids)
Stress tensor and local strain tensor have same
structure except for a scalar proportionality
factor (i.e., Newtonian fluids)
11New observations
Higher order physics (Chen et al, 04)
2nd order
- Memory effects Important for very fast time
fluid modes - Nonlinear constitutive relations Secondary flow
phenomenon, - also imply complex tensorial fluid diffusion
- Smaller scales have greater non-equilibrium
effects - Extended fluid equations are closures based on
higher truncations - Boltzmann representation is effective
re-summation of all orders
12New observations
Properties for a fixed collision time scale t
- An exact relationship between full pdf and
equilibrium pdf in - boundary free situation and long after initial
transient - Both memory and non-local spatial effects
present when - scales are comparable to t
- Flows at smaller scales are further away from
equilibrium - (and less Gaussian)
- Plugging this pdf into stress tensor
definition, resulting in a - Navier-Stokes like equation but has a
differential-integral form
13New observations
Exact equation for unidirectional flows for
arbitrary Wi (Kn) (Chen et al, 07)
- Finite t (and l t sqrt(q) ) leads to
non-local dependence in - both space and time
- A diffusion equation recovered at large scale
limit (t 0, l 0)
- Dispersion relation exhibits oscillations at
large Wi (Yakhot et al, 07)
Eddy generation by a fast oscillating object of
extremely small Re is observed (impossible from
14New observations
Elementary example
A particle motion in a random fluctuating media
Mean square displacement
A diffusion process
A ballistic process
In PDF, the system is approximated by
15New observations
Effective viscosity vs Wi (Yakhot, et al, 07)
- Effective viscosity is significantly reduced
for small scales - To be careful This only applicable to linear
transverse shear modes - (other modes may have opposite behavior
16New observations
Channel flows (theoretical result) (Chen et al,
Higher order physics
- Slip exhibited at wall due to finite t (or
mean-free path) - Boundary layer exists when mean-free path is
confined by distance to wall
17Summary Remarks
- Boltzmann equation describes a wider scale
range of physics - When separation of scales exists, closed fluid
equations are - in principle constructed via expansions
- The Navier-Stokes equation is a 1st-order
trancation taking into - account of only linear departure from
equilibrium - Higher order non-equilibrium effects are
important when spatial and - time scales become comparable to the
microscopic ones - It is well accepted that the Navier-Stokes is
fully adequate for describing flows of common
macroscopic scales, then why we bother worrying
about Boltzmann-like representation?? - The turbulent mean field part alone is not
described by a closed N-S, - and its small scales bear resemblance to
micro-fluids, and may need - to modeled as such
- Boussinesq approximation is perhaps fine for
very large eddies
18Attempt for turbulence
Conjecture Averaged (or coarse grained)
velocity field at scales comparable to that
of fluctuating eddies behaves like micro-fluids
Longevin-DIA form (Kraichanan)
- It is non-Markovian (at lease at short times),
and higher order diffusion - terms are known to have tensorial forms
- At large scale, its behavior is dominated by
eddy viscous diffusion. - But nonlocal and memory effect s are important
at short scales - N-S moment closure beyond the Boussinesq is
very difficult - A finite form pdf representation is called for,
containing non-equilibrium - effects to all orders
- Fluctuating eddies defines relaxation time
rather than eddy viscosity
19Attempt for turbulence
- An expanded analogy (Chen, 04)
- A single valued collision time for all scales,
- A single valued 2nd variant for all scales,
At very long wavelength
At shorter wavelength, it exhibits a leading
order correction
20Attempt for turbulence
Comparison to representative non-linear
turbulence models
Matching the linear term result in coefficients
for nonlinear terms
Kinetic approach
Kinetic model also includes effects of all higher
- Conventional approaches in RANS (and LES) is to
apply closure models - for Reynolds stress (or alike) terms, in a
modified Navier-Stokes - It has issues going beyond Boussinesq
Realizability, well posed-ness, - BC, and limitation only for a finite moments
orders - (similar to modeling micro-fluids via extending
the Navier-Stokes) - Effects deep into non-equilibrium (non-Gaussian)
regime are important for - comparable scales, hence a Boltzmann-like pdf
formulation is desirable - Besides mean velocity field, it also gives
information about turbulent - kinetic energy equation, etc.
- However, though extended analogy is plausible,
formulation from first - principle is lacking
- Hopf formulation has so far not seen helpful,
certainly not the - Hamiltonian-Liouville based ones
- Assuming a Boltzmann-kinetic theory based
formulation is - meaningful, then
- What is a truly appropriate relaxation time? A
single valued or broad band? -
- Indeed, eddies have all sizes (or even
self-similar scales) , - as opposed to molecules in a fluid (to say the
least!) - Insights may be gained from a particle systems
having a broad - range of molecular sizes or types
- Furthermore, what would be the appropriate
(Gaussian) variant? Anything - to do with those common turbulence
nomenclatures? - e.g., structure functions? dissipations?
- The effective collision process must also ensure
incompressibility, - without introducing thermal relevant
dimensional quantities - Earlier attempt Start on a (un-averaged) N-S
equivalent Boltzmann eq.,
Implication to LES Common LES models rely on
similar Boussinesq approximation, i.e., stress
and local large-eddy strain tensors are
proportional , and an LES viscosity It is
robust computationally, and commonly
used Besides many conventionally known issues,
the afore-mentioned issues also exist concerning
resolved velocity scales near grid (filter)
scale Non-Boussinesq LES models are less robust
and may have other difficulties, as mentioned
earlier An alternative computational approach is
perhaps Lattice Boltzmann based It gives the
same LES viscosity model at very large scales
than grid (filter) size, but it has different
effects at both time and space close to grid
scale But existing LBM schemes are not fully
addressing the above needs