Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India acknowledges: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India acknowledges:


... Polity of Theocracy through Christ with Arminian Ethic is enabled with Agape TiE ... in mid-air by His own internecine struggle between agape love and justice. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India acknowledges:

Answer to today's global ills Theocracy!
  • Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India
  • Present crisis is due to a failure in Regulatory
  • In this age of Globalization we have a global
    economy of sorts
  • But this Global Economy is not supported by a
    Global Polity to provide effective governance
  • But Global Polity itself is feasible and
    legitimate only with Theocracy, being that global
    governance and judging is in the purview of God
    through His Christthe Incarnate-One who laid
    down His sinless life in order to save mankind
    from the perils of death and hell. Worthy is the
    son of man!

Vision of HebronWith Christ Enthroned
  • Caleb Motupalli
  • 4 November 2008

What is Hebron?
  • A Mountain
  • A Church
  • An Association

Significance of "Hebron"
  • Historical
  • Caleb (son of Jephunneh) who wholeheartedly
    followed the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
    inherited the mountainous area called Hebron
  • King David was coronated there
  • In future, Hebron will be a virtual mountain with
    living stones assembled on top of each other,
    exalting Christ the Capstone in the chain of
    human government, globally.

Roman Catholic Hebron Status quo
  • Unregenerate, on account of favoring a kind of
    salvation by works which is not by faith in the
    indwelling One who comes to reside in us, only
    after a conversion experience
  • Ref. Counsel written to the ensconced Roman
    Pontiff explaining the current condition of the
    Roman Catholic Church and asking her to be washed
    macroscopically and microscopically

Calvinistic churches Status quo
  • Fallen, for favoring a conceited soteriology of
    Individual Predestination by unconditional
    election rather than Corporate Predestination of
    a hypothetical remnant who will abide in Christ
    till the end, even as they bear fruit by faith in
    the indwelling One
  • Ref. Open Letters of Counsel written to Baptist
    Leaders and others about the false doctrine of
    Justification by Faith Alone, published
    worldwide at and

The State of Israel Status quo
  • Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 39), for making
    claims to inheritance by birthright through
    corporate election of Israel codifying the
    righteousness of God in terms of their own skewed
    adherence to the Mosaic Law a legalism sans
    faith, humility and honor w. r. t. God who can
    revoke the birthright
  • Ref. Article titled Heavenly Jerusalem
    published at

Muslim Brotherhood Status quo
  • Zeal not coupled with knowledge. Pride made them
    blind to the will of God, which is to avail mercy
    that is freely available through Christ for the
    Atonement of sin, satisfying the requirements of
    a Just and Sovereign God who cannot just wink at
  • May receive, if any, only a righteous mans
  • Ref. Matthew 1041, Matthew 913, The Bible

Local churches Status quo
  • Treason, as well as the Roman Pontiffs
    step-fatherly treatment, gave rise to global
    anarchy in the universal Church, without proper
    structure to provide air cover. Therefore enemy
    playing havoc among us.
  • Ref. Proposal and Business Plan for global
    governance from Beulaha land that will be
    married to the Lamb of God. Thus says the Lord
    Yeshua Foxes have holes, the birds of the air
    have nests but the Son of Man body corporate
    has no place to rest His head.

Why Tyre Sidon for Headquarters?
  • In honor of the Syrophenician woman of Biblical
    times who humbled to the extent of regarding
    herself equal with a dog
  • God remembered and bestowed this honor on her
    because the greatest in the kingdom of God is one
    who humbles himself/herself
  • This area is a fine pearl of great worth to me,
    even to me whose name is Caleb, which means
    dog. God promised me that I will grow like a
    cedar on Lebanon (Psalm 9212, The Bible).

Global Polity with Arminian Ethic
  • Failure of the Laissez Faire (allow-to-do) policy
    with Protestant Ethic adopted by Developed
    Nations, which caused Developing Nations to be at
    the mercy of Globalized Robber Nations, which in
    turn has led to the current Global Anarchy
  • Ref. Ushering in Theocracy and Global
    Paternalism and other articles published at
  • In view of the United Nations not being a
    legitimate institution, for no authority is given
    it by God, and that global governance itself
    being in the purview of Gods Christ alone
  • Global Polity of Theocracy through Christ with
    Arminian Ethic is enabled with Agape TiE nervous
    system that has a built-in Totally Integrated
    Environment for effective governance

God's gift to the world today Theocracy
  • Poor and Developing nations stand to gain
    economically with the ushering-in of global
    polity of theocracy by Christ. Here, Christ is
    the Indivine corporation that holds the whole
    world suspended in mid-air by His own internecine
    struggle between agape love and justice.
  • Ref. Case for the Poor (Article available upon
  • Therefore nations can vindicate themselves as the
    case may be even at this last moment and give
    assent to the proposal.
  • It is expected that the Developed Nations will
  • Thus says the Amen and the Faithful No one can
    say, Jesus is Lord except by Me.
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