Title: RE Short Course Revision
1RE Short Course Revision
- (a) Describe
- (b) Explain
- (c) Give two points of view (one of them
2Nature of God
3- Why do Christians believe in God?
- The universe is so beautiful and perfect it must
have a designer.
4- Why do Christians believe in God?
- The universe is so beautiful and perfect it must
have a designer. - There is a cause for everything so there must be
a 1st cause that started it all.
5- Why do Christians believe in God?
- The universe is so beautiful and perfect it must
have a designer. - There is a cause for everything so there must be
a 1st cause that started it all. - Some people claim to have experienced God.
6- Why do Christians believe in God?
- The universe is so beautiful and perfect it must
have a designer. - There is a cause for everything so there must be
a 1st cause that started it all. - Some people claim to have experienced God.
- Some people say the fact that we feel guilt means
there is a God.
7- What is God like?
- All Powerful (omnipotent)
8- What is God like?
- All Powerful (omnipotent)
- Everywhere (Omnipresent)
9- What is God like?
- All Powerful (omnipotent)
- Everywhere (Omnipresent)
- All-knowing (Omniscient)
10- What is God like?
- All Powerful (omnipotent)
- Everywhere (Omnipresent)
- All-knowing (Omniscient)
- Loving
11- What is God like?
- All Powerful (omnipotent)
- Everywhere (Omnipresent)
- All-knowing (Omniscient)
- Loving
- Trinity 3 in 1
12- What is God like?
- All Powerful (omnipotent)
- Everywhere (Omnipresent)
- All-knowing (Omniscient)
- Loving
- Trinity 3 in 1
13The Bible is.
- The Word of God
- Sacred and Special
- A guide book for Christians
- A rule book
- Proof of the existence of God
14In the Bible.
- The creation story
- The life and teachings of Jesus
- Rules on how to live our lives (10 commandments,
15Being a Good Christian
- Pray Regularly
- Go to Church
- Try not to sin
- Dont gamble
- Dont be greedy
- Help the poor and sick
- Spread Gods word
- But most importantly..
16Follow the example of Jesus
17Medical Ethics
18Medical Ethics Sanctity of Life
- All life is sacred and a gift from God
- Christians have different views on medical ethics
19Roman Catholic Christians are against.
- Abortion
- Euthanasia
- Suicide
- Contraception
- Most fertility treatments
- Sex before marriage
20Church of England Christians
- What is the most loving thing to do?
21Medical Ethics - Animal Testing
- Many Christians think that animal testing is
acceptable as long as the animals are treated
well. They believe that humans are more
important than animals because we have souls.
22Medical Ethics Fertility Treatment
- Many Christians believe that if you cannot have
children then that is Gods will - Others believe that using a sperm donor or
surrogate mother is wrong because it is involving
a third person in the marriage - Others believe that IVF can be a good thing
because it brings new life into the world
23Death and the Afterlife
- Heaven used to be seen as a place of fire and
torment at the centre of the earth where the
devil lived. - Now it is seen as an eternity without God for
people who have sinned and not asked for
- People used to believe that heaven was in the
sky. They imagined it as a place where angels
played harps and sat on clouds.
- Now Christians think of heaven as an eternity
with God where you will be rewarded for being a
good Christian on earth.
26The Soul
- The soul is the breath of God within every
human - It is what makes us different from animals
- Every soul is unique
- You cannot see our touch it
- It is eternal and separate from our bodies
- It goes to heaven or hell when we die
- A time of happiness as well as sadness. To
celebrate the passing from this life to the next
- Lead by the vicar
- Prayers said
- Hymns sung
- Bible readings about the afterlife
- Burial or cremation
28Judgement day
29Religion, Wealth and Poverty
30Helping the Poor
- The Bible teaches that caring for the poor is one
of the most important things we must do
31The rich man and Lazarus
32Agape Love for your neighbour
- Treat others as you would wish to be treated
Mother Teresa
33Christian Charities
- Christian Aid
- Tearfund
- Salvation Army
34Attitudes to money
The love of money is the Root of all evil. (1
Go sell what you own and give The money to the
poor. And you will have treasure in
heaven. (Mark)
Blessed are those who are poor for yours is the
kingdom of God (Luke)
On the first day of every week Each of you is to
put aside and Save whatever extra you earn. (1
35Attitudes to money
- Do not gamble
- Give to the poor
- Go and work for a charity
- Dont keep all of your wealth for yourself
36Moral and immoral occupations
- Moral Doctor, Nurse, Carer, Teacher, Vet,
Charity worker - Immoral Casino worker, bailiff, pornography
industry, any job which exploits others
37How to get an A
38You must
- Look at the mark allocation, try to put down a
point for every mark - Divide your time accordingly
- Not put down your opinion when it is not asked
for - Put down two points of view for part c
- Remember you are answering the Christian
39Example Question
- Describe the work of a Christian Charity (8)
- Explain the Christian teachings about money and
wealth (7) - We have a duty to care for the poor Do you
agree? Make sure that you give more than one
point of view with reference to Christianity (5)
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