Information Literacy, a catalyst for educational change - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information Literacy, a catalyst for educational change


(ALA, 1989) Overview of information literacy. CONUL Report: ... Available at: (Accessed: 9 November 2005) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Information Literacy, a catalyst for educational change

Information Literacy, a catalyst for educational
  • Susie Andretta
  • Senior Lecturer in Information Management
  • London Metropolitan University

Information literacy a definition
  • To be information literate, a person must be able
    to recognize when information is needed and have
    the ability to locate, evaluate, and use
    effectively the needed information. ...
    Ultimately, information literate people are those
    who have learned how to learn. They know how to
    learn because they know how knowledge is
    organized, how to find information, and how to
    use information in such a way that others can
    learn from them. (ALA, 1989)

Overview of information literacy
  • CONUL Report
  • Our ability to think and to select and use the
    information at our disposal will be the critical
    determinant of future success of the Information
    Society in Ireland (CONUL, 2004 1)
  • Catalyst for educational change - addressing the
    challenges (Candy, 2002 Bruce, 2002 Lupton,
  • Empowering the learner and the educator (Bundy,
    2004 Andretta, 2005a Information literacy
    challenges of implementation, Italics, 5(1),
    January 2006)

HE challenges
  • Lifelong learning requirements (OECD, 1996)
  • The knowledge-based economy is characterised by
    the need for continuous learning of both codified
    information and the competencies to use this
    information. Capabilities for selecting
    relevant information, recognising patterns in
    information, interpreting and decoding
    information as well as learning new and
    forgetting old skills are in increasing demand.
    (OSullivan, 2002 8)

HE challenges
  • The creation of a learning culture which
    produces graduates with a capacity and desire for
    lifelong learning in a rapidly changing, complex,
    and information abundant environment, requires a
    major shift in the educational paradigm.
  • (Bundy, 2001)
  • From prescribed reading to the excitement or the
    burden of choice. (Leon, 2004)

HE Challenges
  • ICT-driven learning and teaching strategies
  • e-learning (DfES, 2003)
  • The creation of a professional workforce and
    fulfilled citizens through the mastery of
    self-directed lifelong learning practices.
  • The development of innovative provision geared to
    address the needs of a global knowledge society
    and the offering of a more flexible education
    system that responds to the needs of learners
    irrespective of their location.

HEIs challenges
  • Content and Competency Pedagogical Frames (Bruce
    et al)
  • Culture of prescribed knowledge-acquisition
  • Preferred by HEIs - indicators of students
    retention, progression and achievement
  • Preferred by faculty staff - the sage on the
    stage approach (Doherty, 1999)
  • Preferred by students - what do I do now?
    syndrome (Andretta and Cutting, 2003)
  • Learning is a qualitative change in a persons
    way of seeing, experiencing, understanding,
    conceptualising something in the real world -
    rather than a change in the amount of knowledge
    which someone possesses.(Bruce, 1997 60)

HEIs challenges
  • Diverse student population and learning needs
  • Low information literacy skills and dependent
    attitude (Stern, 2003 Andretta and Cutting,
  • Problems of plagiarism (Brine and Stubbings,
  • General lack of engagement beyond the
    assessment-driven approach - low motivation
    (Andretta 2005a).
  • Need to adopt a more flexible approach to
    learning and a more dynamic/critical
    investigation of the disciplines
  • (Bruce et al Whitworth)

Information literacy in Ireland
  • Report of the CONUL Working Group on Information
    Skills Training
  • Arrive at shared terminology, assumptions,
    expectations and best practice (4.1 8)
  • Promote a common Information Literacy framework
    (IST initiatives 11)
  • Develop a policy of implementation (capitalise on
    current information literacy practices)

Exploring the terminology
  • How would you describe you view of learning,
    teaching and information literacy? (extract from
    Bruce et al)
  • In my view learning is
  • In my view teaching is
  • I see information literacy as
  • My colleagues see information literacy as
  • Our students see information literacy as
  • Handouts collected for analysis. Feedback after
    this event.

Information literacy as a catalyst
  • Empowering the learner by fostering an
    independent learning attitude
  • Taking responsibility for own learning (Andretta,
  • Experiencing variation in learning (Bruce et al
    Lantz et al Stubbings et al)
  • Developing motivation through relevance to
    subject and personal requirements (Lantz et al
    Hepworth et al)
  • Developing own voice, advocacy (Williams
    Stubbings et al)
  • Developing active citizenship (Whitworth Lantz
    et al)

Information literacy as a catalyst
  • Empowering the librarian by claiming the
    facilitators role
  • a librarian should be more than a keeper of
    books he should be an educator . All that is
    taught in college amounts to very little but if
    we can send students out self-reliant in their
    investigations, we have accomplished very much.
    (Robinson, 1876 129)
  • Librarians as information literacy educators
  • Resistance from faculty staff and students
    (Stubbings et al UK)
  • Institutional acceptance and integration of
    information literacy education in civic and
    health literacies programmes (Lantz et al,
  • Opportunities for CPD and knowledge transfer
    (Hepworth et al, Tanzania)

Information literacy as a catalyst
  • Clear strategy of collaboration between faculty,
    library and administrative staff to ensure
    flexible provision
  • Embedded approach (ACRL, 2000 Bundy, 2004)
  • Top-down Bottom-up (Lantz et al, Stubbings et
  • Learning and teaching institutional strategies
    Critical and reflective pedagogy (Lantz et al,
  • Hepworth et al)
  • Learning and teaching provision by staff
    Learning outcomes (Stubbings et al)
  • Prevention of plagiarism (ibid.)
  • PDP (ibid.)
  • Real- world assessment (Lantz et al)

Information Literacy Education
  • Pedagogical framework suitable for lifelong
  • Emancipation of learners and staff
  • National and institutional competitiveness
  • From prescribed reading to the excitement of

  • ACRL (Association of College and Research
    Libraries) (2000) Information Literacy Competency
    Standards for Higher Education standards,
    performance indicators and outcomes, Chicago,
    ACRL. Available at http//
    tan.html (Accessed 9 November 2005).
  • American Library Association (1989) ALA
    Presidential Committee on Information Literacy,
    ALA, Washington D.C., 10 January 1989. Available
    at http//
    rs/presidential.htm (Accessed 7 March 2004).
  • Andretta, S. (ed.) (2006) Information literacy
    challenges of implementation, Italics, 5 (1),
    January 2006. Online. Available at
    m (Accessed 16 January 2006).
  • Andretta, S. (2005a) Information literacy
    empowering the learner against all odds, Paper
    presented at the LILAC Conference, 4 -6 April
    2005, Imperial College, London.
  • Andretta, S. (2005b) Information Literacy a
    practitioners guide. Oxford Chandos Publishing.
  • Andretta, S. Cutting, A. (2003) Information
    Literacy a plug and play approach, Libri,
    53(3) 202 209.
  • Brine, A. Stubbings, R. (2003) Plagiarism and
    the role of the library, Library Information
    Update, 2(12) 42-44.

  • Bruce C. (2002) Information Literacy as a
    Catalist for Educational Change A Background
    Paper, White Paper prepared for UNESCO, the U.S.
    National Commission on Libraries and Information
    Science, and the National Forum on Information
    Literacy, for use at the Information Literacy,
    Meetings of Experts, Prague, The Czeck Republic,
    July 2002. Available at
  • http//
    ers/bruce-fullpaper.pdf (Accessed 7 April 2004).
  • Bruce, C. (1997) The Seven Faces of Information
    Literacy, Auslib Press, Adelaide.
  • Bundy, A. (2004a) Zeitgeist Information literacy
    and educational change. Paper presented at the
    4th Frankfurt Scientific Symposium, Germany, 4
    October 2004.
  • Bundy, A. (ed) (2004b), Australian and New
    Zealand Information Literacy Framework.
    Principles, Standards and Practice, 2nd edition,
    Australian and New Zealand Institute for
    Information Literacy (ANZIIL), Adelaide.
    Available at http//
    /InfoLiteracyFramework.pdf (Accessed 7 April
  • Bundy, A. (2001), Information Literacy The Key
    Competency for the 21st Century, available at
    (accessed 8 November 2001).
  • Bundy A. (1999) Information Literacy the 21st
    Century Educational Smartcard, Australian
    Academic Research Libraries (AARL), 30 (4),
    December 1999 233-250.

  • Candy, P.C. (2002) Information Literacy and
    Lifelong Learning, White Paper prepared for
    UNESCO, the U.S. National Commission on Libraries
    and Information Science, and the National Forum
    on Information Literacy, for use at the
    Information Literacy, Meetings of Experts,
    Prague, The Czeck Republic, July 2002. Available
  • http//
    ers/candy-paper.pdf (Accessed 07/04/04).
  • CONUL Working Group on Information Skills
    Training Final Report, March 2004.
  • Department for Employment and Skills (DfES)
    (2003), Towards a Unified e-learning Strategy.
    Available at http//
    2/16/ (Accessed 12 June 2004).
  • Doherty, J.J., Hansen, M.A. and Kaya, K.K. (1999)
    Teaching information skills in the Information
    Age the need for critical thinking, Library
    Philosophy and Practice, 1(2) 1-12. Online.
    Available at http//
    in/doherty.htm (Accessed 12 June 2004).
  • Leon, P. (2004) Time to cut the cables?, Times
    Higher Educational Supplement, 30 April, pp. 8-9
  • Lupton, M. (2004) The Learning Connection.
    Information Literacy and the student experience,
    Auslib Press, Adelaide.
  • OSullivan, C. (2002) Is information literacy
    relevant in the real world?, New Library World,
  • 7-14.

  • Office of Economic Co-operation and Development
    (1996) The Knowledge-Based Economy (OECD), Paris
    (OECD/GD (96) 102).
  • Robinson, O.H. (1876) The Proceedings, American
    Library Journal, 1 92-145.
  • Stern, C. (2003) Measuring students information
    literacy competency, in Martin, A. Rader, H.
    (eds.) Information and IT literacy enabling
    learning in the 21st century, London Facet
    Publishing 112-119.
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