Title: MAGM 225 Residential and Farmstead Electrical Wiring and Principles
1MAGM 225 Residential and Farmstead Electrical
Wiring and Principles
- Define electricity?
- Webster- A source of energy from particles of
matter. - Dictionary.com -The science dealing with electric
charges and currents. - The flow of electrons through a conductor.
3The atom and their charges
- Parts of the atom
- Proton Positively charged
- Neutron - Neutral
- Electron Negatively charged and orbit around
the nucleus - Electrons in the outer orbit are known as valence
electrons and they can number from 1-8 electrons
4The Basic Structure of an Atom
Elements with less than 4 Electrons in their
outer rings make good conductors
Because the Electrons are easily dislodged from
their orbit and pushed to the atom next to them.
(Electron flow)
5The Basic Structure of an Atom
Elements with More than 4 Electrons in their
outer rings make good insulators
Because the Electrons remain in the outer rings
when electromotive force (Voltage) is present.
6How dose electricity flow? What causes electrons
to move from atom to atom?
Voltage is the abundance of electrons on one side
of a conductor as compared to the other side.
This could also be described as the potential for
electron flow or potential difference.
7How dose electricity flow? What causes electrons
to move from atom to atom?
(Electromotive Force)
Voltage Pushes the electrons
8How dose electricity flow? What causes electrons
to move from atom to atom?
(Electromotive Force)
Voltage Pushes the electrons
9How do we create this flow?
Magnetism Chemical Pressure Light Friction Heat
10How Do We Measure This Flow?
- Electrical Pressure, potential, or potential
difference - Unit is Voltage V or EMF
- Meter symbols
- VAC - V
- VDC - V
- Opposition to current flow
- Unit - Ohm
- Symbol - Omega
- All components and wires have resistance.
- Flow of Electricity
- Unit Ampere
- 1 Ampere
- 6,250,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons/second
- Symbol - A or I
- Watt is a unit of electrical work.
- Watts Volts X Amps
- Amps Watts / Volts
- Volts Watts/ Amps
15Sample Problem
- How many strands of Christmas lights can we put
on a 20 amp circuit if each strand holds 50 4
watt bulbs
- Watts Volts x Amps
- 50 bulbs _at_ 4 watts each 200 Watts
- 200 Watts 120 Volts x Amps
- 200 watts / 120 Volts 1.66 amps / Strand
- 20 Amps / 1.6 amps 12.5 strands
17Problem 2
- We have 60 light bulbs in our house. They are
all 60 watts each. How much does it cost to run
the lights 8 hours a day for a year?
- 60 bulbs _at_ 60 watts 3600 watts
- 3600 watts x 8 hours x 365 days / 1000
- 10512 Kilo Watt Hours
- 10512 Kilo Watt Hours _at_ .09/ KWH
- 946 / year
19Question 3
- How much do we save if we change all the bulbs to
14 watt florescent bulbs.
- 60 bulbs _at_ 14 watts watts
- 840 watts x 8 hours x 365 days / 1000
- 2453 Kilo Watt Hours
- 2453 Kilo Watt Hours _at_ .09/ KWH
- 220 / year
- 946 220 726 / year savings