Title: Discourse Representation Theory: An overview
1Discourse Representation TheoryAn overview
- Part I The linguistic problem
- A meaning representation language
- Compositionality
- Lambda Calculus
- Moving to Discourse
- Shortcomings with FOL
3- 1. A meaning representation language
4- A semantic analysis of NL should answer at least
the following questions - What does a given sentence mean?
- How is the meaning representation of a sentence
built? - How do we infer some piece of information out of
another? - How is the meaning representation of a discourse
built? - This boils down to have meaning representation of
the linguistic utterances.
5- Why First Order Logic?
- Apparently all natural languages show a predicate
argument structure - Is there anything shared by these two sentences?
- 1. John loves Mary
- 2. Mary loves John
- They have a not so overlapping linear order, but
they seem strictly related all the same. - A philosophical argument
- Assume a speaker S has a meaning
representation for both proper names would it be
possible for S to understand 1. and not 2.? - If so, how does it come that a speaker
could grasp the meaning of infinite sentences (he
never heard before) out of finite resources (his
lexicon)? -
- Loves(john, mary)
- Loves(mary, john)
- Loves(x,y)
6- What does a given sentence mean?
- A theoretical assumption
- The meaning of a sentence is its truth value
- (better, its truth conditions, i.e. the state of
affairs of the world which make the sentence
true) - FOL supports a reliable concept of satisfaction
and truth on models - if we can translate a NL sentence S in a FOL
formula F (that is called the proposition
corresponding to S), then we have description of
its meaning in terms of truth in a model MltD,Igt. - John loves Mary ? loves(john,mary)
- M F iff ltI(john), I(mary)gt? I(loves)
- A student loves Mary ? ?x(student(x) ?
loves(x,Mary)) - M F iff for any variable assignment g, M,g
?x(student(x) ? loves(x,Mary)) - iff for some x-variant g of g M,g student(x) ?
loves(x,Mary) -
7- We can draw inferences from the meaning of the
sentences we understand - We are told that
- Rudys is a vegetarian restaurant
- And that
- vegetarian restaurants dont serve meat
- In FOL we have a reliable way to conclude
- Rudys doesnt serve meat using an inference
rule instantiated by - VegRest(rudys)
- ?x(VegRest(x) ? Serve(x,meat))
- ____________________________
- Serve(rudys,meat)
8- So, does FOL capture the what, the content of
Natural Language semantics? - Its quite controversial.
- Adverbs semantics
- Milly swims slowly.
- Adjective semantics
- There is a red apple ? ?x(apple(x) ?
- There is a small elephant in the zoo ?
?x(elephant(x) ? small(x) ? in_the_zoo(x)) NO! - John is a skillful violinist ? skillful(john)
- Indexical expressions semantics
9- Even though FOL could capture the what of
meaning, in itself it doesnt say anything about
how to build FOL formulas starting from
sentences, and how to do it in a systematic way - Take for example
- John loves Mary ? loves(john,mary)
- It seems that
- John contributes the constant john
- Mary contributes the constant mary
- loves contribute the binary relation loves(x,y)
- So, sentence meaning flows from lexicon, from
words. - But how it is precisely built?
- Why couldnt we derive loves(mary,john) as well?
- The missing point is syntactic structure!
10Here there is a hierarchy, not just a linear
order of words, and it constrains the way we can
fill the argument slots in the meaning
representation of the relation LOVE(x,y). But
notice that there is not specific mechanism
defined on meaning representations that allows
this unification.
- So, we need a syntax-driven semantics for Natural
Language, such that - the lexical items in a sentence give the basic
ingredients for meaning representations - syntactic structure tells us how the semantic
contributions of the parts are to be joined
11 12- Principle of Compositionality
- The meaning of a complex expression is a
function of the meanings of its parts and of the
syntactic rules by which they are combined. - In order to instantiate it we need to define
- Semantic primitives for lexical entries
- An independent syntactic theory contributing a
notion of parts and rules of combination ? - well assume a suitable CFG and parser
- a description of the function or mapping from
syntax to semantics.
13 14- We extend FOL with a variable binding operator ?.
- Basic expressions of the kind
- ?xP(x)
- where x is a formal parameter variable and P(x)
is a FOL expression containing x. - Semantics Occurrences of variables buond by ?
are place-holders for missing information. We
abstract over the bound variables to mark the
slots for substitution. - ?-reduction (also called ?-conversion) is a basic
mechanism that applies ?-expressions to terms
yielding new expressions with all occurrences of
formal parameters bound to the specified terms - ?x.P(x)(a) ? P(a)
- ?x.left(x)(john) ? left(john)
- Semantics Substitute the argument term for all
the occurrences of the bound variables in the
functor -
15- Lexical representations
- PN John ? j
- IV walks ? ?x.walks(x)
- Det a ? ? X.?Y.?z.X(z)?Y(z)
- TV loves ? ? x.?y.loves(x,y)
- We have now suitable representations to augment
CFG with semantic attachments such that, for each
CF rule, we have a function F to build the
meaning of the symbols on the left out of the
meanings of the symbols on the right - A ? a1,,an S(A)
F(S(a1),,S(an)) - NP ? pn S(NP) S(pn)
- NP ? det NP S(NP) S(det)S(NP)
- e.g. a man (? X.?Y.?z.X(z)?Y(z))(?x.man(x)) ?
16John loves Mary (S) loves(j,m)
John (NP) j
loves Mary (VP) ?x.loves(x,m)
Mary(NP) m
John (PN) j
loves (TV) ?y.?x.loves(x,y)
Mary (PN) m
- We needed to know
- exactly which variables in the TVs meaning
representation have to be replaced by the
semantics of the TVs arguments ? we did
it changing the semantic attachment of TV in a
?-expression which make variables externally
available for binding - how to replace them ? ?-conversion
17 18- Up to now, we addressed the meaning of linguistic
unities up to sentences - A discourse def a set of collocated, related
of sentences - NOTICE Well focus only on semantics of
Monologue (Dialog might imply a much more
complex interaction...) - John went to Bills car dealership to check out
an Acura Integra. He looked at it for about an
hour. - The semantics of the second sentence is not
independent on the one of the first - We have to look back to the semantics of
preceding sentences to assign a meaning to the
two pronouns - We find expressions back in the discourse which
have been made contextually relevant
19- We are focusing on a subset of discourse
semantics, i.e. co-reference - Some terminology
- Reference def The process by which expressions
(noun phrases, proper names, pronouns, etc., also
called referring expressions) denote, i.e.
point to an entity (e.g. a person), called the
referent. - Notice we are assuming a suitable theory of
reference and will be interested in modeling the
phaenomenon of - co-reference in discourse
- Anaphora def reference to an entity (called
an antecedent) which has been previously
introduced into the discourse. E.g. - Mia is a woman. She loves Vincent.
John went to Bills car dealership to check out
an Acura Integra. He looked at it for about an
- A method for building a Discourse Model that
evolves with the dynamically-changing discourse
it represents - A method for mapping between referring expression
in discourse and entities in the Discourse Model
21 22- Succeding co-reference
- Mia is a woman. She loves Vincent.
- A woman snorts. She collapses.
- Failing coreference
- 3. Every woman snorts. ?She collapses.
- 4. Mia didnt order a two dollar sandwich.
?Vincent tasted it.
23- 1. Mia is a woman. She loves Vincent.
- FOL Representations
- First attempt WOMAN(Mia) ? LOVE(x, Vincent)
- Post-processing WOMAN(Mia) ? LOVE(Mia, Vincent)
24- 2. A woman snorts. She collapses.
- FOL representations
- ?z(WOMAN(z) ? SNORT(z)) ? COLLAPSE(X).
- ?z(WOMAN(z) ? SNORT(z) ? COLLAPSE(z)).
25- 3. Every woman snorts. She collapses.
- FOL Representations
- ?z(WOMAN(z) ? SNORT(z)) ? COLLAPSE(x)
- ?z((WOMAN(z) ? SNORT(z)) ? COLLAPSE(z))
Why doesnt it work?
26It seems that we should move to representations
- keep the truth-conditional dimension of meaning
typical of FOL ? we want to be able to evaluate
discourses on standard models as we did for
sentences - resolve anaphora in a systematic way
- mirror in some way the process of discourse
understanding with the functional requirements we