Title: Applications of Biotechnology in Plant Breeding
1Applications of Biotechnology inPlant Breeding
- Sadanand Dhekney, PhD
- University of Florida / IFAS
- Mid-Florida Research Education Center
- Apopka, FL 32703
2Limitations of Conventional Breeding
- Extreme heterozygosity and pronounced inbreeding
depression in plant species -
- F1 hybrid produced is of intermediate quality
- Long juvenile period of sp. makes screening of
new selections tedious and time consuming
3Plant biotechnology
- What is plant biotechnology?
- Products on the market
- Benefits of biotechnology
4Plant biotechnology
- A precise process in which scientific techniques
- are adopted to develop useful and beneficial
5Traditional plant breeding
Commercial variety
Traditional donor
New variety
DNA is a strand of genes, much like a strand of
pearls. Traditional plant breeding combines many
genes at once.
(many genes are transferred)
Desired Gene
Desired gene
Plant biotechnology
6What is Plant Tissue Culture?
Totipotency Single cell has the ability to
regenerate into a whole plant
7What conditions do plant cells need to multiply
in vitro?
- Freedom from competition
- Nutrients and removal of waste products
- A controlled environment
9Seed culture
- Increasing efficiency of germination of seeds
that are difficult to germinate in vivo - Precocious germination by application of plant
growth regulators - Production of clean seedlings for explants or
meristem culture
10Embryo culture
- Overcoming embryo abortion due to incompatibility
barriers - Overcoming seed dormancy and self-sterility of
seeds - Embryo rescue in distant (interspecific or
intergeneric) hybridization where endosperm
development is poor - Shortening of breeding cycle
11Ovary or ovule culture
- Production of haploid plants
- A common explant for the initiation of somatic
embryogenic cultures - Overcoming abortion of embryos of wide hybrids at
very early stages of development due to
incompatibility barriers - In vitro fertilization for the production of
distant hybrids avoiding style and stigmatic
incompatibility that inhibits pollen germination
and pollen tube growth
12Anther and microspore culture
- Production of haploid plants
- Production of homozygous diploid lines through
chromosome doubling, thus reducing the time
required to produce inbred lines - Uncovering mutations or recessive phenotypes
13Organ culture
- Any plant organ can serve as an explant to
initiate cultures
14Shoot apical meristem culture
- Production of virus free germplasm
- Mass production of desirable genotypes
- Facilitation of exchange between locations
(production of clean material) - Cryopreservation (cold storage) or in vitro
conservation of germplasm
15Somatic embryogenesis
- One major path of regeneration
- Mass multiplication
- Production of artificial seeds
- As source material for embryogenic protoplasts
- Amenable to mechanization and for bioreactors
16Embryogenic Culture System for Vitis
- Initiation from leaves on NB 2 medium (Gray,
- One major path of regeneration
- Mass multiplication
- Conservation of germplasm at either normal or
sub-zero temperatures
18Callus Cultures
- In some instances it is necessary to go through a
callus phase prior to regeneration via somatic
embryogenesis or organogenesis - For generation of useful somaclonal variants
(genetic or epigenetic) - As a source of protoplasts and suspension
cultures - For production of metabolites
- Used in in vitro selection
19Initiation from Stamens and Pistils
20In vitro mutagenesis
- Induction of polyploidy
- Introduction of genetic variability
21Genetic transformation
- Introduction of foreign DNA to generate novel
(and typically desirable) genetic combinations - Many different explants can be used, depending on
the plant species and its favored method of
regeneration as well as the method of
transformation - Used to study the function of genes
22Genetic Transformation System
Co-cultivate 48 h
Callus induction medium
Embryo explants
Wash explants
Agro culture
Select transgenic embryos using GFP/NPT II system
Embryo development medium
Regenerate transgenic plants
- Disease resistance
- Insect resistance
- Salinity tolerance
- Heavy metals tolerance
- Improved nutritional characteristics
24More than 50 biotech food products have been
approved for commercial use in the United States
- Canola (5)
- Corn (21)
- Cotton (12)
- Papaya
- Potato
- Soybeans (62)
- Squash
- Sugarbeets
- Sweet corn
- Tomato
25Advantages Limitations
- Advantages
- Food quantity
- Food quality
- Eco friendly
- Limitations
- Recent scientific advances
- Tangible benefits may not be long term