Filters Using Regular Expressions: Grep and Sed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Filters Using Regular Expressions: Grep and Sed


c, count number of lines with matches. l, display names of files with ... but if the expression requires an apostrophe( ), you are forced to use double quotes. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Filters Using Regular Expressions: Grep and Sed

Filters Using Regular Expressions Grep and Sed
  • Brian C. Hoffman
  • CINS 142

grep - Finding an Expression
  • As we saw in our lesson on common commands, grep
    takes the
  • form.
  • grep options pattern file list
  • Options
  • c, count number of lines with matches
  • l, display names of files with matches only
  • n, display line numbers along with lines
  • i, ignore case
  • h, omit filenames when handling multiple files
  • v, display lines that do not match

When grep Fails
  • If the grep command fails to find a string
    matching the given pattern it simply returns to
    the command prompt with no message.
  • However, grep does return a failure value to a
    shell variable (?) that can be used within a
    shell script.

Using Regular Expressions
  • Our goal is to make grep more flexible and search
    for strings that match general patterns instead
    of only looking for specific ones.
  • To accomplish our goal we will use regular
    expressions, strings that contain meta-characters
    that can be used to indicate a various patterns.
  • In the following slides we will examine the set
    of meta-characters one can use in these
    expressions. These characters are fairly
    universal and are also used in Perl.
  • See the table on p441 in the book for helpful

Quoting in Expressions
  • When using multiword strings, you must quote the
    entire expression or every word after the first
    will be treated as file names.
  • You can use either single () or double
    quotes(), but if the expression requires an
    apostrophe(), you are forced to use double
  • If you require any kind of command substitution
    (see p249) or variable evaluation, you should use
    double quotes.

The Meta-Character
  • To begin, in a regular expression does not work
    the same as the wildcard. They are used in
    different contexts and have very different
  • The meta-character refers to the character that
    directly precedes it. It matches 0 or more
    occurrences of that character.
  • Examples
  • myg will match my, myg, mygg, myggg,
    mygggggg, mygggggg
  • E will match the null string and e,
    ee, eee, eeee, eeeee,
  • trueman will match both truman and trueman. It
    will also match
  • trueeman

The Character Class
  • Regular expression may also use character
    classes. These work much the same way as they did
    in the lesson on shells.
  • Character classes are indicated by and will
    allow any character in the included range to take
    its place.
  • ijk replace this spot with an i,j,or k
  • a-f replace this spot with character in range
  • 1-3 replace this spot with character in the
    range 1-3
  • Character classes can be negated using
  • ijk replace this spot with any character
    but i,j,or k
  • a-f replace this spot with a character not
    in range a-f
  • Notice that the negation character is and not !

The . Meta-Character
  • The . character will match any single character.
    It plays the same role for a regular expression
    that ? plays for the shell.
  • Examples,
  • wom.n will match women, woman, wombn, womzn,
  • ..b will match afb, dzb, ffb, abb,
  • Per. will match perm, pern, pert, perp,
  • . is a very special combination. It indicates
    any possible combination of characters or none.
    For example, wood. will match wood, woods,
    woodsman, or woody.

The and Meta Characters
  • The and characters are used to indicate
    position in the line.
  • indicates the front
  • indicates the back
  • For example, 2 will search for a 2 followed by 3
    characters anywhere in the line, but 2 will only
    look for lines that start with a 2.
  • Other Examples
  • fred find lines that
    begin with fred
  • fred find lines that end
    with fred
  • find lines that
    contain nothing
  • ls -l grep ..w finds files where group
    has write permission

Other Useful Expressions
  • Here are some other examples from the table on
  • \m\ look for m occurences of the previous
    character Ex. .\9\nobody look
    for nobody after skipping 9 characters
    from the
  • \m,\ look for at least m occurences of
    previous character
  • \m,n\ look for between m and n occurences of
    the previous character

egrep - An Extended Grep
  • egrep adds some additional features to the
    standard grep command
  • You can include multiple expressions to match
    against by using the character.
  • For example, egrep woodwoodswoodsman will
    print matches for any of the three components.
  • You can load the patterns from a file using the
    -f option. The patterns must be stored using the
  • For example, egrep -f pat.dat will search for
    all matches to the patterns in pat.dat in the
    current directory.
  • Using () will create an OR condition. (x1x2)x3
    means x1x3 or x2x3 but not both
  • You can use some additional meta-characters (see
    table p447)
  • like but must have at least one occurrence
  • ? matches a single instance or nothing

fgrep - Fast Grep
  • fgrep is a fast version of grep, but it doesnt
    use any regual expression characters. It is best
    for rapidly finding simple expressions.
  • fgrep can search for multiple strings like egrep,
    but the different expressions must be placed on
    separate lines instead of being separated by a .
  • Example
  • fgrep hello
  • fred
  • william

sed - The Stream Editor
  • Sed is a non-interactive editor that allows the
    user to modify a file by using locators and
  • The general format of the sed command is
  • sed options locator action
  • Notice that the locator and the action both go
    within the same set of single quotes. You can use
    double quotes in those cases where you need
    command substitution or variable evaluation.

Line Addressing
  • One of the ways of specifying a location is to
    use line addressing.
  • The general format of a line address is
    startLine,endLinewhere startLine and endLine are
    integers that give the relevant line numbers.
  • Examples
  • sed 20q file prints the first 20
    lines and quits
  • sed -n 1-20p file also prints the first 20
  • sed 10,20p file prints lines 10-20

Line Addressing Continued
  • The -n option
  • By default sed prints every line in the file
    unless the user quits. A command lik sed 1-20p
    will print the first 20 lines and then print the
    whole file. To suppress the printing of the whole
    file use -n.
  • Reversing line selection
  • The ! Character indicates that one should do the
    reverse of what is stated. In the case of line
    selection it will work will all but the indicated
    linesex sed n 3,!p emp.lst will print
    all but lines 3-end

Selecting Multiple Chunks
  • The e option can be used to combine several
    instructions onto one line. For example,
  • sed n 1,2p e 7,9p e 20,25p emp.lst
  • will print lines 1,2,7,8,9,20,21,22,23,24,25

Context Addressing
  • Context addressing find locations to act on by
    searching for a pattern.
  • The general form of a context address is /expr/
    where expr is a literal or regular expression one
    can search for.
  • Multiple expressions can be joined using commas
  • For example the following will print out all from
    lines in the mailbox
  • sed n /From /p HOME/mbox

Some Sed Commands
  • q quit after reading up to
    addressed line
  • p print the lines to the screen
  • i,a,c insert, append, change
  • d delete lines
  • s/s1/s2 replace first occurrence of s1 in
    all lines with s2
  • s/s1/s2/g replace all occurrences of s1 with
  • For some good examples see tabe on p449 and read
    through the
  • text.
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