Title: Information Session StRV NAWIDoctorate
1Information SessionStRV NAWI-Doctorate
2Outline of the Talk
- Helpful webpages
- The old Curriculum
- Should I change to the NEW Curriculum?
- Howto
- Register the topic of the Doctoral thesis
- Submit the thesis
- do the Doctoral Exam
- Deadlines
- Doctoral Exam
- 12 week hours
- OLD Curriculum
- www.exp.univie.ac.at/allg/stdplan/stdpldok.html
- Our Homepage
- www.univie.ac.at/strv-doc-nawi/
- Student-Point
- www.univie.ac.at/studentpoint/
4Graduation, OLD Curriculum
- You can graduate using the old curriculum
- if you ...
- registered before 1.10.2002
- paid the fees every term since then.
- will finish your studies before 30.11.2005
Deadline for the final exam 30.11.2005
5 Is the new Curriculum better for me?
- You may transfer, but you don't have to. ? You
may also hold a defense instead of the final exam
if you stay in the old curriculum. You have more
freedom of choice when selecting your lectures
(12 week hours) - If you interrupt your studies (for one or more
terms) you will be automatically transferred to
the new Curriculum.
- Register the topic of the thesis
- Submit the PhD thesis
- Register the final exam/defense
7Registration of the thesis topic
- WHEN As soon as possible!
- HOW ? registration form (NEW)!
- ? fill out this form in duplicate
- ? signature of the supervisor
- ? signature of the Head of the
8Registration of the thesis topic
- WHERE Examinations Department (Prüfungsreferat
)(will affix the - signature of the Studien programmleiter,
short SPl) - Two weeks later
- you get one of these forms back, now signed by
the SPl. (you'll need this form to submit your
9Submitting the thesis I
- You need
- 3 hardcopies of your thesis (hardcover)
- CV included in these three copies
- The comment ltlt ...zur Erlangung des Akademischen
Grades "Doktor/in der Naturwissenschaften" gtgt in
all three copies
10Submitting the thesis II
- You also need
- one signed CV
- a copy of your last Studienbuchblatt
- registration form (now signed by the SPl)
- printout of your entry in the Dissertation-databas
e (Password -gt Examinations Department)
11Submitting the thesis III
- You also need ... even more FORMS
- Social insurance form Sozialversicherungs-Formula
r - Form called Ansuchen um Approbation der
Dissertation - Leaflet
- If not already done name a second
super-visor/referee (supervisor first referee) - Certificates of the lectures (12 week hours)
12Registration final exam
- You need
- Form Beurteilung der Diss. (with the signature
of your referees) - The reports/grades from your referees
- Registration form (Examinations Department)
13Registration final exam
- Rigorosum/Defense
- Appoint the day of your oral exam with the
examination committee - Notify the Examinations Department of the date
chosen (at least 3 weeks before the planned oral
14Graduation - Deadlines
- At least 3 weeks before the planned exam
- Submit the thesis!
- If not already done name a second supervisor/
referee (the first referee is your supervisor) - Register for your final exam(reports/grades from
your supervisor and the second referee)!
15The final exam
- Rigorosum or Defense
- Defensio
- Public defense
- Talk (30min)
- Examination committee supervisor, second
referee, chairman (SPl) (max. 60min) - Open discussion (15min)
- According to (3)
- you have to choose
- Lectures in the field of research of your thesis
topic 8 week hours - Lectures that have some connection to your field
of research 4 week hours
- Until the new curriculum became operative, no
certificates for the 12 week hours of lectures
were needed (OLD curriculum only!) - officially you need some certificateseither a
copy of your lecture certificatesor a signed
note from your supervisor that you wouldnt need
18Information SessionStRV NAWI-Doctorate
19Outline of the talk
- Useful webpages
- Conditions for admittance registration
- Registration of the thesis topic book of exams
(Prüfungspass) - Rules for 12 week hours
- Submission of the thesis
- Defense
- Information
- Studienprogrammleiter
20Useful Webpages
- http//spl.univie.ac.at
- Our Homepage
- www.univie.ac.at/strv-doc-nawi/
- Our Email address
- doktorat.nawi_at_univie.ac.at
- Required qualification master's degree in
natural science or a teaching position in a
relevant subject or a recognized equivalent
domestic or foreign post-secondary education
degree from a specialist course of study from a
highschool college (2,(1)(2) Stpl.) - Choose a research area for your PhD studies and a
- Register at the Studies- and Exami-nations
Department (Main Building) - You'll get a form to inform the University of
your thesis topic and the name of your
supervisor. - -gt decision regarding the admittance to a PhD
23Registration PhD topic
- Form (Study and Examinations Department) (NEW)!
- Signature of the supervisor and signature of the
Head of the Institute/Department if financial
support is required (lab space, equipment,
chemicals, etc.) - You will be informed by the Examinations
Department via email about acceptance
24Book of exams (Prüfungspass)
- Book of exams (Examinations Department)
- subject-relevant lectures of 12 week hours (have
to be approved by SPl) - Courses held by the supervisor max. 4
hours(if the supervisor is co-applicant of the
course max. 6 hours) - Seminars max. 6 hours
- Practical courses max. 6 hours
25Submitting the thesis I
- You need
- 3 copies of your thesis (hardcover)
- CV included in these three copies
- The comment ltlt ...zur Erlangung des Akademischen
Grades "Doktor/in der Naturwissenschaften" gtgt in
all three copies
26Submitting the thesis II
- Further you will need
- one signed CV
- a copy of your last Studienbuchblatt
- Printout of your entry in the Dissertation-databas
e (Password -gt Examinations Department)
enclosed after submission of thesis
27Submitting the thesis III
- You also need ... even more FORMS
- Social insurance form Sozialversicherungs-Formula
r - Form called Ansuchen um Approbation der
Dissertation - Leaflet
28Submitting the thesis IV
- The Studienpräses assigns two referees.
- The supervisor and the student may suggest
referees. (NEW)! - The Examinations Department will send you an
email as soon the referees are fixed, and once
more after they have returned their reports. - Fix the examination committee and day of defense
with the SPl and the accepted examiners.
29Referee Examiner
- Supervisor must not be the referee
- Referees could be deployed as the examiner
- More over the supervisor may act as an other
30Defense I
- Approved PhD thesis ("Beurteilungs-formular")
- Referees reports
- Registration form
- Book of exams (Prüfungspass)
- are submitted at the Examinations Department!
- This is the time when you can start your count
down to the defense - Inform the Examinations Department at least 3
weeks before the planned date of the defense.
31Defense II
- There will be a committee (three members)
- The supervisor may be one of the three
- If possible one member should not work at the
same institute as the supervisor (and even better
not at University of Vienna ) - 30 minutes talk public discussion
32Examinations Department
- Prüfungsreferat Naturwissenschaften UZA II
33Examinations Department
- Prüfungsreferat Naturwissenschaften
- UZA II, Stiege C, Ebene 3, Zimmer 323,
Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Wien - Tel. 01 4277 12080-83
- office hours
- Tue, Wed 9 12 a.m
- Thu 2 6 p.m
- during holidays Tue, Wed 9 12 a.m.
34Studienprogrammleiter (Spl)
- Mathematics Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Cap
- Physics O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Bartl
- Chemistry Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Mikenda
- Earth Sciences, Meteorology, Geophysics and
Astronomy Univ.-Prof. Dr. Konstantin Petrakakis - Biology Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Hesse
- Molecular Biology O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard
Wiche - Pharmacy O. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Helmut
Viernstein - Nutritional Science O. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Ibrahim Elmadfa
- Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Brigitte Kopp
- Electronic Mail brigitte.kopp_at_univie.ac.at or
- studienpraeses_at_univie.ac.at
- roswitha.esberger_at_univie.ac.at (assistant to
Prof. Kopp)
36Last But Not Least
- We wish you ...
- endurance for the bureaucracy!
- Good luck!
- If you have any questions
- ? send us an Email
- doktorat.nawi_at_univie.ac.at
- yours StV Doctorate NAWI