Title: The Adapters Club
1The Adapters Club Part of the ROADS Supplier
Engagement Programme A Review of the Programmes
Achievements and Future Direction Terry Dailey
Programme Director EISCO Krakow June 3rd 2005
2Office of the Deputy Prime Minister e-Gov
Developments For Local Authorities
ODPM - Programme Board
ODPM Executive Steering Group
E-Innovations Programme (33 Projects)
Support Capacity Programme (Multiple Projs)
Nat Projects Programme (23 Projects)
Partnerships Regional Programme (50 Projects)
ROADS Programme (5 Prog W/S)
IEG Programme (Ongoing)
3National Projects
- Benefits
- Digital TV
- e-citizen
- e-democracy
- e-payments
- e-procurement
- Knowledge Management
- Mobile Technology
- Working with Business
- Schools Admissions
- Local Environment
- Standards Body
- Smartcards
- e-Trading Standards
- Workflow
- Valuebill
National Projects provide councils with the key
electronic services and building blocks, without
having to build them from scratch.
Phase 1 - define the requirements - prove the
concepts - develop products Phase 2 - product
dissemination. - All local authorities e-enabled
by Dec05
- Standards
- Such as XML schemas, methodologies, etc
- Dynamic documents
- toolkits, guidance, checklists, templates,
reports (any document that might need updating
over time) - Software
- for download - any software that end users can
install themselves or using a 3rd party - Centrally hosted service
- any technological service provided centrally
rather than for self install
5Setting the Scene, Supplier Engagement
To inform and create a knowledgeable supplier and
Local Authority market place to help facilitate
the successful adoption and rollout of the
products resulting from the National Projects
Define standard business processes and technical
standards for the development of integration
adapters between front office and back office
systems. Lead for this is Bharat Vyas
Create a market intelligence portal to enable
LAs, suppliers and other parties to share
knowledge and information on e-Gov initiatives.
The lead for this is Suki Bhandari
Market Intelligence
Adapters Club
Supplier Engagement
Agree standard MOUs for the take-up/adoption of
the products from the National Projects with
prospective suppliers and creation of communities
of interest. Lead for this is Bob Unsworth.
To run a series of events workshops to engage
with and share knowledge across suppliers and
facilitate their engagement with LAs. Lead for
this is Tim Wootton-Beard
Supplier Take-Up
6Introduction to The Adapters Club
- Key component for integration between systems
- Makes Middleware effective for multiple systems
- Std definitions based on ESD-Toolkit Processes
7The ESD-Toolkit
8Application integration
Front-to-back-office, cross-organisation,
cross-partnership, multi-agency, cross-vendor
integration - requires software adapters
(translators) between applications
Partner or multi-agency Application
Front-office Application
Back-office Application
Back-office Application
9Adapters Provide the Connectors
Integration Server
Finance System
CRM System
Business Process Controller
Common Object Model
CRM Data Model
Data Model
Transport Layer
Housing Repairs
Social Services
10Simple Example Common Objects and Transformations
Address Common Object
CRM System
Legacy System
Common Customer
1 -3742
130 State Street
130 State Street
Postal Code
Postal Code
11What are the typical integration challenges?
- integration components have been
- Proprietary closed specific to each software
vendor, application, operating system and even
software release - Expensive, typically costs 10k - 40K per
adapter and you may need dozens of them - Historically lacking standards and standards
enforcement - Build once, sell many - suppliers previously
had no incentive to re-use code
12Adapters Club Workstreams
13Adapters Club member involvement
Adaptris Anite Arete CAPS Capita Core
Logic DataPro Esprit ESRI/Caps Fiorano Fujitsu I
nfoshare Inmezzo Innogistic Lagan Lorien
PS Mapinfo Mayrise Microsoft NDL Northgate Orchar
d Plantech Princeton Quovadx Remedy SIA Siebel SX3
Turing MS Visionware White Plains
Tower Hamlets Gloucester Newcastle Blackburn Camde
n Somerset Havant/Test Valley Hounslow
Huntington North Lincolnshire Lewisham Lambeth C
roydon Norwich
14Anecdotal Evidence
- We have quoted the National Adapter Club and the
principles it is trying to follow in our
statement of requirements because we see that as
the only way to deliver affordable and
sustainable integration solutions. - In the procurement of Council Tax and Benefits
replacement systems, we have been able to
negotiate integration costs which are a fraction
of what bespoke integration costs would be by
agreeing to adopt the schemas drawn up by the
club. - The achievement in bringing together competing
suppliers to agree standard schemas is a major
one and I feel it must be continued if Council's
are to achieve the levels of integration required
for joined up service delivery. - Source - Ron Hillaby, ICT Application Services
Mgr Newcastle Upon Tyne CC - Integration is one of the top blockers for LAs
to take up the e-Pay projectthey can put a
figure of 60m on the cost of Adapters (excluding
the consulting services)apparently some LAS
started to implement e-Pay then stopped because
of the size of the integration hurdle Source
- E-Pay NP / RSe Consulting
15Completion of Existing Plans
- Market and promote to LAs
- Complete work stream activities and schema
definitions - Publish and build content on LAMIP
- Develop accreditation processes for suppliers
- Recruit new suppliers
- 50 Suppliers now involved
- 25 LAs engaged
- 100 XML Schemas being developed
- 1st Three Adapters commissioned
- 10 NPs Engaged (e.g. Ryogens, e-admissions)
- Content published on LAMIP
- Schema IPR is open source
- Suppliers own IPR in their own adapters
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19Screen Shot - Homepage
20Screen Shot Supplier Usage By LA
21Screen Shot Adapters Club (1)
22Screen Shot Adapters Club (2)
23Total LA Registrations (2nd May)
24Total LA Registrations (2nd May)
- Terry Dailey
- tdailey_at_lambeth.gov.uk