Title: Particle acceleration in jets and lobes
1Particle acceleration in jets and lobes
Astronomical Observatory Jagiellonian University
A shock, but what the role it plays ?
2Cygnus A in X rays
- Hot spots are the jet terminal mildly (?)
relativistic shocks
3(No Transcript)
4Let us remind a few "generally accepted" facts
about the shock acceleration processes
- nonrelativistic (NR) shocks Ush ltlt 1
- relativistic (R) shocks Ush 1
5Diffusive shock acceleration (NR)
R u1/u2
in the shock rest frame
- Compressive discontinuity of the plasma flow
leads to acceleration of particles reflecting at
both sides of the discontinuity diffusive shock
acceleration (I-st order Fermi)
6Acceleration at non-relativistic (NR)shock waves
- Cosmic rays with v gtgt u1 are nearly ISOTROPIC at
the shock. This fact and particle diffusive
propagation are the main factors responsible for
relative independence of the accelerated particle
spectrum on the background conditions. - In the test particle approach
- and the only parameter defining the spectral
index is - the shock compression R u1/u2.
Below we use often ? ? ???
7 1. Spectral index ? does not depend on, e.g.,
For NR shock acceleration
- turbulence character
- mean value and inclination of B
- shock velocity
2. From non-linear models we know, that
acceleration efficiency can be very high
a substantial fraction of the shock bulk
kinetic energy is transferred into energetic
8Relativistic shock waves
- u1 c
- or the shock velocity projection on
- the mean magnetic field is
- uB c
9Does there exist an universal spectral index for
relativistic shocks ?
- The same value of ? ? 2.2 2.3 derived for
ultra-relativistic shocks by Bednarz, Gallant,
Achterberg, Kirk, Guthmann, Vietri, Pelletier, et
al. - One can widely meet the opinion that acceleration
processes acting at relativistic shocks produce
spectra with this universal inclination, - -gt equivalent to the synchrotron index s 0.6
10Most studies of energetic particles
(electrons) present in jets and hot spots
postulate the shock (I-order Fermi) acceleration
mechanism as its main source. Application of
the mentioned above theoretical results often
leads to a theoretical picture compatible with
the observational data. II-order Fermi
acceleration is believed to play some role in
radio lobes and extended structures.
11Is life so simple ?Do we really know so much
about the basic physics of energetic particles
in jet related phenomena ?
No, everything I've presented above is an unfair
selection of theoretical results and popular
opinions, sometimes applying contradictory or
even wrong pieces of the knowledge in this field
12NR shocks
Test particle spectrum requires small
acceleration efficiency and "simple" boundary
conditions. Efficient acceleration requires
non-linear models resulting in complex spectra.
Such models are not developed to the level
enabling modelling of real shocks, and never
produce a single-power-law spectra.
II order Fermi process can modify the shock
acceleration for VA gt 0.1 Ush
13Relativistic shock waves
- Particle anisotropy in the shock ??
Significant influence of the background
conditions near the shock at the resulting
spectrum !
The mentioned "universal spectral index 2.2" is
derived only in the models involving an effective
parallel mean field configuration and the pitch
angle diffusion model for particle transport.
14Sub- and super-luminal shocks
uB,1 lt c - subluminal particle
reflections possible
uB,1 gt c - superluminal only
transmissions 1?2
15Summary of results for mildly relativistic
Acceleration time scale
Bednarz Ostrowski 1996
16Cosmic ray density across an oblique subluminal
log (turbulence amplitude ?B/B)
Distance to the shock in units of Xmax
17Niemiec MO (in preparation) short wave
turbulence only downstream
Niemiec MO 2004
18Oblique shocks with uB 0.7
Flat spectrum
Kolmogorov spectrum
19Weakly turbulent superluminal shock
UB,1 1,93
20Spectrum variations (!) at parallel shock
Reflection probability !
21Spectral index for particles accelerated at
ultrarelativistic shocks (Bednarz Ostrowski
in this simulations dB/B grows with G
22High ? superluminal shocks ? 5 , UB 1,4
23ultrarelativistic shock with ? 10
short wave turbulence
? 4.2
Niemiec MO, in preparation
24It is not clear if, and at what amplitude of
dB, of the high amplitude turbulence
generated downstream of the shock (e.g. Medvedev,
et al.) generation of the universal index 2.2 is
possible. In our studies usually a steeper
spectrum appears followed by a cut-off .
25Final warning Observed radio and IC X-rays are
from ??103 (E ? 1 GeV) electrons. At
relativistic shocks propagating in ordinary (e,
nuclei) plasma such electrons are below the
energy limit required for the I order Fermi
acceleration rg,e ? shock thickness
? rg,nuclei
requires PIC modelling of the shock
structure, like the one described by Troels
26Summary of shocks
- cosmic ray spectra generated at relativistic
shock waves strongly depend on physical
conditions at the shock - ? theory of cosmic ray acceleration at
relativistic shocks - is in its infancy yet. We know very little,
if anything, for sure about such processes. - existing theoretical models explain some features
- of the observed cosmic rays, but do not allow
for reliable modelling of the studied objects - the above applies at least partly to
NR shocks
27Particle acceleration in the interstellar medium
- Inhomogeneities of the magnetized plasma flow
lead to energy changes of energetic charged
particles due to electric fields - ?E ?u/c ? B
- compressive discontinuities shock wave
- tangential discontinuities and velocity shear
layers - - MHD turbulence
B B0 ?B
28Jet, and in particular knot morphology
inconsistent with the internal shock model
Stawarz talk
Physics of the medium with relativistic sound
(and Alfvén) velocity
29A significant role of MHD
turbulence and the related II
order acceleration at shocks and boundary shear
30Acceleration time scale
in the jet rest frame, for ? rg
scattering centre velocity VA
"CR viscosity" acceleration
CR shear acceleration important only for high
energy nuclei
31Possible testing of this scenario Stawarz
32A role of the magnetic field reconnection
A myth the acceleration process takes place in
an extremely thin current layer with vanishing
(small) B and E ? (VA/c) B
where ? lt 1 and provides approximately
monoenergetic particles with energies L E .
33In real conditions the electric fields due to
advected magnetic field exist in vicinity of
null point. Due to compressive flow ( slow
shocks) in this region these electric fields
lead to particle acceleration until it escapes
from the turbulent vicinity of the reconnection
34The resulting CR spectrum is relatively flat -
until particle escape starts to dominate and can
extend to energies much above the scale e
(VA/c) B L .
My speculation for radio lobes Possible
self-regulating mechanism to keep the magnetic
field and energetic particles pressures comparable
for Pcr gt PB particle diffusive/radiative
losses dominate until
Pcr PB for Pcr lt PB acceleration in
reconnection processes
increase Pcr until again Pcr PB
35Instead of conclusions With the present poor
theoretical knowledge of the acceleration
processes one is advised to use different
approaches to modelling the observed phenomena.
Only verification of the obtained results with
observational data can put theorists on the right
way to produce a usable theory.
My presented view at the situation is more
critical than views of many other colleagues !