Author Presenter Ingrid Kleist Clark Nunes
AuthorsElena Maria Mallmann /
elena_at_ead.ufsc.brDoris Roncarelli /
doris_at_ead.ufsc.brAraci Hack Catapan /
2Objectives of this study - The Proposals
analyze some of the aspects that differentiate
the pedagogical mediation in the on-line mode,
specifically in Virtual Environments of
Teaching-Learning (AVEA) and its implications in
the learning movement sustained by a pedagogical
3The Distance Education (DE)
- is to reach individuals that do not have access
to face-to-face courses (Peters, 2002).
4- 90s ? the investment in the DE modality at the
universities has grown and spread all over Brazil
(Rodrigues, 2004). - 2005 ? Decree 5.622 ? establishment of this
modality in this country. (Ministry of Education)
Public policies
Human resources
High cost
- In this study, two relevant points appear in
the discussion
1- the question of pedagogical mediation in DE
2- the necessity of using Virtual
Teaching-Learning Environments (AVEA).
5Pedagogical Mediation in the DE Modality and
- Paulsen (2002), Mason (2001) and Bates (2002) ?
influence of development of communication
technologies. - Berbel (1999) ? result of different
- Rumble (2003) ? dealing with processes of
academic administration. - Anetta (2004) and Taylor (2005) ? financial
- Tait (2003) and Moraes (2004) ? supervisory and
- tutorial systems.
- Filatro (2004) and Romiszowski and Romiszowski
- (2005) ? elaboration of didactic material.
6Not authorized
of credibility, evaluation, and evasion
- Very little research has been done with regard
to the complexity of pedagogical mediation in
this modality.
7Mediation is defined by statements, by means, by
conditions and possibilities under which
interaction takes place during the process of
teaching-learning (Catapan, Mallmann and
Roncarelli, 2005).
8Why this modality differentiates from
face-to-face teaching by pedagogical mediation?
- is no more centralized either in teacher or
- In pedagogical mediation the didactic time
differenciates from the learning time! - TCD and learning
decentralize, multirreferenciate and extend the
teaching action in a continual time-space.
9Pedagogical interference in a topological space
Oral / written
language modes
Movement / webcam
10Pedagogical interference in a topological space
DE learning situation is contemplated in their
majority by printed didactic material.
Important! The movement of teaching-learning
is more intense and complex, whenever pedagogic
mediation is transversalized by Digital
Communication Technology (TCD) and, specially, in
AVEA (Catapan et all, 2005, e Ardura e Ryan,
language modes
11Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)/ Ambientes
Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVA)
- Virtual Learning Environment VLE
- Learning Management System LMS
- Virtual Learning Communities VLC.
Keegan et all (2002) and Valentini and Soares
These are all Learning Platforms!
main objective is the promotion of learning.
these all have different tools for digital
12Virtual Learning Communities
- electronic interactive auto-defined communication
webs, - They are not based on institutional places and
affiliations. - (Lévy, 1999 and Palloff and Pratt, 1999)
can be with
coordinated by some subject
free discussion
13Some examples! LMS
Web Ensino (www.webensino.com.br )
14Some examples! LMS
ILIAS (www.ilias.de )
15Some examples! LMS
Learn Loop ( www.learnloop.org )
16Some examples! LMS
Atutor (www.atutor.ca )
17Some examples! LMS
Moodle (www.moodle.org )
18We are focalizing in AVEA
- AVEA is developed under a congruent pedagogical
methodological process. An AVEA is a system
addressing an organized teaching-learning process
intentionally presented in a formal way.
Digital Mode
theoretical-methodological aspects
(organization, supervision, evaluation and
19The arguments, the experiences
- may potentialize time and space,
- accelerating the movement of
- learning of the students.
fluid, dynamic, transversal and creative
its utilization and impact on the
teaching-learning process
20LMS and VLC are both Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE)!
- VLE or VTLE (AVEA) ?
- operational, technological, or ergonomical ?
- NOT !
- Teaching
- the environment has to respond to a didactic
21The Atelier Project is focused on 3 different
- 1- Face-to-face course mediated by AVEA
- undergraduate and pos-graduate courses.
- 3- DE Corporative Courses
- Investigation of the instructional designers
mediation in corporative courses.
- 2- DE courses of Natural Sciences teaching
programs - the training of teachers in the subject
Technology and Pedagogy, - and the offer and development of the academic
subject Introduction to DE.
22In the Atelier Project...
- the research approach is the action-mode
- the object is the pedagogical mediation
- the reserach team comprehends 5 teachers, 3
doctorates students e 3 master students and 13
undergraduate students - the fundamental subjects studied are philosophy,
art, pedagogy and Digital Communication
23Clarifying a myth !
- One of the mistakes that have occured in DE
projects - to believe that only a sophisticated virtual
environment can guarantee the quality of a
24Concluding Remark
- These experiences have demonstrated that the
quality of a course in the DE modality becomes
apparent whenever there is congruence between - the purpose of the event,
- the pedagogical concept,
- the profile of the population to be reached and
the - offered teaching-learning conditions !
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27More References
- PAULSEN, Morten Flate. Online Education Systems
discussion and definition of terms In Keegan, D.
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Föllmer, H. Micincova, M. Paulsen, M. F. Dias,
P. Pimenta, P. E-learning. O Papel dos Sistemas
de Gestão da Aprendizagem na Europa. Inofor,
Portugal.2002. Disponível em lt
f20Terms.pdfgt Acesso em 14 maio 2005. - PETERS, Otto. A educação a distância em
transição. São Leopoldo Unisinos, 2002. - PETERS, Otto. Didática do ensino a distância. São
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Pernambuco http//salasvirtuais.universiabrasil.ne
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doutorado. UFSC/PPGEP, Florianópolis, outubro de
2004. Disponível em http//teses.eps.ufsc.br/defe
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Retrospectiva e Perspectivas do Design
Instrucional e Educação a Distância análise da
literatura. Revista Brasileira de Aprendizagem
Aberta e a Distância. v. 3, n. 1, 2005.
Disponível em http//www.abed.org.br. Acesso em
03 mai 2005 - RUMBLE, Greville. A gestão dos sistemas de ensino
a distância. Brasília UNB UNESCO, 2003. - TAIT, Alan. Reflections on Student Support in
Open and Distance Learning. International Review
of Research in Open and Distance Learning, v.4,
n. 1. 2003. Disponível em http//www.irrodl.org/c
ontent/v4.1/tait_editorial.html. Acesso em 15
fev. 2004. - TAYLOR, James. USQOnline an evolution from an
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em 03.02.2005. - UNICAMP, NIED. TelEduc. Disponível em
http//teleduc.nied.unicamp.br/teleduc. Acesso
em 05 de setembro de 2005. - VALENTINI, Carla Beatris SOARES, Eliane Maria
do Sacramento, org. Aprendizagem em ambientes
virtuais compartilhando idéias e construindo
cenários. Caxias do Sul, RS Educs, 2005.
290p.25 cm. ISBN 85-7061-324-5.
28Take a visit in our Virtual Teaching-Learning
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Ingrid Kleist Clark Nunes / ingrid.clark_at_fabrico.c
om.br / www.eadsolucoes.com/ingridclark Elena
Maria Mallmann / elena_at_ead.ufsc.br Doris
Roncarelli / doris_at_ead.ufsc.brAraci Hack Catapan
/ hack_at_ead.ufsc.br
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