Title: Action On ENT Audiology and Balance
1Action On ENT Audiology and Balance
Phil James National Audiology and Balance
Programme Lead Previous life Head of Hearing
Services, Sunderland
2Have I Got News For You!
- Thirtyish minutes to tell you
- How we identified a need and why we developed the
bid - What it was like to be a site
- What we learnt
- What one should think about re change
- Whats been happening in Action On land
3Our bid why?
- We knew that there was a need for
change/improvement because - Qualified staff were leaving
- Recruitment issues
- Waiting lists and waiting times on the up
- Had just become 1st wave MHAS
4Before improvements/changes could be made, we
needed to understand what was happening in our
own back yard!
- Half the time, we dont know whats going on in
our own departments - so, if we didnt understand, why, how, should
we expect others too!
5The Need to Understand the Process Communicate
- The patient is the focus dont forget it!
- The patient is different to different people
- When communication is poor, the patient suffers
- When communication is poor, queues bottlenecks
will occur
6Process mapping
Illustrates the part(s) of the process that are
vulnerable it exposes the
- See things through patients eyes
- Find a better way of doing things
- Look at the whole picture
- Give front line staff time, tools and techniques
to tackle problems - Take small steps as well as large leaps
8PDSA cycles
Plan Do Study Act
Innovate Innovators Think out the box!
Field test, evaluate learn
Pass on To build capability in healthcare
does it work PDSA cycles
New ideas
11viewed the Service as a whole
So we.
- Process mapped the patient journey
- Acted on the results
- Audiologists doing non audiologist things
- Need for an assistant role
- Need for increased clerical
- Areas of work could be done by an audiologist
that was being done by a medic
12cunning plan
Action On ENT (to the rescue)
13Audiology Assistant Practitioner Project
- Questions we asked ourselves
- Is it possible
- Is it innovative and creative
- Can it be evaluated and how
- If successful, would it be threatening to others
- Could it be spread
- Could it be sustained after the comfort of the
project - How much dosh should we ask for
14When we developed our Action On bid, did we think
Getting it in on time
Service improvements
The Patient
15All of the above!
- But more so, we geared the bid towards
- being closely aligned with achievement of NHS
Plan targets - benefiting the patient
- reducing waiting times and improving access to
the service we provided - ensuring that the service remains focused on the
needs of individual patients Best Value - the ability to eventually sharing good
organisational practice throughout the specialty
16Being a pilot site what it was like!
- Part of the Action On team being able to share
best practice - Creating change in a non threatening,
supportive environment - Trailblazer
- Being innovative, and being funded tboot
17What we learnt
- Communication is the key regular meetings with
key stakeholders - Tools techs invaluable
- Teamwork rules
- Listen to patients views
- Understand what is to be evaluated from the start
- Plan how it is going to be evaluated
18If you always do what you always have done,
- you will always get what you always have got
19Creative thinking
- Dont be stuck in the past move forward
20What have others done/doing?
21Target areas.
- Booked appointments
- Capacity and Demand analysis
- Extending the role of the Audiologist
- - Audiology led grommet follow ups
- - Wax management
- - Changing referral patterns
- The role of the Assistant
- Hearing aid group instruction
22Examples of change ideas redesign developed
from process mapping
- Standard Referral forms for all referring
agencies - Faxed in (Kettering) - Arranging for staff to remove wax (Leicester)
- Triage GP letters pre ENT for audiograms
23Leicester Audiology
- Mapping the Process direct referrals
- 86 steps were identified
- 18 steps gave patient value
- Outcomes
- Non compliant referrals into ENT
- Identified that theres a need for Audiologists
to remove wax - Need for an electronic management system
24Blackburn Audiology
- Audiology led grommet follow ups
- Significant benefits
- Friendly times for appointments
- Less waiting in hospital
- Estimated that 450 ENT slots have been released
- ..much better system, no waiting around and so
children dont get irritable. Congratulations - Parent attending audiology
25Crewe/Gloucester Audiology
- Group hearing aid instruction
26National Survey
- Survey sent to 257 audiology depts
- 152 responded
- Asked the patients subjected to this heathen
27 Staff survey comment
Patient results
There is not enough space to see people in
Very true - need to think of alternative venues
Confidentiality will be compromised
Patients were given the choice to be seen in a
98 of patients said they were able to ask
Patients wont be able to ask questions in a
Patients cant hear in a group situation
100 of patients said they could hear in the
NO patients said they were uncomfortable in a
Patients dont like being seen in groups
28Some of Audiologists comments
accommodation is a problem
not responding to patients needs
patients have a rights to privacy dignity
what a retrograde step this would be
29Some patients comments
I felt I was not alone with my hearing problem
the atmosphere was really relaxed
it's a pity that all the NHS isn't this good
an excellent idea, keep it up
30More patients comments
I enjoyed the company
being in a group saves the embarassment - I
enjoyed it very much
a most rewarding experience
I was very comfortable and at ease
31What about the staff...
- Focus groups at Crewe and Cheltenham
32and from pilot sites
....I'm a total convert
I feel that patients really benefit
I was giving more - more of myself
The atmosphere is good - you notice when you take
the tea in
33Preliminary Findings/Impacts
- Shorter waits
- Improved access
- Patient satisfaction
- Less daunting
34Preliminary Findings/Impacts
- More appropriate use of time
- Relieves pressure on clinics
- Greater job satisfaction
- Opportunity to try new ideas
35Lessons Learned
- Strong commitment from Head of Service and
Business Managers is needed to develop roles and
redesign services - It is important to work out early the resources
required and make the necessary business case
36Lessons Learned
- There is rarely a quick fix
- Good communication is often the key to success
- We need to develop close working relationships
between the various projects in audiology - Share and share alike
37Throughout the pilots weve concentrated on
- M anagement
- O verview
- D evelopment
- E valuation
- R espect
- N HS plan
- I nvest/Involvement
- S haring
- A ction
- T eamwork
- I nspiration/Information
- O ptimism
- N egotiate