Title: The MAGIC Project: Now and in Future
1The MAGIC Project Now and in Future
- Razmick Mirzoyan
- Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München
- (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)
2The MAGIC collaboration
- International collaboration 21 institutions,
180 members ? still increasing - Germany MPI Munich, Humboldt Berlin,
DESY-Zeuthen, Dortmund, Wuerzburg - Italy Padova, Siena-Pisa, Udine (INFN), INAF
- Spain IFAE, UAB, UB, ICE, IAA, IAC, UC Madrid
- Switzerland ETH, Finland Tuorla
- Poland Lodz, Bulgaria Sofia, Armenia Yerevan,
USA UCDavis, Croatia Zagreb, Split, Rieka
Laser beams of the Active Mirror Control system
become visible on foggy night
3The MAGIC Project
- MAGIC-I performance
- Fast rotation for GRB lt 50 secs
- Trigger threshold 25 GeV
- Sensitivity 1.6 Crab (50 h)
- Angular resolution 0.1
- Energy Resolution 20-30
- MAGIC-II under construction, to
- be completed in fall (inauguration
- on September 19th) 2008
- M-I M-II 2-3 times higher
- sensitivity
- Effectively lower the threshold
- energy towards 40 GeV
4Multiplexing 2 GSample/s FADC
- By using multiplexing of analog signals in
optical fibres we developed at MPI a system
allowing one to read out 16 signal channels into
1 channel of commercial ultra-fast FADC (packing
the 16 channels in a sequence) - With a bank of 40 channel FADCs from Acqiris we
are reading out 640 (576-signal) channels of the
MAGIC-I imaging camera. - This provides 1 measurement every 500 ps for a
time window of 30ns
This ultra-fast readout allowed us, in the
1st time, to strongly reject background and
thus to increase the sensitivity of the telescope
by 40 _at_ high energies and by 70 _at_ low
energies ! (quasi-stereo 3D-mode)
2.2 ns FWHM for afterpulsing events
5Crab Nebula (PWN)Gamma Ray Signals from Crab
Circle containing 64 of events at 250GeV
gt500GeV Circle
Location of Pulsar
- Extended the spectrum from 400 GeV down to
- 70-80 GeV.
- Hint on peaked distribution with peak _at_
- 77 45 GeV
6Crab Pulsar Observations
Optical light curve of Crab Pulsar observed by
Central pixel readout optical light
intensity (not Cherenkov light)
95 Upper Limit for H.E. Gamma ray pulsed
emission from Crab Pulsar
Some 2.9 s excess at EGRET phase at 65GeV
7Crab Pulsar
MAGIC Collab., Atel 1491
- Observations from October 2007 to February 2008
- New SUM trigger threshold from 50 GeV down to
25 GeV
- 22 h of data at optimal weather conditions and
small zenith angles
MAGIC preliminary
- Observed about 8.5 k pulsed g-ray events in
total. - clear signal at a 6.4 s confidence level
83C 279 (z 0.536)
- EGRET brightest AGN
- Gamma-ray flares in 1991 and 1996
- Apparent luminosity 1048erg/s
- First time variation ?T 6hr in 1996 flare
- Typical OVV quasar (Optically violent variable)
- Categorized as a FSRQ (Flat Spectrum Radio
Quasar) - Superluminal motion, ? 2030
- z 0.538, Ld 3Gpc
Radio measurements over 7 years
9MAGIC Discovery 3C 279
The report about this discovery will appear in
SCIENCE magazin tomorrow
10(No Transcript)
11New source S5 0716714
12Observation of GRBs
later we learnt that z 6.3
- The next generation Observatory for gamma ray
astronomy - 50 of time shall be open for the community
- Energy range a few 10 GeV 100 TeV
- A few 10s of GeV to see sources in the
cosmological distance - 100TeV to understand the origin of galactic
cosmic rays - 10 times better sensitivity than HESS, MAGIC
- Increase number of sources a factor of x 20-50
- All sky observatory
- North a few 10 GeV 10 TeV
- 10-20 large telescopes
- South a few 10 GeV 100TeV
- few large telescopes 50-100 small telescopes
- Overlap with GLAST mission
- GLAST Mission 2008-2013
- Budget size 150MEuro
- EU will support lt20 of total budget, other gt80
must be supported by agencies in participating
14Outlook the next 7-10 yearsNext generation VHE
g ray Observatory CTA
Cherenkov Telescope Array 1000s of sources will
be discovered
400 scientists 50 institutions
HESS Phase II (HESS 28m Telescope) in 2009
Astrophysicists in EU
15Coming close to solve the puzzle of cosmic rays !
- We detected g ray emission from gt 22 sources
- New discovered sources
- TeV Binary LSI 61 303
- Cyg X-1
- IC 443
- LBL (Low peaked BL Lac Objects) BL-Lacertae
- 1ES 1011 496
- 3C 279
- 3 XYZ
- Crab Pulsar
- S5 0716714
- ..
- Most new extra-galactic Blazars show steep
spectra - Constraints on EBL ? Cosmology (star and galaxy
formations) - Flaring sources
- Detail of flare, intra night light curves,
evolution of spectra - Limit on Quantum Gravity Scale
- GRB observations
- gt 10 GRBs were observed and 2 were in prompt
phase, but no positive results
16Extension to MAGIC-II
The sensitivity will be improved by a factor of 3
below 100GeV
Total 1039ch PMTs 6 corners 42ch will be HPDs
17Vacuum detector HPD R9792U-40 18mm GaAsP HPD by
GaAsP photocathode
Good Charge Resolution
High Q.E.
Very low after pulse rate
18Larger size SiPM by MEPhI MPI
PDEgt36 -60 deg.
19A pixel consists of 4 5x5mm² SiPMs
- The pixel includes
- 4 SiPMs of 5mm x 5mm size in an
- evacuated encasing
- signal amplifier-shaper
- 2-stage Peltier cooling system
- Winston cone type light concentrator
- metallic encasing with lemo connectors
20The next step 4-pixel unit each consisting of 4
SiPMs of 5mm x 5mm size
- This autonomous unit needs just
- to get the necessary power
- connections and is fully operational
- It is rather starightforward to
- constrcut an imaging camera from
- such modules
- Still the cost of a SiPM camera can be
- very high, by 2 orders of magn. more
- compared to classical PMT camera
- The MAGIC collaboration is moving towards the CTA
however it will look like (South North...) - There are few good reasons that do not allow yet
to fix the low energy array for the CTA these
are - MAGIC-II will be operated soon, wait results
- H.E.S.S.-II will become operational in 1-1.5
years, wait results - GLAST will measure 3-10 x 103 sources, some
overlap with low threshold energy telescopes
- Pulsar hunting may become a very interesting and
successful business for low energy telescopes - To measure distant sources from z 0.5 one
needs a very low threshold - One needs a very low threshold for measuring the
spectra and the cut-off for distant sources - That a gamma ray telescope will measure a GRB is
just matter of exposure time - The behavior of spectra from very different type
sources well below 100 GeV may give a clue about
the emission mechanism - Energy cross-calibration will GLAST will happen
within the coming 1 year
24(No Transcript)
25GRB observations by MAGIC
GRB trigger from a satellite to MAGIC 13
sec Capability slew to any position in 50 sec
26Energy Spectrum
- The average energy spectrum from 200 GeV to 4
TeV is well fitted by a power law with spectral
index ? -2.6 0.2 (stat) 0.2 (syst) - The luminosity above 200 GeV is 7 x 1033 erg
s-1 (if distance 2 kpc) - It is more luminous at TeV energies than at
X-rays - Spectral stability both cycles (over 1 year) /
different measured phases / days
Sidro (MAGIC Col.) ICRC 2007
27SiPM with cross-talk suppression World record of
ultra-fast light sensors in amplitude resolution
28The 17m Ø MAGIC IACT project for VHE g
astrophysics at E 25 GeV - 30 TeV
Laser beams of the Active Mirror Control system
become visible on foggy night
29From EGRET (all years) to GLAST (1 year)
. to GLAST (is launched in June 2008)
Egt100 MV
30LSI61 303 MAGIC
Could it be that the flaring of binary systems _at_
VHE g energies is not an exception but rather a
rule ?
Season I Season II
LS 5039 H.E.S.S.
Cygnus X-1
31Extragalactic VHE g-Sources 23
Source Redshift Sp. Types Discovery Observation
M 87 0.004 2.9 FR-I HEGRA HESS
Mkn 421 0.031 2.2 HBL Whipple many
Mkn 501 0.034 2.4 HBL Whipple many
1ES 2344514 0.044 2.9 HBL Whipple MAGIC
Mkn 180 0.045 3.3 HBL MAGIC
1ES 1959650 0.047 2.4 HBL 7TA many
PKS 0548-322 0.069 HBL HESS
BL Lac 0.069 3.6 LBL MAGIC
PKS 2005-489 0.071 4.0 HBL HESS
PKS 2155-304 0.116 3.3 HBL Durham many
1ES 1426428 0.129 3.3 HBL Whipple HEGRA
1ES 0229200 0.139 HBL HESS
H 2356-309 0.165 3.1 HBL HESS
1ES 1218304 0.182 3.0 HBL MAGIC VERITAS
1ES 1101-232 0.186 2.9 HBL HESS
1ES 0347-121 0.188 HBL HESS
1ES 1011496 0.212 4.0 HBL MAGIC
3C 279 0.538 FSRQ MAGIC
PG 1553 ? 4.0 HBL HESS/MAGIC
3 XYZ gt 0.4 ? 2.6 ? MAGIC
Big progress in AGN study from z 0.2 to z
New HBL 1ES1011496
32A possible scenario comes from the interaction
of the relativistic wind from a young pulsar with
the wind from its stellar companion, as in PSR
B1259-63. A cometary nebula of radio emitting
particles is formed. It rotates with the orbital
period of the binary system. We see this nebula
projected (Dubus 2006, AA 456, 801).
Mirabel 2006, (Perspective) Science 312, 1759
UV photons from the companion star suffer inverse
Compton scattering by the same population of
non-thermal particles, leading to emission in the
GeV-TeV energy range.
Dubus 2006, Vulcano Workshop
(Dubus 2006, AA 456, 801 Maraschi Treves
33Micro-quasar LS I 61 303
X-Ray Binary System, Radio jet 26.5 days orbital
period d 2kpc Galactic prototype of a quasar.
Companion star B0 main sequence star 18M?, a Be
star with a circumstellar disc. Compact star
Black hole/neutron star lt 4M? High eccentric
orbit (e0.7)
- The highest human-
- -made jet
- King Fahds 312 m high
- fountain in Jeddah.
- 3.5 MW 2 motors (each)
- are pumping the water over
- 350-m journey to jet.
- of pipes decreases from
- 80 cm to 12,6 cm. The
- water leaves the 12,6 cm
- nozzles at 42 bar and at
- V 375 km/h.
34Mrk-501 July 9 outburstTime lag for higher
4min bin
This time lag may be explained by the particle
acceleration process.
30 sec.
July 9
Our data provides a stringent lower limit of Q.G.
energy scale MQG gt 0.26 . 1018 GeV at 95 CL.
The Q.G. energy scale is estimated to be
10171019GeV. Mrk501 BH 3x109Msolar ? Rsh/c
3x104sec10 light hours Order of 100sec time
variation requires extreme jet / blob emission of
G-factor of 100. Perhaps new theory/explanation
is necessary.
35PG 1553(zgt0.25 unknown)
Very Soft energy spectrum Due to EBL
attenuation or nature of SSC mechanism MAGIC ? Z
lt 0.42 (D.Mazin and F.Goebel)
36New Source, BL Lacertae (New class LBL, z0.069)
Very steep Spectrum
373C 279 Flare in 1996