Title: Taking Better Pictures
1Taking Better Pictures
2Rule of Thirds
The picture below places the tree and the horizon
on an intersection of lines that divide the photo
into thirds.
3Rule of Thirds
The picture above places the main object and the
horizon on an intersection of lines that divide
the photo into thirds.
Both pictures are of the Empire State Building.
Which picture is framed better?
Here are 2 pictures of mountain climbers. Which
is more interesting? Why?
The picture on the right gives a better
perspective of how small the climber is compared
to the mountain.
The picture on the left is mostly one color,
everything is in focus, and shapes are similar.
The picture on the right is more interesting
because there is better balance between color,
shape, and light.
Which photo is more effective? Why?
The first photo is less cluttered and the subject
is emphasized. There is no need to include the
water, trees and people. Zoom in.
Another example of zooming in to make a picture
more interesting.
These good pictures have zoomed in on the
subject. The background contrasts and is not
An example of a poorly cropped picture. The
background is cluttered. Zoom in to focus the
attention on the person.
Which spider picture is better? Why?
The picture on the right is better because the
background is uncluttered. The photographer chose
to have the background out of focus.
Very good picture except that the background is
in focus, therefore is cluttered. Focus on the
vehicle only or find another background.
13Getting Close (rider and horse)
14Getting Close (part of saddle)
15Getting Close (just horse)
16Lead Space
In the photo below, there is empty space in front
of the person. This is better than where the
empty space is behind the person.
17Lead Space
Not good there is empty space behind the person.
18Lead Space
Which picture drags the viewers eye through the
In the picture on the right, your eye follows the
bridge to the center of the photo.
Which picture drags the viewers eye through the