Title: King Cotton
1King Cotton
- Chapter 12 Section 3
- Call to Freedom
2What three important products was Southern
agriculture based on
- tobacco
- rice
- indigo
- Slave labor was used to grow and harvest the
products - Played an important role in Southern economy
- When the demand for crops decreased so to did the
demand and price for slaves.
3What effect did the cotton gin have on the South.
- With the invention of the cotton gin, planters in
the south depended more on cotton as a cash crop
which increased the need for slaves.
4Why did Eli Whitney invent the cotton gin?
- Eli Whitney visited a friend in Georgia and saw
how a machine removed seeds from long-staple
cotton but the machine ground the seeds into the
fiber of short-staple cotton. - He felt he could build a machine to remove seeds
from the short-staple cotton which grew well in
the south.
5What were some advantages to growing cotton?
- Cotton
- was easy to grow
- did not spoil
- was easy to transport
- When crossbred with some Mexican varieties,
stronger types of cotton could be produced - (page 374)
6What was scientific agriculture?
- Scientific agriculture is the use of scientific
methods to improve crop production.
7What area was referred to as the cotton belt?
- South Carolina to east Texas
8How was the use of scientific agriculture applied
to cotton production?
- recommended crop rotation
- suggested more research
9How did the law of 1808 influence the slave trade?
- The law of 1808 outlawed the importation of slave
trade. - Trading within the United States was still legal.
10How was cotton transported?
- Port cities
- Charleston, SC
- Savannah, GA
- New Orleans, LA
- Navigable rivers
- Steamboats on the Mississippi, Ohio, and smaller
rivers - Overland trade was difficult
11Discuss industrial activity in the south?
- Cotton and agriculture was dominant thus
industrial activity was discouraged. - Lumber and sugar cane was mechanized in the mid
1800s - Joseph R. Anderson owned Tredegar Iron Works.
- Tredegar Iron Works became the nations most
productive iron works.
12What factors led to the cotton boon in the South,
and what was the result?
- The invention of the cotton gin and development
of stronger breeds of cotton, slavery expanded
and the South became an agricultural center and
did not industrialize.
13Discuss white southerners?
- 1/3 of white southerners owned slaves.
- Planters
- served as political leaders
- had economic power
- Focused on raising and selling crops
- Wives
- managed the household
- educated children
- supervised the slaves who worked in the main
house - Childrens marriages were arranged
14Describe white southerners (continued)
- Yeomen
- Majority of white southerners
- worked long days
- had many tasks
- had few slaves and worked along side slaves in
the fields - Poor whites
- Lived on land that could not be farmed
- Depended on fishing, hunting, raising small
gardens, and working at odd jobs -
15Describe the life of African Americans in
Antebellum America
- Most were enslaved
- By 1800 250,000 were free
- Ran away
- Freed
- Bought their freedom
16Describe the life of free African Americans
- Rural
- Worked on plantations
- Urban
- Skilled artisans
- loose social and economic ties
- Churches were center of life
- Faced discrimination by white southerners
17Describe examples of discrimination against
African Americans
- Limited the rights to vote
- Could not travel freely
- Could not hold certain jobs
- Must be represented by a white person in their
business dealings
18Works Cited
- Cotton Belt Map
- http//docsouth.unc.edu/nc/king/king312a.jpg
- 3/16/2008
- King Cotton, Stuckey, Sterling, Salvucci, Linda
Kerrigan. Call to Freedom. Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston 2003