Title: SOL Jeopardy
1 SOL Jeopardy!
Renaissance and Reformation
Absolute Rulers and their Explorers
Who did that?
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
2100 Question from Religions
Judaism is considered the first monotheistic
religion what does monotheism mean?
3100 Answer from Religions
One God!
4200 Question from Religions
What religion states that Jesus of Nazareth Is
the messiah (the son of God)?
5200 Answer from Religions
6300 Question from Religions
What is the class division of people according to
7300 Answer from Religions
Caste/Varna System
8400 Question from Religions
What is the name of the major religion that grew
of Hinduism when one its priests (Siddhartha
Guatuma) was enlightened?
9400 Answer from Religions
10500 Question from Religions
What man from Mecca is considered the founder of
11500 Answer from Religions
Muhammad (the prophet)
12100 Question from The Renaissances and
In what country did the Renaissance start?
13100 Answer from The Renaissances and Reformation
14200 Question from The Renaissances and
Who wrote the 95 Theses and started the
Protestant Faith?
15200 Answer from The Renaissances and Reformation
Martin Luther
16300 Question from The Renaissances and
What is called when you pay the Catholic Church a
lot of money to get a sin forgiven?
17300 Answer from The Renaissances and Reformation
An Indulgence
18400 Question from The Renaissances and
According to Protestants, whats the only thing
you need to get into heaven?
19400 Answer from The Renaissances and Reformation
20500 Question from The Renaissances and
Who did Henry VIII of England think should be in
charge of religion after his divorce and
he disagreed with the Catholic Church?
21500 Answer from The Renaissances and Reformation
Himself (or whoever was king/queen at the time)
22100 Question from Absolute Rulers and Their
What are the 3 Gs?
23100 Answer from Absolute Rulers and Their
Gold God Glory
24200 Question from Absolute Rulers and Their
The conquistador Hernando Cortes used horses,
diseases (like smallpox) and guns to defeat what
group of people?
25200 Answer from Absolute Rulers and Their
The Aztecs
26300 Question from Absolute Rulers and Their
What is divine right?
27300 Answer from Absolute Rulers and Their
The idea that god chooses who rules (especially
if its an absolute ruler)
28400 Question from Absolute Rulers and Their
Who was the 1st explorer to travel around
(circumnavigate) the world?
29400 Answer from Absolute Rulers and Their
Ferdinand Magellan
30500 Question from Absolute Rulers and Their
Who founded the Anglican Church (which mixed in
the practices and beliefs of the Catholic and
Protestant Churches) to try and unify her people?
31500 Answer from Absolute Rulers and Their
Queen Elizabeth I
32100 Question from Revolutions
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence
which was hugely influenced by the Enlightenment?
33100 Answer from Revolutions
Thomas Jefferson
34200 Question from Revolutions
The Bessemer Process was used to make what metal?
35200 Answer from Revolutions
36300 Question from Revolutions
The philosophe Voltaire wrote about what
37300 Answer from Revolutions
Freedom of Religion
38400 Question from Revolutions
Who was the leader of the Roundheads who killed
Charles I in the course of the English
39400 Answer from Revolutions
Oliver Cromwell
40500 Question from Revolutions
What was the name of the French armory that was
attacked by the French revolutionaries at the
beginning of their revolution ?
41500 Answer from Revolutions
The Bastille
42100 Question from Who did that?
What scientist came up with the laws of gravity?
43100 Answer from Who did that?
Sir Isaac Newton
44200 Question from Who did that?
Who is responsible for the theory known as
45200 Answer from Who did that?
Karl Marx
46300 Question from Who did that?
Who discovered bacteria and that the way to kill
it was by using heat?
47300 Answer from Who did that?
Louis Pasteur
48400 Question from Who did that?
What great leader/czar of Russia tried to bring
European/Western ideas to his people?
49400 Answer from Who did that?
Peter the Great
50500 Question from Who did that?
What man came up with the heliocentric theory
(the idea that the planets revolve around the
51500 Answer from Who did that?
Nicholas Copernicus