Title: Arrange the cards in order
1- Arrange the cards in order
2Conscious thought experience
Reductionism formulating explanations of
phenomena by breaking them down into more
fundamental units and processes (the whole
consists of its parts and the relations between
Holism formulating explanations of phenomena by
breaking them down into more fundamental units
and processes (the whole is greater than the sum
of its parts).
3Human behaviour can be approached at different
levels of explanation.
Individual psychology
4Debates about reductionism
- What is the most appropriate level of explanation
in psychology? - Are some psychological processes irreducible
(e.g. consciousness)
5Mr S came to work this morning because the state
required him to function as tool of late
capitalist hegemony, maintaining its divide and
rule strategy by inculcating young people with
the twin myths of individual autonomy and
Mr S gave your essay a low mark because changes
in 5-HT receptor density had permitted greater
than normal fluctuations in DA. This led to
reduced inhibition of his nucleus accumbens, and
a readiness to reject associated stimuli.
6- How effective a strategy is reductionism in your
7- How might your position on reductionism affect
your choice of research methods?
8- Where do the major theoretical perspectives stand
in relation to reductionism?