Title: Social Equity: Health and Healthcare Indicators
1Social Equity Health and Healthcare Indicators
- Richard W. Hug
- Fifth Social Equity Leadership Conference
- Omaha, Nebraska
- February 2, 2006
- Social Equity Defined
- Key Indicators
- Initiatives
- Resources
- Box / Eikenberry
- Dimensions (ADPQO)
- Access / Distribution
- Process
- Quality
- Outcomes
3Social Equity -- Defined
- Social equity is the fair, just and equitable
management of all institutions serving the public
directly or by contract. This includes the fair,
just and equitable distribution of public service
and the implementation of public policy and the
commitment to promote fairness, justice, and
equity in the formation of public policy.
(Sounding the Call, p. 1)
4Social Equity Indicator Areas
- Access / Distribution -- a commitment to reduce
omission and neglect that contribute to
systematic inequality in access to services. - Procedural Fairness a determination to
eliminate acts of commission that deprive
individuals of fair and consistent treatment and
to act with urgency when members of groups are
systematically treated unfairly.
5Indicator Areas (continued)
- Quality ensures that those who receive services
and benefits are not slighted and consigned to a
level of quality that does not measure up to
acceptable standards - Outcomes rejects systematic differences in life
chances across groups in society promotes the
idea of narrowing and eliminating disparities
6Indicators Access / Distribution
- Source The National Healthcare Disparities
Reports (NHDR) - Getting into the system
- Health Insurance
- Usual Source of care
- Utilization
- Summary Measures
7Exhibit 1 Health Insurance Coverage by
Ethnicity and Age, 2004
Source Rhoades, J.A. The Uninsured in
America, 2004 Estimates for the
Noninstitutionalized Population under Age 65.
Statistical Brief 83. June 2005, Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
8Exhibit 2 -- Selected indicators of the usual
source of care, by race / ethnicity, 2001
Source NHDR Tables 128, 129, and 131
9Exhibit 3 -- Selected indicators of the usual
source of care, by income, 2001
Source NHDR, Table 128, 129, and 131
10 Exhibit 4 -- Selected Indicators of Utilization
of Health Care Services, by Racial / Ethnic
Group, 2001
Source NHDR Tables 65, 171, and 196
11Exhibit 5 -- NHDR Summary Measures of Access
Percent of the Access Measures (n31) for Which
the Groups Access was Worse than the Comparison
12Indicators Procedural Equity
- Referrals to specialists
- Explanations of conditions
- Respect
- Waiting time
13Exhibit 6 -- Selected Procedural Equity
Indicators, by Ethnicity, 2001
Source NHDR Tables 144, 152
14Exhibit 7 -- Selected Procedural Equity Measures,
by Income, 2001
Source NHDR Tables 144, 152
15Exhibit 8 -- Selected Indicators of Procedural
Equity, by Ethnicity, 2001
Source NHDR Tables 146, 153, and 157
16Indicators -- Quality
- Disease Management
- Preventive Care
- Overall Satisfaction
- Summary Measures
17Exhibit 9 -- Selected Quality Indicators by race/
ethnicity, 2001
18Exhibit 10 -- Summary of Selected Quality
indicator disparities
Key -- difference blank no
difference Source NHDR Report
19 Exhibit 11 -- Selected Quality Measures
20Exhibit 12 -- NHDR Summary Measures of Quality
Percent of the Measures for Which the Groups
Quality of Care was Worse than the Comparison
21Indicators Outcomes
- Mortality Rates
- Maternal and Infant
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
22Exhibit 13 -- Assorted infant and maternal
mortality rates, by race / ethnicity, 2001
23Exhibit 14 -- Mortality Rates for selected
diseases heart -- by race / ethnicity, 2001
24Exhibit 15 -- Selected Cancer Mortality Rates by
Race / Ethnicity, 2002
25Outcomes Some other Numbers
- 83,369 (2000) Satcher, 2005
- 25 -- 75
- 4 / 34
- There are numerous, often large, health
disparities in all the social equity measurement
areas - Access / Distribution
- Procedural Equity
- Quality
- Outcomes
27Things that I wont have time to talk about
- Initiatives
- Access --
- Procedural
- Quality
- Outcomes
- Resources
- Box paper
- Eikenberry paper
- Access / Distribution
- SCHIP, CHC, 23-42
- Procedural equity
- Quality
- Outcomes
- Access Distribution
- NHDR, Satcher Pamies, Health Affairs
- Procedural Equity
- DB Smith
- Quality
- NHQR, IOM reports
- Outcomes
- Williams and Jackson,
30Social Equity Health and Healthcare Indicators
- Richard W. Hug
- Fifth Social Equity Leadership Conference
- Omaha, Nebraska
- February 2, 2006