Title: Elementary School Vaterstetten, Gluckstrae Integration of low achieving pupils
1Elementary School Vaterstetten,
GluckstraßeIntegration of low achieving pupils
- Conception
- Resources
- Learning facilities
- Instructional materials
- Human resources
- Projects
- Activities
2Integration of low achieving pupils
- Conception
- Lebensraum Schule
- Our school - a space to live for all children
- where they can live and learn together
- where aims, rules and required skills are
transparent - where children take an active part in school
3Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Learning facilities
- Classrooms
- Equipment
- Sports facilities
- Garden
4Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Learning facilities
Classroom management The classroom offers
corners with workstations, books, construction
materials and microscopes, where children can do
their own research and where they are enabled to
take an active part in learning
5Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Learning facilities
Classroom management The seating arrangement
where low achieving pupils learn the best and how
high achieving pupils improve their social
Low and high achieving pupils sit together in
rows. High achievers support their low achieving
6Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Learning facilities
Classroom management Posters on the walls help
to memorize themes and topics
7Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Learning facilities
- Extra classrooms
- To form small groups, we have 4
- extra classrooms at our disposal,
- where voluntary helpers (mothers,
- students, probationers), the
- teacher and the pupils work together
- These rooms are functional and comfortable at
the - same time
- They invite for social gatherings and learning
- activities such as group work, individualized
- instruction and Wochenplanarbeit
8Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Learning facilities
- German Kuschelpädagogik
Mothers voluntarily help to improve reading
skills Small groups of five or six children are
formed In grade 4 we lay special emphasis on
text comprehension
- German Kuschelpädagogik at its best ?!
9Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Equipment
- computer room
- workshop
- art
- music
10Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Equipment
- workshop
Pupils get the opportunity to work freely with
different materials for individualized
instruction (what we call Freiarbeit).
11Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Equipment
- computer workstations
On the first floor two children share one
computer, where they use MS Encarta to find
information on school topics and where they
prepare essays and presentations.
12Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Sports facilities
- Indoor swimming pool
- Stadium
Our children enjoy the rich possibilities the
community offers to keep body and mind in good
13Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Instructional materials
- Work sheets (interdisciplinary)
- Examinations and tests
- Checklists
14Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Instructional materials
- Interdisciplinary work sheets
- help to better understand and
- memorize the topics
- orthography, grammar, maths
- and geography all in one ...
15Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Instructional materials
- Examinations for pupils, so
- they can prepare for tests
16Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Instructional materials
- Checklists for self evaluation
17Integration of low achieving pupils
- Resources
- Human Resources
- staff (teachers, prospective teachers, facility
manager, caretaker) - parents
- students
- probationers
No need to hide ?
We never walk alone -D
18Integration of low achieving pupils
- Projects
- Social behaviour
- Associated classes
- Scientific projects
- Architecture and art
19Integration of low achieving pupils
- Projects
- Associated classes
Every grade at elementary school has an
associated class at secondary school. They meet
regularly to work and play together. A better
understanding and solidarity is intended.
20Integration of low achieving pupils
- Activities
- Rituals
- school assemblys
- singing
- acting
- breaks
21Integration of low achieving pupils
- Activities
- Rituals
- breaks
Every break we spend outside in the schoolyard.
So pupils can move around, run and play.
Afterwards they return relaxed into their
classrooms and have an open mind for the things
to come.
22Integration of low achieving pupils
All the measures we take and all the
possibilities we offer, lead to better motivation
among pupils, parents and teachers. We enjoy the
positive mood at our school ?.