Title: Optimality in Carbon Metabolism
1Optimalityin CarbonMetabolism
Ron Milo
Department of Plant SciencesWeizmann Institute
of Science
2What limits maximal growth rates?
3What governs the efficiency of photosynthesis
and carbon fixation?
Why is Rubisco slow and non specific?
What governs maximal growth rates?
Design principles in photosynthesis wavelengths
used and saturation
Synthetic carbon fixation pathways for higher
4Are there simplifying principles to the structure
of the central carbohydrate metabolism network?
5An illustrative example the Pentose Phosphate
- Converts between 5 and 6 carbon sugars
- e.g Ribose-5P is used for making nucleotides
- e.g Fructose-6P is used for building the cell
wall - Was analyzed as an optimization problem
(Meléndez-Hevia Isodoro 1994) - We use this as a starting point
6The Pentose Phosphate Pathway defined as a game
- Goal
- Turn 6 Pentoses into 5 Hexoses
- Rules
- Transfer 2-3 carbons between two molecules
- Never leave a molecule with 1-2 carbons
- Optimization function
- Minimize the number of steps (simplicity)
E. Meléndez-Hevia et al. (Journal of theoretical
Biology 1994)
7Serious, take 5 minutes and six 5 carbons and try
it out
8Solution to Pentose Phosphate game in 7 steps
9Solution to Pentose Phosphate game in 7 steps
- Corresponds to natural pathway
- Doesn't explain why the rules exist
- Supports the idea of simplicity
10Are there simplifying principles to the structure
of the central carbohydrate metabolism network?
11We develop a method to find shortest path from A
to B
12But what are the steps allowed in biochemistry?
13Arren Bar-Even
Elad Noor
14All possible reaction types are explored
aldehyde dehydrogenase (CoA) pyruvate ?
acetyl-CoA CO2
isomerase (keto to enol) pyruvate ? enolpyruvate
kinase (carboxyl) pyruvate ? pyruvate-P
15EC numbers define 30 possible enzymatic reaction
16EC numbers define 30 possible enzymatic reaction
17EC rules were encoded into commands
18Optimization function finds minimal number of
steps between any two metabolites
- The shortest path can be found efficiently using
a customized BFS (breadth first search)
19Are all pairs of metabolites connected by
shortest possible paths? (as allowed by
biochemistry rules)
20Are all pairs of metabolites connected by
shortest possible paths? (as allowed by
biochemistry rules)
- Some pairs are connected by shortest possible
paths - Other pairs can be connected in less steps via
21Are all pairs of metabolites connected by
shortest possible paths? (as allowed by
biochemistry rules)
- Some pairs are connected by possible shortest
paths - Other pairs can be connected in less steps via
shortcuts - Cluster together pairs that connect via shortest
paths - Define these as minimality modules
22minimality modules are defined to contain
shortest paths
Only metabolites connected by shortest possible
paths are contained in an minimality module
Existing reactions (in organism)
Possible EC reactions (biochemistry)
Minimality modules
23Example possible shortcut in glycolysis break it
into modules
GAP ? 3PG (EC 1.2) is biochemically feasible
(exists in plants), but is not part of E. coli
central metabolism Therefore glycolysis is not as
short as possible and breaks down into minimality
24Central carbon metabolism network breaks down to
minimality modules
Noor et al, submitted
25Biomass precursors are key metabolites
26- Design principle minimal number of enzymatic
steps connecting every pair of consecutive
precursors ? - central carbon metabolism is a minimal walk
between the 13 biomass precursors
Make things as simple as possible but not
27Can carbon fixation metabolism be enhanced?
28Carbon is assimilated into plants by the Calvin
29RUBISCO the central carboxylating enzyme
- Estimated 4x1010 kg of this enzyme present on
Earth - 5 kg per person on Earth
- Most abundant protein on earth ! (?)
- slow enzyme - maximal rate of carboxylation
only - 2-3 per sec in C3
- 3-5 per sec in C4
- 8-12 per sec in cyanobacteria
30Non specific enzyme O2 can be incorporated as a
wrong substrate instead of CO2
Photorespiration can have important metabolic
roles (e.g. Ort Baker, 2002 Rachmilevitch,
31So maybe it can be made better?
- higher catalytic rate,
- better substrate specificity
- or both
32(No Transcript)
33Rubisco shows empirical kinetic rates tradeoff
easier CO2 addition ? harder hydration cleavage
34Correlations indicate related energy barriers
easier CO2 addition ? harder hydration cleavage
easier CO2 addition ? easier O2 addition
35Correlations indicate related energy barriers
easier CO2 addition ? harder hydration cleavage
easier CO2 addition ? easier O2 addition
- Outlier Rhodospirillum rubrum
- (form I Rubisco).
36Rubisco shows empirical kinetic rates tradeoff
37We test carbon fixation rate at every kinetic
rate (for each CO2 environment)
medium carbon concentrating mechanism CO280 µM
Savir et al, in preparation
38Rubiscos nearly optimal to their environments
(rather than slow and non-specific)
Savir et al, in preparation
39Can we find better ways to achieve carbon
40There are several alternative carbon fixation
Bar-Even et al, under review
41We systematically explore all possible synthetic
carbon fixation pathways
42Metabolic networks optimization synthesis a
grand challenge for synthetic biology
- Future directions
- Compare alternative pathways solutions in
different organisms - Try to implement alternative carbon fixation
in-vitro/in-vivo - Couple synthetic carbon fixation to energy
sources ? fuel production from sunlight/wind - or at least learn something about the logic of
evolution, - and how evolution is smarter than you are
(Orgels law)
43The number you need, with reference in just a
minute BioNumbers Useful biological numbers
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3500 properties 5000 users/month
44(No Transcript)