Title: Of what are comets composed
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2Of what are comets composed? Can you sketch the
parts of a comet????? How do the different parts
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11Of what are asteroids composed??? How do
asteroids differ from comets? How do we know the
compositions of asteroids?
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20What are the different types of meteorites? How
are they thought to have formed? Which type of
meteorite is thought to represent the
original material from which the Earth
formed? What clues do meteorites hold to the
origins of our Solar System?
21Meteorite Classes Stone -chondrites -achondrites
(SNC from Mars Vesta samples) Iron -hexahedrite
(low nickel) -octahedrite (moderate
nickel) -ataxite (high in nickel) Stoney-Iron -m
esosiderites (welded fragments of stone and
iron) -pallasites (olivine and iron from
core-mantle boundary)
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35Assignment 4 Meteorites You are in charge of
creating a meteorite display for the local high
school. The display should show examples of the
various types of meteorites. Put together a
concept of what samples should be in the
display. Please include an estimate of the cost
of the samples and a list of three vendors who
might be able to supply the samples.
... Remember not to plagiarize. If you
use material (such as photos) from an internet
site, be sure to give appropriate credit. Do not
copy and paste any text word for word. Do
your own prose.