FUSION POWER PLANTS Basic Processes and Main
Plant features G. Casini May 2009
2The fusion process
- Nuclear fusion involves the bringing together of
atomic nuclei. The atom's nucleus consists of
protons (p) with a single positive charge and
neutrons (n) of similar mass and no charge. A
strong nuclear force holds these "nucleons"
together against the repulsive effect of the
proton's charge. The same number of negatively
charged electrons as protons swarm around the
nucleus to balance the proton charge. The mass of
the atom lies almost totally in the nucleus. - The sum of the individual masses of the nucleons
is greater than the mass of the whole nucleus.
This means that the combined nucleus is in a
lower energy state than the nucleons separately.
The difference, the binding energy (?E?m.c2 ),
varies from one element to another. - When two light atomic nuclei are brought
together to make a heavier one, the binding
energy of the combined nucleus can be more than
the sum of the binding energies of the component
nuclei (i.e. it is in an even lower energy
state). This energy difference is released in the
"fusion" process (fusion reaction). See figure
below) - A similar situation occurs when heavy nuclei
split. Again the binding energies of the pieces
can be more that of the whole and the excess
energy can be released in the fission process
3Binding energy released in fusion and fission
4The fusion process in Sun and Stars
- In the Sun and stars a chain of fusion reactions
occurs which converts hydrogen to helium. There
are two chains both having the same effective
results, and which dominates depends on the size
of the star. For the Sun the proton cycle
dominates. The overall reaction rate is extremely
low, but it nevertheless drives the universe due
to star sizes and huge masses. The particles are
held together by gravity long enough for
sufficient reactions to occur. For instance, in
the core of the Sun the temperatures is 10 - 15
million C. Along with the extreme pressure (a
quarter of a trillion atmospheres) and density
(eight times that of gold), this allows matter to
be converted into large amounts of energy.
5Making fusion on earth
- To make fusion on a smaller scale on earth, more
probable reactions have to be used. A figure of
merit for a reaction is the product of the
probability of reaction and the energy delivered
per reaction. (specific reactivity) - The most attractive fusion reactions are the
following (see next figure) - (1), D-T, (2) D-D, and (3) D-3He
- A comparison of them in terms of specific
reactivity is shown in the following figure. - D-T is the favorite reaction with a maximum
reactivity at around 100 million C. The next
most reactive is DD, about 40 times smaller, and
D3He, an isotope of helium, about 85 times
smaller. The DD reactivity value includes "side
reactions" between D and the DD reaction
products, namely T and 3He.
6Fusion reactions
Deuterium Tritium 2D 3T g 4He (3,52 MeV)
1n (14,1 MeV)
Deuterium Deuterium 2D 2D g 3He (0,82 MeV)
1n (2,45 MeV) 2D 2D g 3T (1,01 MeV) 1H
(3,02 MeV)
Deuterium Helium 2D 3He g 1H (14,7 MeV)
4He (3,7 MeV)
7Figure of merit for a fusion reaction (reactivity)
8Deuteriom-Tritium fusion reaction
9Plasma power balance
- D and T form a plasma already at few thousand
degrees. - The reacting mix of D and T is a plasma at the
temperatures of tens of million degrees needed to
obtain adequate fusion reaction cross sections. - Three main parameters define the operation of a
plasma in a confinement system - n plasma density
- ?E confinement time
- T plasma temperature
- ?E E/P quality of plasma thermal insulation
- E thermal energy in the plasma,
- P power needed to maintain the plasma at a
constant temperature .
10Plasma power balance (1)
- In any isolated system, a power balance can be
established - pfus n2 lt?vgtQDT fusion power density
- lt?vgt average cross section-speed product for a
maxwellian velocity distribution QDT energy
released in fusion - Pfus ? pfusdV total fusion power
- P? ?1/5Pfus dV alpha particles power
- Pheat heating power injected in plasma
- Pa Pheat Plosses power balance
- P losses (?3nT dV)/
11Plasma losses
- Breemsstrahlung emitted mainly by the electrons
of the plasma accelerated by interaction with
ions. Normally negligeable - Cyclotron radiation emitted by the electrons
gyrating in the magnetic field. The power
associated is, in large measure, absorbed by the
plasma which is optically thick at these
frequencies - Impurity radiation This is the major cause of
losses. The impurities in the plasma enhance the
losses by Breemsstrahlung and irradiate energy by
atomic processes, line radiation and
recombination, due to high Z impurities, not
fully ionized at the plasma boundaries. With an
Fe (atomic Z26), content in the plasma of 0.2,
10 of fusion power is lost by radiation not
contributing therefore to heat the plasma - Conduction and convection they can be reduced
by shaping, in appropriate way, the magnetic
field configuration .
12Plasma power balance (2)
At a fixed temperature, plasma ignition is
achieved when Pa Plosses In these
conditions, the D-T reaction is self sustained.
The alpha particles remain confined long enough
within the plasma to transfer their kinetic
energy to other confined nuclei through
collisions, and the energy confinement of the
plasma is sufficiently good so that heating by
these alpha particles can maintain it at the
required burn temperature. In order to achieve
ignition in a 50-50 D-T plasma, a temperature
between 10 and 20 keV is needed. In this range of
temperatures ltsvgt is proportional to T2 and
then ignition condition can be expressed through
the following expression for the triple product
nDTTtE as nDTTtE gt 6x1021 m3 keV s
13Making fusion on Earth (1) Inertial Plasma
- One approach to achieving the necessary
conditions for fusion on earth is to exploit the
inertia (mass) of the particles. Inertial fusion
involves the firing many times per second of high
energy particle or laser beams from all
directions at tiny solid fuel pellets in a
reaction chamber. Material sputtered off the
pellet by the high energy beams drives a shock
wave towards the pellet centre, raising its
temperature and density. This implosion leads to
sufficient fusion reactions occurring to overcome
the losses, and a large amount of energy is
released in a "micro-explosion". The resulting
alpha particles, neutrons, and radiation flow
radially out towards the reaction chamber walls.
These are situated far enough (typically metres)
away and built so as to be able to withstand the
14Making fusion on Earth (2)Magnetic plasma
- An alternative approach to achieve fusion in
earth exploits the charge of the particles. In
this case the plasma charged particles are
deflected by a magnetic field and, if the field
is strong enough, particles will orbit round a
field line, gradually progressing along it if
they have some longitudinal velocity.. - The most attractive confinement schemes are
based on toroidal plasma configurations . But
unfortunately in a torus the magnetic field gets
weaker across the minor diameter. Thus the
particle orbit around the field line is tighter
on the high field (inboard) side than on the low
field (outboard) side. The result is a movement
of the ions upwards and electrons downwards in
the plasma, and the resulting electric field
makes the plasma drift radially out of the torus.
- To avoid this difficulty various systems have
been proposed, namely - - the tokamak
- - the reversed field pinch
- - the stellarator
15The tokamak system
- The present preferred toroidal magnetic
configuration is named Tokamak. - This system exploits the fact the plasma, even
if it is globally neutral, can conduct
electrical current due to the independently
moving positively and negatively charged
particles of which it is composed. - Then in tokamak a current pulse in a
transformer primary winding (named central
solenoid), placed in the hole of the torus,
creates an electric field and hence drives a
large current in the plasma ring, which serves as
the sole secondary winding of the transformer.
This plasma current provides a component of
poloidal field in the plasma. In conjunction with
the toroidal field provided by coils placed
around the torus, this causes each field line to
spiral round the plasma torus, generating a
magnetic surface. Particles orbiting the field
line are constrained near this surface, unless
they collide with other particles.
16Tokamak basic configuration
- The tokamak basic configuration involves three
coil systems producing the following magnetic
fields, see figure below - Bt provided by the Toroidal Field (TF) coils.
- B t(R) Btox Ro /R (R torus radius, Bto, Ro
values on the plasma axis) - BP, provided by the plasma current I induced
through the Central - Solenoid (CS)
- BP(a) m0x I(a) /2p a (a plasma radius)
- Bv provided by Poloidal Field (PF) coils placed
outside the TF-coils ring
17Tokamak magnetic configuration
18Safety factor (q)
- The combination of toroidal and poloidal magnetic
field gives - helical field lines that in a regular situation
lie on nested magnetic surfaces on which the
plasma pressure is constant. - The general pattern of the helical field lines is
described by the - safety factor (q )
- q expresses the number of times a field line
circles the major axis in circling once around
the minor one - For magnetic surfaces with circular cross
section, approximately - q BT /BP x a/R
- Elementary tokamak theory predicts stability
against dangerous low order plasma kink modes
(external kink modes) when - q(r) gt1 at all radia
- (MHD stability Kruskal-Shafranov criterion )
19Plasma Beta Beta is the ratio between the plasma
average kinetic pressure and the magnetic field
pressure Toroidal beta bT nkT/ BT2/ 2m0
Poloidal beta bP nkT/BP2/2m0 bT bP
1/q2(a)A2  A R/a  For equilibrium reasons
must be bPlt A, then bTlt 1/q2(a)AÂ If
q(a) 3, A 3 then bT 3.7 For an elongated
D shaped plasma ( b major radius and a minor
radius), taking a fixed q-value, the poloidal
field is increased with elongation since a
magnetic field line must go around a larger minor
conference. Current I scales as b/a and bt as
20Real magnetic configuration and plasma
- The real magnetic configuration of a Tokamak is
for various reasons more complex ascompared to
that created only by the TF coils and plasma
current, namely - Discrete number of the TF coils across the torus
- Presence of the coils for field control
- Presence of coils to divert the magnetic flux
at the plasma boundry for extraction of unburned
plasma particles and impurities -
- To these factors one has to ad to add the
macroscopic plasma instabilities which can be
classified at least according to four categories - a) External kinks
- b) Internal resistive kinks
- c) Ballooning modes
- d) Disruptive instabilities
- In the assessment of the plasma parameters of a
power station the capability to avoid these
instabilities on the plasma confinement is
assured by fixing un upper limit to bt.,
21Parameters of the main operating tokamaks
22The poloidal magnetic divertor (1)
- A single null poloidal divertor, presently used
in tokamaks, is the region of the machine between
the cross point of the magnetic field lines and
the walls used to exhaust thermal power (good
part of the power associated with the helium
ashes) and particles (helium nuclei in particular
and impurities) (see figure.) - The cross point, where the two branches of the
field separatrix intercept, is created by zeroing
the poloidal field and through it the particles
and the energy they transport enter the divertor
region. SOL (scrape- off - flayer) is the region
of the plasma beyond the separatrix. The region
of the plasma beyond the separatrix is named SOL
(scrape-off-layer) SOL is narrow, typically
less than 10 mm - Thermal power densities on the divertor plates
must be kept within the target materials
temperature and erosion acceptable limits (15-20
MW7m2) - High neutral densities must be created in the
divertor region to facilitate pumping out of the
vacuum vessel the reaction ashes and the
23Magnetic divertor (2)
- Two ways to solve the problem of limiting the
thermal load on the divertor targets. - Incline the divertor plates with respect to the
separatrix in order to distribute the power and
particles flow on a wider surface (see figure) - Inject impurities in the plasma edge to increase
radiation from the scrape-off-layer to first wall
and reduce the power ending inthe diveror region -
- The power deposited in the divertor will be
10-13 of the total thermal power for conversion
to electricity, the remaining part being in
blanket first wall (12-14) in breeding blanket
(70-75) and few in the shield. The largest
part of power to divertor will come from
neutrons, typically (60), the remaining part
coming from alpha and D-T ions and impurities.
24Single nul poloidal divertor
25Divertor radial cross-section
26Divertor cassette
27The fusion power plant (1)
- (D-T fuel, magnetic confinement, tokamak
configuration) - In a fusion power plant the D-T fuel (plasma),
contained in a vacuum vessel and magnetically
confined, is heated up to a temperature which
enables to obtain the number of fusion reactions
to produce the required power. - The DT fusion reaction products are neutrons and
alpha particles - D T a (3.52 MeV) n (14. 06 MeV)
- Alfa particles (ions) remain confined in the
plasma volume and deliver , by slowing down,
their energy to the electrons of the plasma and
from these to the ions DT, so balancing the lost
energy of plasma by electro-magnetic radiation
and heat conduction and convection to the first
wall. - Neutrons leave the plasma and by slowing down
they transfer their energy to the plasma facing
walls and to a further component named breeding
blanket and to other more external systems
(neutron shield, vacuum vessel ,magnets). The
largest part of heat deposited by neutrons is
recovered in the plasma facing walls first walls
and breeding blanket (primary cooling circuit). - The breeding blanket contains Lithium based
materials. Neutrons, reacting with its isotopes
(Li-6 e Li-7), produce tritium which, once
extracted, is reintroduced in the plasma chamber
to balance the loss of tritium burnt by fusion
28- Fusion power plant (2)
- First wall structures surrounding the plasma must
face thermo-mechanical and electro-mechanical
effects as well as the damage due to neutron and
gamma radiation. This obliges to replace the
first wall and breeding blanket during the
lifetime of the plant. A neutron shield is
placed outside the blanket in order to avoid the
replacement of vacuum vessel and magnet system
during the life of the plant. - The presence of tritium, which is a radioactive
material, and of materials radiologically
activated by neutrons, requires remote
operation for maintenance and for the periodic
replacements of the internal components of the
machine. - The so named ashes from the combustion
remaining inside the plasma, namely alpha
particles, unburned D- T ions and impurities
produced by the plasma-first wall interaction,
are continuously removed from the vacuum vessel
by openings in the magnetic field configuration
(magnetic divertor). The divertor includes a
target structure (plates) facing the plasma
where the ions are neutralized and deposit their
energy and a pumping channel for the exhausted
gas extraction.
29- Fusion power plant (3)
- Recovered Tritium from plasma exhaust is
separated from the other elements (Deuterium,
Protium, impurities) and reintroduced in the
plasma chamber together with the tritium
recovered from the breeding blanket (fuel cycle
system) - The magnet system consists of various types of
superconducting coils (Toroidal Field (TF) coils,
a Central Solenoid (CS) coil and Poloidal Field
(PF) coils (divertor, stability and correction
coils). All coils are cooled by a supercritical
helium flow maintained cryogenic temperature by
circulation pumps - The tokamak vessel and superconducting magnets
are located inside a thermally shielded cryostat
to maintain the cryogenic temperatures needed for
superconductivity. -
30Layout of a Fusion Power Plant
31Layout of a fusion power station
32Components of a D-T fusion power station
- Plasma and vacuum vessel
- First wall, breeding blanket and neutron
shielding - Divertor and plasma exhaust extraction systems
- Magnet and cryogenic systems
- Plasma heating systems
- Heat recovery and electricity conversion sytems
- Tritium and fuel cycle systems
- Control and safety systems
- Remote handling systems for maintenance and
repair - Auxiliary power plant systems
33- The design plasma parameters
- Fusion power density ( pfus)
- pfus n2 lt ?v gt e
- for 1 lt T lt 10 keV ? lt ?vgt T2 then
- pfus n2T2
- ?t nT/Bt2/2?o nT 2 ?o ?t / Bt2
- then
- pfus ?t2Bt4
- Limits on bt and Bt are fixed from
equilibrium/stability and technological reasons,
34ltsvgt as a function of T
D 3He
T 3He
35- Selection of plant design parameters
- The selection of the plant parameters implies
modeling of the interactions among and between
the plasma physics and technology requirements.
This leads to a set of equations , as those of
the plant power and plasma balance, where the
various terms have a complex dependence on the
key parameters which determine the plasma,
engineering and economic performance of a power
station. Starting from these equations a system
code has to be set up which enables to evaluate
in a self consistent manner the parameters of the
fusion power plant which have to satisfy an
input requirement, as the minimization of the
cost of electricity.. - The key parameters for which a limit has been
identified up to now for plasma performance of
the plant are - Energy confinement time tE , (see figure)
- Plasma beta bt , see Fig.
- Plasma density (limit n-Greenwald I/pa2 , but
no firm basis) - Safety factor q (q gt 1)
- Neutron wall loading
- Power density at the divertor target
- Toroidal field at the TF conductor
36A simplified model for plasma power balance
- Let start by fixing the following parameters
- maximum toroidal field in the superconducting
coils BTM - safety factor q (gt1)
- We can write
- I2p /m0 x (a/A) x (BT0 /q) first equation
- BT0 BTM x (R a- dD - dB )/R second equation
- 2/ p ( R-a dB -dC )2 BTRM / 2p R lPL I third
equation - Where
- BT0 toroidal magnetic field on the (minor)
axis - I plasma current
- dD space between plasma and toroidal coil
on inner torus side - dB blanket thickness
- dC thikness of the toroidal field coils
- BTRM transformer core maximum field
- lpl plasma ring inductance
- These last parameters can be evaluated
separately. - By solving the system of the three equations we
can determine - A (Aspect Ratio), BTO and a ( plasma radius)
37Scaling laws for energy confinement time
8) tE 0.0562 I0.93B0.15n190.41P-0.69R1.97ka0.78e
38Limits on ?
- ? Neoclassical tearing modes
- ?t ?N x I/aB (?N beta normalized to
ideal MHD) - ? Resistive Wall Modes (coupling to the wall)
- Stabilizing external magnetic fields feedback
controlled - ? Alfven Eigenmodes
39 Current drive and power station operation
(1) First-generation Tokamaks, operating through
a current generated by an electric field induced
by the transformer (central solenoid) coils
(inductive current drive), are pulsed operation
machines. Future power stations will possibly
operate steady state, with an external power
supply (additional heating ).This power interacts
resonantly with the plasma to create a
super-thermal non Maxwellian particle population
which, when balanced against the background
plasma in momentum space, creates in the plasma
a toroidal current which enables the plasma
current sustainment (non-inductive current
drive). The methods of non inductive current
drive are Neutral beam - Radiofrequency -
Current Drive They are based on the same
technique developed for plasma heating during
start up of the tokamax experimental machines.
These methods offer the way to adjust the plasma
density distribution. Experiments in present
machines have shown the importance to adjust the
current density profile to obtain enhanced
confinement operating regimes and to fight
40- Current drive and power station operation (2)
- An important parameter (Q) which characterizes
the mode of operation of a power station is the
ratio of the fusion power (PFus) to the auxiliary
heating power (PHeat ), named Plasma Gain (Q) - Q PFus / PHeat
- Ignition (PHeat 0) would correspond to Q
infinite. - Power plants will possibly operate steady-state
with a continuous additional external heating
power supply without reaching ignition
conditions. In this case a fraction of the
electrical power produced by the fusion plant
will be ricirculated for the auxiliary heating in
order to create the non inductive plasma current
operation. This will imply an economic penalty
as compared to the case of operation at ignition
conditions, due to the necessity of circulating
part of the electric fusion power for the
additional power supply.
41- Bootstrap current and power station operation (3)
- Plasma particles transport in a Tokamak is
characterized by the presence of trapped
particles and by their driftt (neoclassical
diffusion). - Bootstrap current (BS) is a a self generated
plasma current parallel to the magnetic field,
proportional to the plasma ßp i.e. to the plasma
pressure nT and driven by the plasma pressure
gradient - Ibs /Iplasma 0.6 (r/R)0.5 ßp
- Ibs (r) - 1/Bp dp/dr
- BS will be essential in a thermonuclear plasma of
power plant because the generation of this
current will allow to reduce the ricirculated
electric power needed for generating the current
drive. For this reason at present plasma physics
efforts are aimed to identify plasma confinement
regimes at high bootstrap current fraction (ex.
Reversed Shear regime) - 80 bootstrap current has been demonstrated in
JT-60, 70 in JET
42Reactor Power Flow Diagram
PN Pheat/?H Pel PHeat aux. heating power
PN Power to network hH efficiency of aux.
heating power Q plasma gain Pfus/ Pheat Pth
Pth1 Pth2 Pn neutron power Pth1 P?
Pheat 0.2 Q Pheat Pheat Pth2 fb x 0.8
Pfus fb energy multiplication factor of the
blanket Pel (1 0.2 Q 0.8 fb Q) Pheat x
? Ex. Q 30 fb 1.2 Pel 35.8 x Pheat
Recirculated power 20-25
43- References
- http//www.efda.erg/fusion_energy
- R.Andreani (EFDA) The fusion reactor, Master
Course on Plasma techology and fusion,
Padova 2006