Title: QUIZ 1
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22130 Personality Psychology Know Thyself
- Professor Ian McGregor
- Lecture 3 Motives and Traits
Who Are You? http//www.youtube.com/watch?vNFf_-K
- York Counseling Center, 416-736-5297
(confidential, professional counseling forYork
students) - Student Peer Support Center at 416-736-5231 or
email spsc_at_yorku.ca (confidentialpeer counseling
by York students for York students).
4Overview of Todays Lecture
- Begin with Freud on Individual Differences
- From Motives to Traits
- Big-5 and similarity to other models
- Including Jung and MBTI
- Nature vs. Nurture (genetics vs. mom)
- Social correlates of Big-5 traits
- Sex, politics, religion
- Divorce
5Freud Psychosexual Development
- Oral Stage
- Incorporative or sadistic fixation
- Anal Stage
- Expulsive or retentive (anal triad stubborn,
orderly, stingy) - Phallic Stage
- Oedipus complex
- Castration anxiety
- Penis Envy and Electra complex
- Latency Stage
- Super-egoliving up to gender and cultural ideals
- Genital Stage
- Mutual pleasure and altruism--generativity
6Projective tests What do you see?
7Murrays Needs and Motives Explorations in
Personality, 1938, Dedicated to Freud and Jung
- Assumption that people will be unable or
unwilling to report sexual, selfish, or
aggressive motives (Freud). - Relies on Associations i.e., complexes or schemas
(Jung) - Need Press motive
- Measurement Problems Reliability and Prediction
8From Motives to Traits
- Motives began to be seen as unscientific remnants
of outdated psychoanalytic perspective - Behaviourism
- Cognitive Revolution Just ask, they might tell
you - Journals changed names to gain credibility
- Problems
- Too many traitsfield had no focus
- 1960s zietgeist utopian change, power of
situation(ism) - Prediction problems Walter Mischel shock
- Do traits even exist? Circular logic
- Two Developments Revived Personality Psych
- Experimental Personality Research (next week)
- Big-5 (today)
- Lexical Criterion and Factor Analysis (1949)
- Catell 4500 adjectives? 1700 Fiskes 5 factors
- 1980s, access to computers
- Replicated by other researchers
- In other cultures and languages
- With different ages
- With non-verbal formats and observer raters
- Remarkably stable over time
- Predict real world things e.g., politics and
10Big-5 Personality Traits (-1, 0, 1?)
- Enthusiastic, outgoing, talkative
- Sympathetic, warm, accepting, friendly
- Intellectual, complex, unconventional, creative,
- Dependable, disciplined, organized, careful
- Anxious, easily upset, moody
11Jung Personality and Individuation
- Introversion vs. Extraversion
- The Four Functions
- Sensing (a kind of perceiving)
- INtuiting (a kind of perceiving)
- Feeling (a way of judging)
- Thinking (a way of judging)
- Perceiving vs. Judging
12Myers Briggs (Based on Jungs Theory)
- Circle your summary on Table of Types
- Matches vs. mismatches?
- Correlated with 4 of the Big-5
- Simple, less pejorative labels appreciating
Gifts Differing - Good for marriages and workplaces!
- Beyond the golden rule
13Big-5 (NEOAC) Plato, Galen, Freud, MBTI
- Brass/Iron, Silver, Gold
- Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholic
- Oral, Anal, Phallic
- EI, SN, TF, PJ
- The role of Mom?
14Genetics and PersonalityCorrelations of Big-5
Traits Between
- Adopted kids and parents
- Adopted siblings
- Biological kids and parents
- Biological siblings
- Non-identical (dz) twins
- Identical (mz) twins
- Identical twins raised apart
0 0 .1 .1 .25 .5 .5
15Heredity Estimate
- (rmz rdz) x 2 x100 Variance from genes
- No effect of parents? (stay tuned!)
- Non-Shared Environment?
- Harris Where is the Childs Environment?
- Is it Error? Multiple raters boost genes to 70
- Culture? People are getting taller, and smarter,
and more anxious - Change is possible, genetic predisposition not
absolute destiny. - Young adulthood is difficult. Neur. goes down!
16Openness Awed or odd?
- Openness to Experience
- Aesthetics
- Fantasy
- Values
- Actions
- Ideals
- Feelings
Sex, politics, and religion
Ideal friends and marriage
17Traits and Divorce
- What if MZ twin and parents
- a) got divorced?
- 80 divorced
- b) stayed married?
- 10 divorced
- Trait Divorce Proneness
- high E, high O, low C, high N, r.4
- Traits also predict MZ twins divorce, r.4!