Title: Changing Roles for Women
1Changing Roles for Women A Special Report from
Task in groups of 4 create a newscast report on
a fictional womens suffrage rally or
demonstration Condition in the classroom,
using textbook resources Standard each report
must include background of the suffrage movement,
a description of the event, an interview with
a suffragist, reactions both pro con from
onlookers Script of newscast turned in for
grading Value 25 points Due Friday March
2Changing Roles for Women Name
_________________ Name ________________ Name
_________________ Name ________________ Backgrou
nd ____/ 5 Total ________ / 25 Description
____ / 5 Interview _______ / 5 Grade
_______ Pro ___________ / 5 Con __________ / 5
Changing Roles for Women Name
_________________ Name ________________ Name
_________________ Name ________________ Backgrou
nd ____/ 5 Total ________ / 25 Description
____ / 5 Interview _______ / 5 Grade
_______ Pro ___________ / 5 Con __________ / 5