Title: Wavefunction Imaging Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
1Wavefunction Imaging Scanning Tunneling
Microscopy K. McElroy, J. Lee, J. E. Hoffman,
E.W. Hudson, K. M. Lang, J. C. Seamus Davis
Local Density of Electronic States
0 256 Å
5.5 sq at 1.5, 2.75
256 Å
0 256 Å
91119c01 10mV
At 10s per spectrum, a 5122 pixel array requires
2.5X106 s (1 month)
0 256 Å
STS Instrument Design
Ultra Low Vibration lab Design
Rev. Sci. Inst. 70, 1459 (1999).
Load Lock
- Massive LeadConcrete Cryostat
- STM High Field Magnet
- Sample Exchange from RT
- Cryogenic UHV Cleavage
Turbo Pump
to Pumps
Lead Filled Table
Air Springs
Lead Legs
STM Head
Acoustic Bunker
High-field SC Magnet
Cuprate High-Tc Studies
Semiconductor Studies
CDW Studies
- Atomic resolution mK-STM
- Local state tunneling spectroscopy
- Spectroscopic mapping of Y2
Nanoscale e-disorder Vortex
Core-States Q. Interference
For a dopant atom in GaAs (at Tlt20mK) we have
demonstrated .
128 Å
56 nm 0-12mV LDOS,B5T
64 nm 12 mV LDOS, B0
26 nm -9mV LDOS, B0
15 nm Gapmap, B0
Nature 414 282 (2002) Science 296 455
(2002) Science 297, 1148 (2002)
Nature 411, 920 (2001)
- Atomic resolution mK-STM
- Vortex core tunneling spectroscopy
- Spectroscopic mapping of Y2 at Fe impurity atoms
Research Support