Title: Rossby Wave Radiation from Nontranslating and Moving Vortices
1Rossby Wave Radiation from Non-translating and
Moving Vortices
- Kyle Krouse
- Adam Sobel, Lorenzo Polvani
Department of Applied Mathematics and Applied
Physics Columbia University
2Motivation Multiple Cyclone Events
- Dispersion from a Tropical Cyclone relevant to
cyclogenesis - (e.g. Frank, 1982 Davidson Hendon, 1989)
- TC movement emits Rossby wave radiation in its
wake forming a wavetrain - (e.g. Carr Elsberry, 1995)
- Simple mathematical explanation for this
wavetrain? Particularly its wavelength?
3An Observed Multiple Cyclone Event
TC Jelawat exciting TC Ewiniar in WNP, Aug.,
2000. From Li et al, 2003
4Stationary Solutions
- Wavetrain is a stationary solution.
- Suspect that the wavetrain is due to Short
Wavelength Rossby wave dispersion - However, a non-translating vortex does not give
you a strong signal (e.g. Carr Elsberry, 1995)
5Our Idea
- If the steering flows for the cyclone and the
Rossby waves are the same ? expect no additional
stationary states from dispersion relation - BUT different steering flows ? a Doppler effect
might admit new stationary states
6Numerical Model STSWMNonlinear SWEs on the
7Numerical Model STSWMNonlinear forced SWEs on
the sphere
8Numerical Model STSWMNonlinear forced SWEs on
the sphere
9Numerical Model STSWMNonlinear forced SWEs on
the sphere
Average depth of system set to get correct
gravity wave speed H 250 m
10Numerical Experiment
- Localized forcing
- Nonlinear response near vortex
- Linear response in far-field
11Linear Analysis
- In far-field, dispersion relation instructive
- Rossby wave mechanism
- Near the tropics
- ? analyzing linear SWEs with equatorial
beta-plane approximation seems reasonable
12Dispersion Relation Non-translating Vortex
k zonal wavenumber n meridional wavenumber
13- No meaningful stationary points (? 0)
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16Dispersion Relation Translating Vortex
Relative motion between the flow relevant to
the vortex and the flow relevant to the Rossby
k zonal wavenumber n meridional wavenumber
17What is Ubar?
- Relative motion between different flows
- TC steering flow versus the flow that the waves
live on - The flows may be different
- TC-induced beta-gyres
- monsoon shears
- ubar 5 m/s reasonable
- imposed westward vortex motion ? the environment
is moving eastward from the vortex frame
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23Properties of the Solution
- Short-wavelength Rossby waves
- westward (absolute) phase propagation
- eastward energy propagation
- cyclonic anomaly is much stronger than in
non-translating case grows in time - catching phase that translates at ubar
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- A difference between the flows relevant to a
vortex and to the SW Rossby waves that it
radiates can result in a new stationary solution
to the SWEs. - These stationary SW Rossby wave solutions are of
the observed length scale in a Multiple Cyclone
event. - These waves excite a strong cyclonic anomaly to
the SE of the vortex, potentially important in
the spinup of a second vortex in a Multiple
Cyclone event.
My email address is kdk8_at_columbia.edu