Title: Teaching the gospel under a tree
1Teaching the gospel under a tree
2Raise your hand if you want to go to heaven
3The good Confession
4Into the Water
5Babes in Christ
6Filling the Baptistry
7Preaching in Malawi
8A Malawi Baptistery
9Baptizing in Malawi
10Baptizing in Malawi
11Boiled grapes for fruit of the vine
12Fruit of the vine for 1000s
13Mice for sale for food in Malawi
14Bible Classes in the Zimbabwe Schools
15A Church Building in Zimbabwe
16A Church Building in Zimbabwe
17A Church Building in Zimbabwe
18A Church Building in Malawi
19A Church Building in Malawi
20Preaching at Night
21Preaching at Night
22Preaching at Night
23Preaching at Night