Title: Farming and Stream Chemistry:
1Farming and Stream Chemistry
Can Connections be Found?
Live in a farming community
Often see ammonia tanks down street
Interested in chemistry
3My topic
How does agricultural practices affect stream
4What could be investigated?
Dissolved solids
Specific chemicals
Different farming practices
5Ive decided to look at two characteristics
pH--Common characteristic of water chemistry
Ammonia--Common chemical fertilizer used in
6My Problem
Does agricultural fertilization practices affect
stream pH and ammonia levels?
7How would I answer this question?
Identify a test region
Limit data to areas where agriculture would
affect stream chemistry the most
Discover when fertilization commonly occurs
Collect and analyst data
8Choosing an area
Had to be local
Had to have recent data
Data would have to cover several years
9Data chosen
White River Basin Study
USGS--National Water-Quality Assessment Program
10Limiting data to agriculturally significant
Drainage area of the stream had to be
higher than 90 agricultural uses
White River Study indicated four sites
Kessinger Ditch 6
Drainage 56.2 square miles Land Use 94
Kessinger Ditch 6 Drainage 56.2 square
miles Land Use 94 agriculture
Lost River 7
Drainage 34.8 square miles Land Use 94
Kessinger Ditch 6 Drainage 56.2 square
miles Land Use 94 agriculture Lost River
7 Drainage 34.8 square miles Land Use 94
Cliffty Creek 4
Drainage 87.9 square miles Land Use 98
Kessinger Ditch 6 Drainage 56.2 square
miles Land Use 94 agriculture Lost River
7 Drainage 34.8 square miles Land Use 94
agriculture Cliffty Creek 4 Drainage 87.9
square miles Land Use 98 agriculture
Sugar Creek 2
Drainage 93.4 square miles Land Use 95
15When does ammonia fertilization occur?
Begins Middle March
Peaks Middle April-Middle May
Ends Early June
Indiana Agricultural Statistics Crop and
Weather Reports Ammonia fertilization
16The Data
Approximately 300 data pointsBetween May 1991
and Sept. 1999
17The Analysis
pH values and Ammonia concentrations were
sorted by month
Then averaged
Then graph
18Data Results
19Graphical Representations
20Graphical Representations
21Analysis pH
22Analysis pH
pH peaks during February and March
pH trends downward during fertilization
pH should increase when ammonia, a base, is
23Analysis Ammonia
24Analysis Ammonia
Ammonia concentrations rise during the
fertilization period
Ammonia concentrations show an odd peak
during January
Ammonia concentrations should rise with
increased use as fertilizer
Fertilization practices does not appear to impact
stream pH
Fertilization practices does appear to impact
stream ammonia concentrations
Explaining January and February in Ammonia graph
Defining agricultural use
Does non-agricultural use land show similar
27Sources of Data
First Slide Citation 9 Selected data from
the White River Basin study available for
downloading http//in.water.usgs.gov/nawqa/wr06
000.htm Viewed on June 30, 2003
15 Indiana Agricultural Statistics, Crop and
Weather Reports http//www.nass.usda.gov/in/c
ropwheat/2002.htm Viewed on June 30, 2003
28Sources of Graphics
Slide and Graphic Citation
1-Red barn farm free images to download for your
website http//www.designedtoat.com/farm.shtml
July 3, 2003 2-White barn USGA CIRC 1150
Summery of Findings http//water.usgs.gov/pubs/c
irc/circ1150/nawqa91.2.html July 3,
2003 2-Ammonia tank Personal photo
29Sources of Graphics
Slide and Graphic Citation
9-White River Basin White River Basin
Study http//www-dinind.er.usgs.gov/nawqa/wrnaw
qa.htm July 3, 2003 9-USGS Banner Fixed
station surface-water monitoring
network http//www-dinind.er.usgs.gov/nawqa/wr0
5001.htm July 3, 2003 11-WRBS Sites Fixed
station surface-water monitoring
network http//www-dinind.er.usgs.gov/nawqa/wr0
5001.htm July 3, 2003
30Sources of Graphics
Slide and Graphic Citation
16-Nutrient data Selected nutrientsin surface
water http//in.water.usgs.gov/nawqa/wr06006.ht
m June 30, 2003