Title: Rain Logger System
1Rain Logger System
- Christine Lee
- Matthew Mattson
- Zoe Cook
- Buck Jeffcott
- ISM 4331
- Florida Gulf Coast University
- November 6, 2003
A system is needed that accurately keeps track of
rainfall amounts. These amounts should then be
viewable when requested by the user.
The application being developed will be called
the Rain Logger System. It will provide data for
tracking rainfall measurements.
3Decomposition Description
Architecture Diagram
4Dependency Description
5Interface Description
6Detailed Design
Pseudocode for GUI
Declare variables for Rainfall Amount, Date, and
Time. Retrieve the date from the rain
logger. Retrieve the time from the rain
logger. Retrieve the rainfall amount from the
rain logger. Display date, time, and rainfall on
GUI. Set Update button to display the variables
date, time, and rainfall once it is selected. Set
the variables to be reset and cleared once the
user presses the Clear button. Reset the rainfall
amount on the rain logger back to 0. Exit the
Pseudocode from Visual Basic for serial port data
Open Communications Port 2 on the terminal. Set
to display if connected. Set port settings to
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data, and 1 stop. Tell
the control to read entire buffer when Input
used. Send attention command to the rain
gauge. Display Serial Port Connected.
7State Diagrams
Update Rainfall Feature
8State Diagrams (Cont)
Clear Rainfall Feature
- What needs to be done?
- Coding for connecting the GUI to the text file
- Coding for communication between com port and
rain gauge - Finishing touches on the GUI screen
- Test the coding of the software
- Check for errors
- User Manual