Research Needs and Knowledge Gaps in Habitat Hydraulic Modeling for Salmonid Species in Atlantic Can - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Research Needs and Knowledge Gaps in Habitat Hydraulic Modeling for Salmonid Species in Atlantic Can


Benthos, primary productivity, macrophytes, algae, and trophic linkages with fish ... D models better for understanding conditions for benthic fishes and benthos (is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Research Needs and Knowledge Gaps in Habitat Hydraulic Modeling for Salmonid Species in Atlantic Can

Research Needs and Knowledge Gaps in Habitat
Hydraulic Modeling for Salmonid Species in
Atlantic Canada
  • David A. Scruton
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • St. Johns, Newfoundland CANADA

  • Background
  • Institutional Setting in Canada
  • Biotic Considerations
  • Biological Criteria
  • Abiotic Considerations
  • Hydrologic/Hydraulic Aspects
  • Habitat Limiting Considerations
  • Migration Considerations
  • Scaling
  • Temporal Aspects
  • Integration
  • Monitoring and Adaptive Management
  • New Approaches/New Metrics

  • Hydraulic modeling has achieved a high degree of
    acceptance and sophistication e.g. 1-D, 2-D, and
    3-D capabilities
  • Biological models within habitat-hydraulic
    modeling are less well developed, largely as a
    result of the assumption that biological
    communities are limited and controlled by
    physical habitat (D, V, S)
  • Many other biotic and abiotic influences are not
  • This is an area that requires much research and
    development and is the focus of this talk

Institutional Setting
  • Water resource management is a joint regulatory
    responsibility of federal and provincial (n10)
    or territorial (n3) governments
  • Federal responsibility fish habitat
    management/conservation and river navigation
  • Provincial responsibility water management and

Institutional Setting Federal
  • Fisheries Act
  • Prevents harmful alteration, disruption or
    destruction of fish habitat (HADD)
  • Requires adequate water for habitat maintenance
    and migration/fish passage
  • Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat
  • Provisions for habitat conservation (NNL),
    habitat restoration and habitat development (net
  • Strong Sustainable Development and Conservation

Institutional SettingProvincial (NF)
  • Water Resources Management Act
  • Responsibility for the control, development,
    improvement and proper utilization of water
  • Allocates water use based on competing users
  • Controls pollution
  • Strong Development Focus

Biotic Considerations
  • There are a large number of biotic processes
    that, in addition to physical habitat, determine
    fish populations and fish production and these
    are rarely included in habitat hydraulic models.
  • Food
  • Competition (intra-, inter-specific)
  • Predation
  • Disease
  • Growth
  • Survival/mortality
  • Fertility (fecundity)
  • Density dependence
  • Exploitation

Biotic Considerations (2)
  • Need to consider all aspects of the biological
    community, not just fish
  • Benthos, primary productivity, macrophytes,
    algae, and trophic linkages with fish
  • Aspects of alteration of energy dynamics
    controlling production (photosynthetic process,
    allocthonous sources detritis, etc.)

Biotic Considerations (3)
  • For salmonids in northern climates, basic
    knowledge of winter biology of species (habitat
    selection and use, activity and behaviour,
    feeding) is lacking
  • Winter is a major regulator of salmonid life
    histories and salmonids have developed strategies
    for over-wintering very different from open
    water period
  • For some salmonids, considerations of
    territoriality is critical as available habitat
    may be strongly influenced by this trait

Biological Criteria Development
  • Need to develop improved habitat suitability/use
  • Need to develop criteria for all aspects of life
    histories (life stage, seasons)
  • Criteria for all abiotic conditions
  • Large river, deep water conditions
  • River specific versus generalized/regional
    habitat criteria
  • Methods of developing criteria
  • Weighting by availability
  • Equal area sampling
  • Curve fitting techniques

Biological Criteria Development (2)
  • Methods of combining and integrating criteria
  • multivariate relationships
  • 3-D response surfaces
  • Logistic regression approaches
  • use of dimensionless metrics (e.g. Froude number)
  • Transferability of criteria and models and true
  • Basic need for testing, field validation,
    transferability assessment

Abiotic Considerations
  • Macro-Habitat Considerations
  • Macro-habitat variables poorly integrated into
    current modeling approaches
  • Currently only temperature and some water quality
    aspects considered
  • Slope and gradient, channel stability, sinuosity
    are important in defining river character ata
    larger scale
  • Relative scope of flow alterations (i.e. flow
    changes affect small rivers proportionally more
    than large rivers)

Abiotic Considerations
  • Flow regimens to maintain channel dynamics and
    substrate conditions (e.g. flushing flows) need
    to be considered
  • Source of spawning substrates, woody debris, and
    other habitat features (riparian conditions)
  • Relationships between surface water flows and
    groundwaters (critical for egg incubation, early
    survival, thermal refugia)
  • Spawning fish may seek down-welling or upwelling
    conditions and not the surface water velocities
  • Consideration and inclusion of of cover variables
    in modeling process

Hydrology/Hydraulic Aspects
  • Relative benefits of higher resolution, more
    sophisticated hydraulic models (1-D, 2-D, and
    3-D) needs to be rigorously evaluated
  • Are 3-D models better for understanding
    conditions for benthic fishes and benthos (is the
    resolution sufficient), incorporation of other
    abiotic variables (e.g. shear stress)?
  • Appropriate data collection needs for the various
    hydraulic models (spatial density of transects or
    measurement points, in 3 dimensions), model
    calibration and validation
  • Tradeoffs versus data collection requirements and
    resolution versus data quality objectives

Hydrology/Hydraulic Aspects (2)
  • Models to address all aspects of flow alteration
    regulation and reductions, diversions and
    augmentations, peaking power production
  • Models abilities to predict substrate conditions
    needs to be as reliable as for depth and velocity
  • Solutions for difficult conditions to model -
    braided complex channels, chutes and cascades,
    areas of constriction, flow accretions from
    numerous tributaries and/or groundwater sources,
    transverse flows and/or large lateral variation
    in WSE

Habitat Limiting Considerations
  • Generally considered that fish populations may be
    more influenced by habitat limiting events than
    by constancy of habitat quality
  • Habitat limiting events can be acute or chronic
  • Salmonids may compensate for poor survival at one
    life stage with improved growth or survival at
  • Winter conditions (ice cover, frazil ice, anchor
    ice), importance of substrate (voids or
    interstices are important habitat) and less
    importance of depth or velocity
  • Spate conditions (velocity refugia, displacement,
    etc.), models do not include important velocity
    shelters (boulder clusters, woody debris, under
    cut banks, etc.)

Habitat Limiting Considerations (2)
  • Need to identify the true habitat limiting
    variable which may not be the classic depth,
    velocity, substrate
  • Timing of flow events winter peak flows (thaws)
    can be related to poor egg to fry survival
  • Species survival indices (curves) for areas
    exposed to droughts and harsh over-wintering
  • Flow increases need to find velocity shelters
    stress index
  • In peaking production there may be an energetic
    cost of frequently changing flow conditions (i.e.
    constantly seeking refugia and food)

Migration Considerations
  • Criteria needs to be developed for migratory
    needs (upstream adult migration, downstream smolt
    and kelt movements)
  • Some habitats may be only valuable as migratory
  • Depth/velocity, channel width, flow stimulus
  • May require site specific analyses (difficult
    points of passage, falls, chutes)

  • It is widely recognized that viable habitat
    hydraulic models need to integrate across a
    variety of spatial scales
  • Micro-habitat
  • Meso-habitats (riffles, pools, etc.)
  • Stream reach
  • Tributary
  • Catchment/watershed
  • Variation within and across spatial scales
  • Need to match resolution of criteria development
    and hydraulic simulation with appropriate scale

Temporal Aspects
  • Research is lacking in temporal aspects of
    habitat requirements (hourly, daily, monthly
  • Issues of timing, magnitude and duration of
    habitat quantity and quality and relationships to
    individuals, populations and communities
  • In peaking production, need to consider both the
    magnitude and rate of change (ramping rate)
  • Current time series approaches are too simplistic
    (apply a static function HSI to discharge
  • Some consideration of exceedance criteria or
    thresholds (e.g. CUT curves) to link to limiting

  • A major shortcoming of habitat hydraulic modeling
    is the need to integrate within a species at the
    population level and for multiple species at the
    community level
  • Consideration of habitat bottlenecks, critical
    life history phases, and compensating mechanisms
    within species
  • Equating flow related mechanisms to fish
    populations and production (productive capacity)
  • Considerations of connectivity and adjacency
    (e.g. fry rearing habitats near spawning
    habitats, over-wintering habitats near rearing
  • Trophic inter-connectivity

Monitoring and Adaptive Management
  • Follow up monitoring and refinement for
    validation of instream flow studies has been
  • Adaptive Management (AM) process
  • What metrics should be measured as the
    appropriate biological response (habitat
    conditions, fish populations, production)?
  • What time scale (life cycles of important biota)?
  • For AM to work, response variables must point the
    appropriate management action (i.e. cause-effect)

New Approaches/New Metrics
  • Alternative Sampling Strategies/Tools
  • Hydrodynamic potential (drag coefficient, relate
    to ability to find shelter and resist velocity)
  • Dimensionless habitat attributes (e.g. Froude
    number, Reynolds number)
  • Statistical hydraulic models coupled with
    multivariate habitat use models
  • Mechanistic or bioenergetic modeling
  • Spatial niche approach
  • Landscape ecology concepts

New Approaches/New Metrics
  • Mechanistic or bioenergetic modeling
  • biological parameters fish size, swimming
    ability, reaction distance
  • Habitat parameters Water velocity, depth,
    temperature, and turbidity
  • Food Density and size distribution of prey
  • Use bioenergetics concepts to estimate NEG to
    predict stream position
  • attractive alternative to index curve approaches

New Approaches/New Metrics
  • Spatial Niche Approach
  • Flow dependent characteristics of spatial niches
    used to consider generalized community based
  • A fish community may be partitioned by species
    and life stages into a simple spatial matrix
    representing habitat use along a gradient of
    depth and velocity
  • linkages of meso and macro-scale process driven
    biological models

New Approaches/New Metrics
  • Landscape Ecology
  • Landscape ecology metrics may integrate across
    habitat interfaces and implicitly integrate
    biotic functions (e.g. territoriality, predation)
  • adjacency or edge effect
  • spatial heterogeneity, patch size
  • fractal dimension or contagion
  • diversity or evenness indices
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