Risk Indicators in the equity market - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Risk Indicators in the equity market


In 1996 FED Chairman Alan Greenspan postulated the long term ... Persistent divergence from this underlying process was then to ... K.Berge, G.Consigli and W. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Risk Indicators in the equity market

X workshop on Quantitative Finance Politecnico
di Milano, 29-30.1.2009
Risk Indicators in the equity market
giorgio.consigli_at_unibg.it Joint work with L.
MacLean, Y. Zhao and W.T. Ziemba
  • Financial instability
  • The US equity market
  • The asset pricing model
  • Parameter estimation
  • Market evidence
  • Conclusions and future research

1. Financial instability
  • In 1996 FED Chairman Alan Greenspan postulated
    the long term tendency of stock market yields to
    fluctutate around the 10 year Treasury rate.
  • Persistent divergence from this underlying
    process was then to be intepreted as a signal of
    either over or undervaluation of the equity
  • This idea translates into an extremely practical
    and easy relative value principle for investment
    decisions at strategic level
  • The presence of a bubble can in this setting be
    detected by a departure of the market index from
    its theoretical value determined, given current
    earning expectation, by the 10 year rate.

Irrational exuberance
  • Greenspan speech came after the 1987 WS crisis
    and shortly before the 1997 crisis and the 2000
    dot.com crisis.
  • At the end of 1998, a widespread instability
    affected the Hedge fund industry, due to
    speculative international strategies across
    equity and bond markets.
  • A speculative bubble also drove the surge and
    fall of far-east markets resulting in the early
    90s series of crises and the 1995 crisis in
  • The list might continue and motivates this work,
    in which we propose a stochastic model for equity
    and bond returns, that under certain conditions
    is able to capture a growing, yet unexpressed
    source of instability

Irrational exuberance
Irrational exuberance
Irrational exuberance
The implied volatility index (VIX, CBOT)
  • Since Jan 1990, the CBOT quotes daily estimates
    of an aggregate measure of implied volatility om
    ATM 30 day options on SP500.
  • The index reflects agents expectations on forward
    (forthcoming) market movements and provides a gap
    measure between historical and forward equity
  • According to the structural approach to credit
    risk, implied volatility is also a key variable
    to assess the credit cycle and provides a direct
    signal of market uncertainty over future
    corporate earnings
  • We propose in the model this additional risk
    factor as driver, warning signal, of forthcoming
    market instability

The implied volatility index (VIX, CBOT)
Instability source
  • We build on these ideas and propose an approach
    to risk control relying on a market model with
    endogenous instability factors.
  • We focus primarily on the equity market. Bonds
    and cash complete the market model
  • Price movements are defined by GBM for bonds and
    GBM plus a marked point process for stocks
  • We wish to link the behaviour of the point
    process to the introduced instability factors

2. The asset pricing model
  • We consider a market including a cash account,
    the SP500 index and the 10 year Treasury note.
  • The stock and bond prices are random processes
    defined in an appropriate probability space
    representing the uncertain market
  • The bond-stock yield differential and the VIX
    process may determine a departure of market
    values from a theoretical value.
  • We use the following notation

Asset pricing
  • The dynamics of price movements are defined by a
    Wiener process for bonds and a Cox process for
    stocks. Let
  • We capture the equity and bond correlation and
    the dependence of the equity process on the risk
    factors directly introducing a model with random
  • We assume that volatilies remain constant over
    time while

Asset pricing
  • The risk process dynamics for market instability
    are captured by dR
  • We separate positive from negative shocks and
    employ a threshold regression method to estimate
    the significance of each risk factor
  • Market stress is defined through a discordance

Asset pricing (ctd)
  • Shock intensities are assumed to depend
    monotonically on the stress generated by the risk
  • An increasing intensity implies a Weibull process
    so that follows a Weibull distribution with
    density for i1,2 (up and down shocks

Asset pricing (ctd)
  • The distinguishing feature of the asset pricing
    model is the risk process
  • The parameters of the market processes are
  • It is assumed that the risk factors characterize
    market stress, which in turn affects shocks to
    equity prices through the model parameters

3. Parameters estimation
  • The estimation methodology employs a threshold
    regression methodology.
  • A shock sequence is initially assumed relying on
    excesses beyond a pair of positive and negative
  • Given the shock sequence, conditional ML is
  • Then the shock sequence is updated
  • For every shock sequence the dependence on the
    stress factors is directly evaluated
  • The procedure stops when the loglikelihood
    function is maximised for the given shock sequence

distributions (ctd)
  • Consider
  • The conditional distribution of the increments
    given the jump sequence is bivariate normal with

parameter estimation (ctd)
  • Again given the jump sequence it is
    straightforward to estimate
  • The likelihood for given the jump sequence
    and actual shock times

parameters estimation
  • The method proceeds as follows
  • 1. Set stress weights and calculate stress values
  • 2. Calculate the empirical distributions for
    positive and negative shocks over the sample
  • 3. Specify a grid size, an initial tail area and
    a step, identify positive and negative shock
  • 4. Calculate for the given shock sequence the
    cond ML coefficients
  • Back to 3 until the best shock sequence is
  • The diffusion and jum size parameters are
    estimated by maximizing the loglikelihood
  • The Weibull parameters are estimated from

4. Computational evidence
  • We present now estimation results and test two
    market hypotheses underlying the model
  • Parameter estimation is based on the described ML
    estimation conditioning on ar given jump
  • Starting from an initial 1 excess with steps
    0.05 we span the tail area

Diffusion parameters
Risk process parameters
  • Given these estimates we can perform a forecast
    experiment over the entire sample 1990-2007
  • Starting from January 1, 1990, the
    predicted/expected increments were calculated
    over the subsequent time peirod as

  • We have simulated out of sample 2000 daily
    trajectories for the estimated Cox process with
    shock magnitude and frequency explicitly
    dependent on the BSYR over the 20 years.

SP500 (blue)
computational evidence
  • In most cases the fits are good. The weights
    which gave the best fit, w0 (full VIX) are the
    same for positive and negative shocks
  • In many time points the BSYD is closer to actual
    price dynamics
  • The best convex combination is given by w0.75

Shocks probability
Results Tests on market hypotheses over the
entrie sample
  • Risk premium
  • We estimate the SP implicit risk premium by
    testing the FED equilibrium condition the null
  • is rejected at the 95 with a difference of
    6,78 interpreted as a constant risk premium in
    the market
  • Bubble
  • The shock driver can very well be associated with
    risk sources other than the two here considered
  • The logikelihood ratio test for the cox process
    is significant on the 99 confidence interval
  • 2(A.loglikelihood B.loglikelihood) 124.19 gt
    6.6349, X2(1) with 99 confidence

Conclusions and further work
  • The presented market model integrates common
    practitioners beliefs within a satisfactory
    analytical framework
  • The Cox process instantiates an endogenous source
    of instability and a novel estimation procedure
    has been implemented with the reported results
  • We will then extend the analysis to other markets
    (Nasdaq, Eurostoxx, etc.)
  • The solution of the associated stochastic control
    problem with alternative risk-return payoffs will

  • Consigli, G., 2002. Tail estimation and
    mean-variance portfolio selection in markets
    subject to financial instability. Journal of
    Banking and Finance 267, 1355-1382
  • Koivu, M., Pennanen, T., Ziemba, W.T., 2005,
    Cointegration of the Fed model, Finance Research
    Letters 2, 248-259.
  • K.Berge, G.Consigli and W.T.Ziemba (2008). The
    Predictive Ability of the bond-stock earnings
    yield differential in relation to the Equity risk
    premium, The Journal of Portfolio Management
    34.3, 6380
  • G.Consigli, L.M.MacLean, Y. Zhao and W.T.Ziemba
    (2009). The Bond-Stock Yield Differential as a
    Risk Indicator in Financial markets. To appear in
    The Journal of Risk 11(3)
  • L.M.MacLean, Y.Zhao, G.Consigli, W.T.Ziemba
    (2008). Estimating parameters in a pricing model
    with state dependent shocks. Handbook of
    Financial Engineering, P.M. Pardalos, M.Doumpos
    and C. Zopounidis (Eds), Springer-Verlag,
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