Title: The Hittites
1 The Hittites the Beginning of the Iron Age
2Hittite Empire
4Hattusas Capital of the Hittites
5Hattusas Lions Gate
6Hittite Chariots Warriors
7Hittite Writing
8A Balance of Power 1200 B. C. E.
9The Battle of Kadesh
Ramses II at Kadesh
Treaty of Kadesh
103B. The Phoenicians Transmitters of
11Phoenician Sea Routes
12A Phoenician Bireme Ship
13The Royal Purple Dye
14Phoenician City of ByblosHome of the Alphabet
15Phoenician Alphabet
16Carthage Phoenicias Mightiest Colony
173C. The Assyrian Empire
18The Assyrian Empire
19Assyrian Military Power
Assyrian soldiers carrying away the enemys gods.
20Jewish Captives 8c BCE
21Babylon under the Chaldeans
22Nebuchadnezzar IIs Babylon
23Ishtar Gate
24Hanging Gardensof Babylon?
25Israelites in Captivity
26Alexander the Great the Hellenization of the
Near East
27The Great Library at Alexandria.Egypt