Title: Point Biserial Correlation
1Point Biserial Correlation
- Correlation Coefficient between a Binary Variable
and a Continuous Variable
2Gender and Math Score
4Binary Variable
5Mean and Variance of a Binary Variable
6Math Scores Y
7Binary variable and Continuous Variable
8Scatter Plot for X and Y
9Male Group Mean
10Female Group Mean
11Regression on Categories
12Regression Line
13The Point Biserial
- Geometrical Representation
14Slope of Regression Line
15Slope of Regression Line
M1 M0
16Slope of Regression Line in Obtained Scores
17Slope of Regression Line
18Point Biserial Correlation in Obtained Scores
19Point Biserial Correlation in Obtained Scores
20Standard Deviations for X and Y
21Point Biserial Correlation in Obtained Scores
22Point Biseial Coefficient of Correlation
23Coefficient of Determination
24rp.bis Squared
25Coefficient of Determination
26Variance of Predicted Scores
27Predicted Variance
28Variance of Error Scores
29Variance of Error Scores
30Summary Table
31Means and Variances