Title: CUORE, CUORICINO: Results and perspectives
1CUORE, CUORICINO Results and perspectives
Chiara Brofferio
Università di Milano Bicocca and INFN, Sez. di
On behalf of the CUORICINO and CUORE
Neutrino Telescopes Venice, 22-25 February 2005
2Some basic concepts on bolometers
3The CUORICINO set-up
I run 29 5x5x5 15 3x3x6 TOTAL 130Te MASS
59 moles
II run 40 5x5x5 17 3x3x6 TOTAL 130Te MASS
83 moles
4CUORICINO results (1)
Calibration (U Th) sum spectrum of all the
The best energy resolution (790 g) _at_ 2615 keV is
3.9 keV
5CUORICINO results (2)
Updated to 6th Dec 04
Background sum spectrum of all the big detectors
in the DBD region
MT 10.8 kg y (big small, natural) BKG 0.18
0.01 counts/ (kev kg y)
FWHM (790g) 7.8 keV (330g) 12.3 keV
T1/20n (130Te) gt 1.8 x 1024 y (90 c.l.)
mee lt 0.2 1.1 eV
6CUORICINO and the NME models
Is CUORICINO able to scrutinize the HM experiment
mee 50 meV half life for different nuclei and
models 1026 y
7CUORICINO discovery potential
Expected event number in 3 y in a 16 keV energy
window (2 FWHM)
1 s BKG fluctuation (0.18 16 40.7 3)0.5
(to be compared with 28.75 events of the HM
claim, with a BKG level which is 0.11 / 0.18
0.6 lower in HM and with an energy resolution
which is 2.5 x better in HM)
8CUORICINO background model (1)
We have identified 4 possible sources for the
residual BKG in the DBD region
- Neutrons
- 208Tl multi-compton events
- b and a from TeO2 surface
- b and a from Cu (or other mat.) surfaces
- facing the crystals
9CUORICINO background model (2)
Surface contaminations determine peaks at the a
energy, with tails (shape depending on
contamination depth)
contam. contribute
surface contamination level 1 ng/g vs bulk
c.l. lt 1 (0.1) pg/g for Cu (TeO2)
10CUORE in Gran Sasso Labs
11CUORE detector and shieldings
12The CUORE background
Full Montecarlo simulation on the basis of the
CUORICINO and Mi DBD background analysis
We aim at reaching AT LEAST a reduction by a
factor 10 in Cu surface contamination and by a
factor 4 in TeO2 surface contamination
13Surface Contamination Reduction
148-detectors Array
158-detectors vs. Cuoricino
16Development of surface-sensitive bolometers
Use a thin Ge (or TeO2) crystal to make a
composite bolometer
17Development of prototypes
18Preliminary very encouraging results
19CUORE background and sensitivity
- Cuoricino experiment may confirm the HM claim
soon, provided the nuclear matrix elements are
reasonably favourable
- A full Montecarlo simulation for CUORE has been
developed, on the basis of the CUORICINO and Mi
DBD background analysis
- A big RD work is going on to reduce the BKG, in
order to permit to CUORE experiment to
investigate the inverse hierarchy region of the
neutrino mass pattern