Title: Neonatal ECMO Study of Temperature
1Neonatal ECMO Study of Temperature
2Basic ECMO circuit
3ECMO Study follow-up at four
4Outcome classification
- Normal
- Impairment No functional loss
- Disability
- Mild Little or no support
- Moderate Needs aids or assistance
- Severe Constant supervision
5Results Cognitive
6Results Cognitive
7Results - Neuromotor
8Results General health
9Results Behaviour
10Results Hearing
11Outcome at four years of age
12Results Overall
13Overall outcome
- Infants receiving ECMO represent a high risk
group for cerebral injury - Mild hypothermia appears to be a promising means
of offering neuroprotection following hypoxic
ischaemic injury
15Pilot Study Progress
- Stage I 1998 -1999
- Twenty neonates recruited
- Cooled for first 12 hours of ECMO
- No significant problems found.
- Stage II 2000 -2001
- Twenty neonates recruited
- Cooled for the first 24 hours of ECMO
- Stage III 2001
- Five neonates recruited
- Cooled to 340c core temperature for the
- first 48 hours of ECMO
- 25 consecutive neonates referred for ECMO (n
5 per group) - Group 1 (Control) Core temp at 370c for five
days - Group 2 360c for 24 hours
- Group 3 350c for 24 hours
- Group 4 340c for 24 hours
- Group 5 340c for 48 hours
17MethodProtocol Blood Sampling Points
ECMO Cannulation (VA or VV-DLC)
37 0C
48 H
2 H
12 H
24 H
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
36 H
Infants were carefully assessed clinically and
biologically Blood Samples were drawn from the
ECMO circuit sampling port at the times shown
- Serum Assays
- Cytokines IL6 and IL8
- Molecular Markers of Coagulation
- Thrombin-Antithrombin III, Antithrombin III,
Plasmin ?2 plasminogen - Complement C3a
- Heparin and Platelet Transfusion Requirements
- Oxygenator resistance calculated 2, 12 and 24
hourly thereafter using the formula - Pre-oxygenator pressure - post-oxygenator
pressure(mmHg) - circuit blood flow
20Summary of Demographic Data for Study Groups
Comparison of groups by Kruskal-Wallis test (df
4) values are median (range)
21Median Group Core Temperature During Study Period
- Comparing groups 1-5, median rectal temperature
SD at 24 hours - (Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared 23.3,
df 4, plt0.001)
22 Progress and Complications During the Study
Comparison of groups by Kruskal-Wallis (df
4) Bleeding at cannula site due to heparin bolus
23Cardiovascular Data During Cooling and Rewarming
Denotes patients not cooled
Values are median (range)
- No systemic difference between groups for
- Molecular markers of coagulation
- Complement C3a
- Cytokines IL6 and IL8
- Platelet transfusion requirements
- Oygenator resistance
25 Mean IL6 (Temperature Groups)
26Mean C3a (Temperature Groups)
- Applying mild hypothermia (340C) for 24 or 48
hours of neonatal ECMO appears feasible and safe - No major complications related to mild
hypothermia were observed in this study.
28The next steps
- A randomised controlled trial
29Trial outline
- Research question to be addressed Does cooling
neonates (neonate less than or equal to 28 days
of age) requiring ECMO to 34oC for the first 48
to 72 hours of their ECMO run result in improved
Bayley scores at 2 years of age? - Trial design Pragmatic multi-centre randomised
controlled trial.
30Trial outline
- Eligibility
- Meeting standard ECMO criteria but no congenital
diaphragmatic hernias and no post cardiac ECMO
31Trial outline
- Blinding
- Randomisation
- Consent
32Trial outline
- Minimisation by approach to ECMO (VV or VA).
33Trial outline
- ECMO management
- Organisation
34Trial outline
- Trial end points
- Primary outcome MDI of the Bayley scales (34) at
age of 2 years (24 - 27 months). - Note Where the MDI cannot be assessed because of
severe disability or death, a score of either 40
or 0 will be recorded respectively.
35Trial outline
- Secondary outcomes
- Death
- Outcome of a structured neurological assessment
- Results of simple questionnaire completed by
parents about their childs health at two years
of age. - PDI of the Bayley scales
- Visuospatial assessment
- Testers rating of child behaviour
36Trial Size
- Intention-to-treat analysis
- Pre specified secondary analyses by disease
severity and diagnosis
38Other issues
39Thank you